Details of a can - Tuborg




  • Romania







ROYAL DANISH COURT 22 Let PIP CTUBORG 2,2 Lel 273 BREWED AND CANNED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TUBORG DENMARK e 500ml BEER DE LUXE LUXE BEER THENT TO TRE ENJOYED 1895 SINCE ENJOYED 1895 SINCE TUBORGRG TUUBORG COPEN LAGEN FE)O DEN AK COPEN LAGEN DEN AK GOLD GOLD TUS 1 TU Si TUBORG TU Şi TUBORG Valabilitate 1 an Expiră la: vezi baza cutiei BY APPOIN 5 942045 117013 L7BE31ABal 104737 Vrem sa păstrăm România curatăl Acordă-ne sprijinul tàu aruncand ambalajul Alc. min. 5,0%vol. - Ep. 11,7°P-Valoare energetica 43kcal/100ml Bere produsă din malt din orz şi hamei sub supravegherea TUBORG DANEMARCA. Distribuită de S.C. Carlsrom Br. 89, Pantelimon, Ilfov. Tel. 021 205 5000Beverage Co. S.R.L, Bd. Biruinței doar in Jocurile Tgi multumimt

ROYAL DANISH COURT 22 Let PIP CTUBORG 2.2 Lel 273 BREWED AND CANNED UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF TUBORG DENMARK and 500ml BEER LUXURY LUXURY BEER THENT TO THREE ENJOYED 1895 SINCE ENJOYED 1895 SINCE TUBORGRG TUUBORG COPEN LAGEN FE) O DEN AK COPEN LAGEN DEN AK Goldie Goldie India ink 1 TU Si TUBORG YOU AND TUBORG Validity 1 year Expires at: see base of box BY APPOIN 5 942045 117013 L7BE31ABal 104737 We want to keep Romania clean Give us support your throwing away the packaging Alc. min. 5.0% vol. - Ep. 11.7 ° P-Energy value 43kcal / 100ml Beer made from malt from barley and hops under the supervision of TUBORG DENMARK. Distributed by S.C. Carlsrom Br. 89, Pantelimon, Ilfov. Goal. 021 205 5000Beverage Co. S.R.L, Bd. Biruinței only in Games Thank you
