Details of a can - Pepsi




  • Canada






Other cans from same set:

CANETTE ACOLLECTIONNER R2-D2 There are many astromech droids, but this brave R2 unit stands lone. Besides saving the Queen's ship, he Comes to the ald of Joung Anakin in a desperate moment. Ce brave R2 a su se demarquer de tous les autres droides astromech. Non seulement a-t-il sauvé le savire de Queen Amidala, mais Il a aussi reussi à sortir le jeune Anakin d'une situation plutot désespérée. in Ld.A TM Resserved. ents No 7 OLL ECT OR O AN R2-D2

CAN COLLECT R2-D2 There are many astromech droids aim this brave R2 unit stands lone. Besides saving the Queen's ship, he Comes to the ald of Joung Anakin in a desperate moment. This brave R2 knew how to stand out from all other droids astromech. No only did he save the queen savire Amidala, but He also managed to get the youngster out Anakin of a situation rather desperate. in Ld.A TM Resserved. ents No 7 OLL ECT OR O AN R2-D2
