Details of a can - Faxe




  • Denmark







Brygget som "mellanöl" af de fineste rårare, ste ravarer, Direkte importeret fra Faxe Bryggeri i Danmart. Leverander til det danske folk siden 1901 FAXEE DEN STORE DANSKEN SKEN BRYGGER Hele Sveriges eneste ægte danske el. Til fest, til mad eller blot til tørst. FAME taske al. Tust HI Danmark. 1901 og på underjordisk kildevand. Uden pasteurisering, så de fine smagsnuancer bevares. Anpasset til svensk alkoholstyrke. En halv liter Faxe øl indeholder lige så meget alkohol som en svensk snaps (4 c). (FAXE hand II DEN STORE lobal Bryggt på Faxe's underjordiska kälvatten lhaten med malt, råfrukt och humle. Tillsatt koldioxid och antioxidationsmedel (E24 de (E 224. Energi: 135 kj per 100 g. Alkoholhalt: max 2,8 vikt %. Bör bevares kallt och serveras vellylad lylad NSKEN FAXE BRYGGERI A/S DK-4640 Fakse 50 cl MPORTERET 290 60 50d 29060 TEN OTE wOu 0,50 L 50 CL 500 ML - 17,6 FL. OZ. · ÔI KL. II - BIER BEER BIERE BIRRA BIER CAT. I e STAMW. 8,7% • 0.G. 1035 · ŠACC.VOL. 9,0% · MIN. 3,0% VOL. ALC. MIN. 2,4% W/W ALC. 薑一 5 741000 028001 BAST FORE MINDESTENS HALTBAR BIS-BEST BEFORE A CONS OMMER DE PREFERENCE AVANT- DA CONSUMARSI ENTRO TEN MINSTE HOUDBAR TOT

Brewed as "medium beer" by the finest raw, ste ravarer, Directly imported from Faxe Brewery in Danmart. Supplies to the Danish people since 1901 FAXEE THE GREAT DANISH SKEN BRYGGER All of Sweden's only genuine Danish el. For party, for food or just for thirst. FAME bag al. Tust HI Denmark. 1901 and on underground spring water. Without pasteurization, so that the fine flavor nuances are preserved. Adapted to Swedish alcohol strength. Half a liter of Faxe beer contains just as much alcohol as a Swedish schnapps (4 c). (FAXE hand II THE BIG lobal Brewed on Faxe's underground river lhaten with malt, raw fruit and hops. Added carbon dioxide and antioxidants (E24 de (E 224. Energy: 135 kj per 100 g. Alcohol content: max. 2.8% by weight. Should be kept cold and served well-groomed NSKEN FAXE BRYGGERI A / S DK-4640 Fax 50 cl REPORTED 290 60 50d 29060 TEN OTE wOu 0.50 L 50 CL 500 ML - 17.6 FL. OZ. · KLI KL. II - BEER BEER BEER BIRRA BEER CAT. IN and STAMW. 8.7% • 0.G. 1035 · ŠACC.VOL. 9.0% · MIN. 3.0% VOL. ALC. MINE. 2.4% W / W ALC. 一 一 5 741000 028001 BAST FORE AT LEAST DURABLE BIS-BEST BEFORE A CONS OMMER OF PREFERENCE ADVANTAGE- EN CONSUMERSI ENTRO AT LEAST SUSTAINABLE UNTIL
