Details of a can - Watson S


Watson S


  • China







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夜的秀场 新是我的主场 水、食品添加剂二氧化碳、碳酸氢納)委托方及生. 氏食品饮料有限公司 地址:广州经济技术开发区特绣9号产 广州市(C) 食品生产许可证编号: SC10640160072) 广东健力宝股份有限公司地址。佛山市三水区西南街造金港密38, 第码528100 产地:广东省佛山市J)食品生产许可证编号:SC106400 っ0o70 受委托方:台山市得力道食品有限公司 地址: 台山市斗山镇斗 光明路二号之一 产地:广东省江门市(F)食品生产许可证编号: SC1064 4078100248 产品标准号:GB/T 10792 罐底生产日期末字母代表经产 方受委托方及其所在产地请送免阳光直晒及或高温贮存,不要加然成为理 至结冰。保质期:十八个月 生产日期见罐底 消费者热线:400-06-03 nutrition information 每100毫升 营养素参考 /per 100mL值%6/NAV% 舖 等 拉环扫码 发现好礼|项目 i扫码 |/ltems 能量 energy 蛋白质protein 脂肪 fat 0千焦(kJ) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0克(9) 0克(9) 海高贸-炮和脂肪 saturated fat 0克(9) -反式脂肪 trans fat 碳水化合物 carbohydrate 0克(9) -糖 Sugar sodium 0克(9) 0% BR 0克(9) 12毫克(mg) 活动细则:1、本次活动抽奖结果将即时反馈给参与者。中奖信息亦可在 國臣氏分分有礼。滴滴赏平台,点击“我的礼品袋”查看中奖情况。并 屈臣氏苏打汽水微信公众号等阶 月公布一次中奖名单。2、本城 活动综合中奖率为十万分之 |3、主办方将于2020年12月10日 前通过电话和短信联系中奖者台 知兑奖时间、兑换方式。中奖 必须凭有效身份证党奖,获群 机号码为唯一中奖凭证。4、刮 详情请拔打400-6-028 关注官方微信号“watsosode 1% 用日码 Watson's X OPPO Reno4 系列 料 了解,本活动主办方为广州距 E 氏食品饮料有限公司。 心FZ检验合格 Watson's 屈臣氏苏打汽水 净含量: 330毫升 .0千焦 无糖 6 920180 209601

Night show New is my home court Water, food additives, carbon dioxide, sodium bicarbonate) client and producer. Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. Address: No. 9 Special Embroidery, Guangzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone Guangzhou (C) Food Production License Number: SC10640160072) Address of Guangdong Jianlibao Co., Ltd. Golden Port Secret 38, Southwest Street, Sanshui District, Foshan City No. 528100 Place of Origin: Foshan City, Guangdong Province J) Food Production License Number: SC106400 っ0o70 Client: Taishan Delidao Food Co., Ltd. Address: Doushan Town, Taishan City No. 2 Guangming Road Place of Origin: Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province (F) Food Production License Number: SC1064 4078100248 Product standard number: GB/T 10792 The end letter of the production date of the tank bottom represents the production The entrusted party and its place of production, please send it to avoid direct sunlight and or high temperature storage, don't make it a reason Until freezing. Shelf life: 18 months. The production date is at the bottom of the tank. Consumer hotline: 400-06-03 nutrition information Nutrient reference per 100ml /per 100mL value%6/NAV% shop Wait Pull ring scan code Discover Gifts | Project i scan code |/ltems Energy Protein Fat 0 kilojoule (kJ) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0 grams (9) 0 grams (9) Haigaomao-gun and fat saturated fat 0g (9) -Trans fat Carbohydrate carbohydrate 0g (9) -Sugar sodium 0 grams (9) 0% BR 0 grams (9) 12 milligrams (mg) Activity rules: 1. The results of this activity will be fed back to the participants in real time. The winning information can also be found in State officials are polite. On the Didi Reward platform, click "My Gift Bag" to check the winning status. and Watsons soda soda WeChat public account and other ranks The list of winners will be announced once a month. 2. This city The overall winning rate of the event is one in 100,000 |3. The organizer will be on December 10, 2020 Contact the winner's desk by phone and text message before Know the time and method of redemption. Win a lottery Must present a valid ID party award to win the group The machine number is the only winning certificate. 4. Scrape For details, please call 400-6-028 Follow the official WeChat account "watsosode 1% Use day code Watson's X OPPO Reno4 series material Understand that the organizer of this event is Guangzhou E 'S Food and Beverage Co., Ltd. Heart FZ inspection qualified Watson's Watsons Soda Net content: 330ml .0kJ sugar free 6 920180 209601
