Details of a can - Miller




  • United Kingdom







Lite Miller Miller Beer Certificate Miller Lite is a fine pilsner beer brewed by a special process that ferments most of the sugars into alcohol. Each 440ml can contains on average analysis: Calories I18, Protein 1.0 gram, * Carbohydrates 2.9 gram, Alcohol by Volume 4.2%. Brewed from the finest ingredients, Miller Lite has a smooth dean taste which gives a full refreshing flavour. Jite jite JE PILSN AE FILS Miller & BEER SEEF BEER sele SERVE CHILLED A ఓ03A SERVE CHILLED RS NER 440 ML ORIGINAL GRAVITY 10309-103 FINE ER 5 "0 100 15"033349 A FIN BREWED IN THE U.K. BY COURAGE LIMITED, LONDON, SE 1 UNDER LICENCE FR OM MILLER BREWING COMPANY U.S.A.

Lite Miller Miller Beer Certificate Miller Lite is a fine pilsner beer brewed by a special process that ferments most of the sugars into alcohol. Each 440ml can contains on average analysis: Calories I18, Protein 1.0 gram, * Carbohydrates 2.9 gram, Alcohol by Volume 4.2%. Brewed from the finest ingredients, Miller Lite has a smooth dean taste which gives a full refreshing flavour. Jite jite JE PILSN AE FILS Miller & BEER SEEF BEER sele SERVE CHILLED A ఓ03A SERVE CHILLED RS NER 440 ML ORIGINAL GRAVITY 10309-103 FINE ER 5 "0 100 15"033349 A FIN BREWED IN THE U.K. BY COURAGE LIMITED, LONDON, SE 1 UNDER LICENCE FR OM MILLER BREWING COMPANY U.S.A.
