Details of a can - Bavaria




  • Netherlands







WINKEL ANNESESWIN PANT IKR Rehund Sweden AUS TM Bavariria Holland PREMIUM BEERR NINERAL BREWED WITH PURE MINERAL N SPRING WATER FROM OUR OWN SPRING 1OL. ALC.5.0% VOL. 110 VN ATER BRON IMPORTED mihérale natiurelle, malt dd'órge, blé, Vo čevada, trigo, lupulo, Biér, Inyrea. Tngredienser, 'naturlig mìneralvann, by 2195 Lom Beer, Ingredients: natural mineral water (86,0%), barley malt (11,796), wheat (2,3%), hops (0,002%) CHR Biere. Ingredients: eab Ingredientes agua mineral natural, malta de cebada; trigo, Tupulo O Cerveja. Ingredientes, agua minerat natural, malte de mineraalwater, gerstemout, tarwe, hop ÖL. Tngredienser naturligt mineral vatten, kornmalt, vete, humle o humle Birra Ingredienti: acquaminerale naturale malto d'orzo, frumento, luppolo, O Bler. Zutaten, naturliches Sudetis: grynas mineralinis vanduo, miežiių salyklas, kviečiāl; apyniai. O Alus Sastāvs, dabigs minerāludens, iesals, kviešt Kpibaptoú, ortápt, AUKIOKOÇ. Brewed and canned by/Brassée et mise en boîte part Elaborada y envasada por/ Fabricada tappat på burk av Brygget og tappet av/ Prodotta e confezionata dal fNapdyetal kai ouokeudÇEtar anó: Bavaria N.V., PO. Bor 1,5737 Z6 Lieshout, Holland, www.bavara ****** TKR JOHA Best before end. see base of Can/ A consommer de préférence avant fins voir fond de canette/ Consumir přeferentemente antes del fin de: ver base de la tata/ Consumir de preferência antes do fim de: ver base da lata/Ten minste houdbaar tot einde. zie bodem blik/ Bäst före utgången av: se botten av burken/ Best før utgangen: se bunnen ay boksen/ Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro fine: veda il fondo dela lattina/ Mindestens haftbar bis Ender siehe Dosenboden/ Avákwon kKOtá npotiunon npiv anÓ TO TEAOÇ BAENE K日案单70000y 4opg per 100m AVARI NutritionalValues 43kcal/180kJ NON of which saturated 0g Carbohydrates of which sugars Protein O U MINERAAL ANNE ANIMS &HOP ARAK MENGANDUNGI 59 ALKOHOL Enjoy Bayarla Responsibly 20CREFUND AT SA/NT COLLECTION DEPOTS IN STATE/TERRITORY OF PURCHASE TM Bavaria Alc.5.0% Vol. Cont. 500mL 50cL 0.5LE Importée pour la Guyane par Soc. CHUNG FA s.a.r.l, 1817 Rte de la Madeleine, 97300 Cayenne/ Imported for Australia by: Unwined Liquor Pty. Ltd., Unit 5/40, Abbotts Rd, Dandenong Sth, VIC 3175, Australia/ Imported for Singapore by: Victoria 88 Standard Drinks Alcohol Units Distributions P/L 23, #01-03, Salam Walk. S467171, Tel.: 65 62968226/ Di import oleh: Lavisch Asia Pacific (M) Sdn Bhd, No 6480 Jin Ayam Didik 2/2, Kawasan perindustrian Ringan, Taman Ria Jaya, 08000 Sungai Patani, Kedah, Malaysia/ Imported for India by: National Wine&Spirits, C-165 Mayapuri-, New Delhi, Cust Care No +911145618021. Alcohol Unite

SHOP ANNESESWIN MORTGAGE IKR Rehund Sweden AUS TM Bavariria Netherlands PREMIUM BEERR NINERAL BREWED WITH PURE MINERAL N SPRING WATER FROM OUR OWN SPRING 1OL. ALC.5.0% VOL. 110 VN ATER SOURCE IMPORTED natural mihérale, malt dd'órge, blé, Vo chevada, trigo, lupulo, Biér, Inyrea. Ingredients, 'natural mineral water, city 2195 Lom Beer, Ingredients: natural mineral water (86.0%), barley malt (11,796), wheat (2.3%), hops (0.002%) CHR Beers. Ingredients: eab Ingredients natural mineral water, malt malt; trigo, Tupulo O Cerveja. Ingredients, agua minerat natural, malte de mineral water, barley malt, wheat, hops ÖL. Ingredients natural mineral water, barley malt, wheat, hops o hops Beer Ingredients: natural malto orcho, frumento, luppolo, O Bler. Ingredients, natural Sudetis: mineral groats water, miežiių salyklas, kviečiāl; apyniai. O Alus Sastāvs, dabigs minerāludens, iesals, kviešt Kpibaptoú, ortápt, AUKIOKOÇ. Brewed and canned by / Brassée et mise en boite part Elaborada y envasada por / Fabricada tappat på burk av Brygget og tappet av / Prodotta e confezionata dal fNapdyetal kai ouokeudÇEtar anó: Bavaria N.V., PO. Ought to 1,5737 Z6 Lieshout, Holland, www.bavara ****** TKR JOHA Best before end. see base of Can / A consumer preference before fins see canette fund / Consume preferably antes del fin de: ver base de la tata / Consumir de preferência antes do fim de: ver base da lata / Tensti houdbaar tot eind. see bottom tin / Best before the end of: see the bottom of the jar / Best before the end: see the bottom ay the box / Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro fine: veda il fondo dela lattina / Mindestens haftbar bis Ender siehe Dosenboden / Avákwon kKOtá npotiunon npiv anÓ TO TEAOÇ BAENE K 日 案 单 70000y 4opg per 100m AVARI NutritionalValues 43kcal / 180kJ NON of which saturated 0g Carbohydrates of which sugars Protein O U MINERAL ANNE ANIMS & HOP ARAK MENGANDUNGI 59 ALCOHOL Enjoy Bayarla Responsibly 20CREFUND AT SA / NT COLLECTION DEPOTS IN STATE / TERRITORY OF PURCHASE TM Bavaria Alc.5.0% Vol. Cont. 500mL 50cL 0.5LE Imported for Guyana by Soc. CHUNG FA s.a.r.l, 1817 Rte de la Madeleine, 97300 Cayenne / Imported for Australia by: Unwined Liquor Pty. Ltd., Unit 5/40, Abbotts Rd, Dandenong Sth, VIC 3175, Australia / Imported for Singapore by: Victoria 88 Standard Drinks Alcohol Units Distributions P / L 23, # 01-03, Salam Walk. S467171, Tel .: 65 62968226 / Di import oleh: Lavisch Asia Pacific (M) Sdn Bhd, No 6480 Jin Ayam Didik 2/2, Kawasan Perindustrian Ringan, Taman Ria Jaya, 08000 Sungai Patani, Kedah, Malaysia / Imported for India by: National Wine & Spirits, C-165 Mayapuri-, New Delhi, Cust Care No +911145618021. Alcohol Unite
