Details of a can - Bombardier




  • United Kingdom







BREWED BY WELLS & YOUNG'S SENSIBLY ALC.4.3% VOL WELL ILS BOMBARD RDIER ENGLISHLISH the consistency that Wells Bombardier drinkers trust. We take immeasureable Contains Mate 2.2 WELLS PART UK Alc. Units DRINK BOMBARDIER ENGLISH PREMIUM BITTER BREWERS SINCE 1876 Drink of England Water is the most important ingredient in beer, and Wells Bombardier has a natural advantage over other premium ales. Wells & Young's premium bitters are uniquely brewed using natural mineral water from an independently accredited source; our own well. Brewed by Wells & Young's, Wells Bombardier uses the finest English 'Challenger' and 'Goldings' hops. Sampled by hand, only the most flavoursome, ripest hops are used, guaranteeing a delicious sultana fruit taste and tempting spicy aroma. PREMIUM BITTERM BITTER ALC 4.3% vOL 3% vOL Wells Bombardier uses more malt per pint than other premium bitters, and the English 'Ale' and 'Crystal' malts are carefully crushed, not ground. This delivers the rich flavour and deep copper colour. Our Master Brewer insists on the 'Holy Brewing' method - fermenting these fine ingredients for a full 7 days, delivering the consistency that Wells Bombardier drinkers trust. We take immeasureable pride in producing a premium bitter that can be savoured on its own, with fine foods or, even better, with friends. REWED USING ONERAL WATER BEDFORD, ENGLAND NATURAL MINERAL WAD 500mle BREWED AND CANNED BY: BRASSÉE ET MISE EN BOITE PAR: ELABORADA Y ENLATADA POR: PRODOTTA ET INSCATOLATA DALLA: WELLS & YOUNG'S BREWING CO. LTD, HAVELOCK STREET, BEDFORD, MK40 4LU, UK. BIERE, CERVEZA, BIRRA, STARKÖL, BEST BEFORE DATE: SEE BASE OF CAN.A CONSOMMER DE PRÉFÉRENCE AVANT FIN: VOIR AU PREFERETEMENTE ANTES DE: VÉASE EN LA BASE DA CONSUMARSI PREFERRIBLEMENTE DESSOUS CONS UMIR ENTRO: VEDI DATA SUL FONDO. INGREDIENTI: AC QUA, MALTO, LUPPOLO, ESTRATTO DI LUPPOLO, LIEVITO. ZUCCHERO, EI5 OC, E405 a:-- ट T7BK21B

BREWED BY WELLS & YOUNG'S SENSIBLY ALC.4.3% VOL WELL ILS BOMBARD RDIER ENGLISHLISH the consistency that Wells Bombardier drinkers trust. We take immeasureable Contains Mate 2.2 WELLS PART UK Alc. Units DRINK BOMBARDIER ENGLISH PREMIUM BITTER BREWERS SINCE 1876 Drink of England Water is the most important ingredient in beer, and Wells Bombardier has a natural advantage over other premium ales. Wells & Young's premium bitters are uniquely brewed using natural mineral water from an independently accredited source; our own well. Brewed by Wells & Young's, Wells Bombardier uses the finest English 'Challenger' and 'Goldings' hops. Sampled by hand, only the most flavoursome, ripest hops are used, guaranteeing a delicious sultana fruit taste and tempting spicy aroma. PREMIUM BITTERM BITTER ALC 4.3% vOL 3% vOL Wells Bombardier uses more malt per pint than other premium bitters, and the English 'Ale' and 'Crystal' malts are carefully crushed, not ground. This delivers the rich flavour and deep copper colour. Our Master Brewer insists on the 'Holy Brewing' method - fermenting these fine ingredients for a full 7 days, delivering the consistency that Wells Bombardier drinkers trust. We take immeasureable pride in producing a premium bitter that can be savoured on its own, with fine foods or, even better, with friends. REWED USING ONERAL WATER BEDFORD, ENGLAND NATURAL MINERAL WAD 500mle BREWED AND CANNED BY: BRASSÉE ET MISE EN BOITE PAR: ELABORADA Y ENLATADA POR: PRODOTTA ET INSCATOLATA DALLA: WELLS & YOUNG'S BREWING CO. LTD, HAVELOCK STREET, BEDFORD, MK40 4LU, UK. BIERE, CERVEZA, BIRRA, STARKÖL, BEST BEFORE DATE: SEE BASE OF CAN.A CONSOMMER DE PRÉFÉRENCE AVANT FIN: VOIR AU PREFERETEMENTE ANTES DE: VÉASE EN LA BASE DA CONSUMARSI PREFERRIBLEMENTE DESSOUS CONS UMIR ENTRO: VEDI DATA SUL FONDO. INGREDIENTI: AC QUA, MALTO, LUPPOLO, ESTRATTO DI LUPPOLO, LIEVITO. ZUCCHERO, EI5 OC, E405 a:-- ट T7BK21B
