Details of a can - Yanjing




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北京燕京啤酒股份有限公司 YANJING BNG BEER Maigue Eight Unique 燕京 RU8 燕京 -SINCE 1980 – 燕京 小度酒大惊喜 码上赢好礼 U8 ARA 微信扫描拉环二维码 1赢取海量惊喜好礼 特酿8P啤酒 净含量:500ml O回 Al 专 原料:水、麦芽、大米、啤酒花原麦汁浓度:8"P酒精度>2.5%vol 检验合格 产品标准号:GB/T 4927质量等级:优级保质期:360天生产日期(批号)见罐底 宜在(5-25) ℃条件下避光贮存,避免阳光直晒食品生产许可证编号:SC11511131018485 厂址:北京市顺义区双河路9号产地:北京市顺义区 电话:010-89495998 89491219 过量饮酒 有害健康 燕京啤酒 YANJING BEER BEIJING 2022 北京2022年冬奥会官方赞助商 6 903102 107742" 燕 京 啤 酒品牌代言人 王一博 即日起至2020年12月31日,微信扫描拉环内二维码即可贏取海量好礼, 集回 齐三个拉环更有重磅锦鲤大奖等你来拿,多购多好礼,综合中奖率100%。 了解奖品详情与活动细则请扫描罐体二维码, 或拨打活动咨询电话 400-8803992话费自理。

Beijing Yanjing Beer Co., Ltd. YANJING BNG BEER Maigue Eight Unique Yenching RU8 Yenching -SINCE 1980 – Yenching Small wine big surprise Win a gift on the code U8 ARA Scan pull ring QR code on WeChat 1 Win a huge amount of surprises and gifts Special brew 8P beer Net content: 500ml O back Al Specialize Raw materials: water, malt, rice, hops Original wort concentration: 8"P alcohol content>2.5%vol, passed the inspection Product standard number: GB/T 4927 Quality level: Superior quality Shelf life: 360 days Production date (batch number) see the bottom of the tank It should be stored in the dark at (5-25) ℃, and avoid direct sunlight. Food production license number: SC11511131018485 Address: No. 9 Shuanghe Road, Shunyi District, Beijing Place of Origin: Shunyi District, Beijing Tel: 010-89495998 89491219 Excessive drinking is harmful to health Yanjing Beer YANJING BEER BEIJING 2022 Official sponsor of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics 6 903102 107742" Yanjing Beer Brand Spokesperson Wang Yibo From now until December 31, 2020, scan the QR code in the pull ring on WeChat to win massive gifts, collect back With the three pull rings, there will be a heavy koi prize waiting for you. Buying more is a great gift, and the overall winning rate is 100%. For details of prizes and event rules, please scan the QR code of the tank, or call the event consultation phone 400-8803992 telephone charges are at your own expense.
