Details of a can - Reketye




  • Hungary






fiocchi di grano, luppolo, lievito. Da consumarsi preferibimente SZÜRETLEN VILAGOS SOR FELSŐ ERJESZTÉSÜ KISÜZEMI SÖRKÜLÖNLEGESSÉG ADE NEUHUNGARY BARTA BREWED BY/GEBRAUT VON ZIAJALEC/LA CERVEZA ELABORADA POR ROOTO DA /BRASSÉE PER: REKETYE BREWING CO. Frhar it 2142 Nagytarcsa, Alsó Ipari Krt. 4. Fgathfelebsséggel/Please drink responsibly COIERVMENT WARNING: (1) According to the drpan General, wiomen should not drink alcoholic s during pegnancy because of the risk of n ders (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages Es or abity to drive a car or operate machinery tna cause health problems. HU Pale Ale Összetevök: víz, árpamaláta, zabpehely biza pehely, komló, élesztő. Hűvös, napfénytól védett helen tárolandó. Fogyaszd hidegen! MINOSEGÉT MEGÖRZI Lisi a doboz alján (nap.hónap.év.). GB Pale Ale Contains: water, malted barley, oat flakes, wheat flakes, hops, yeast. Store in a cool dry place. Serve chiled Best before: See bottom of can(day.monthyear). DE CH Pale Ale Zutaten: wasser, gerstenmakz, hater flocken, weizenflocken, hopfen, hefe. Vor Warme gescht lagem. Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Unterseite (tag.monatjah AT WHO IS MR. SK Pale Ale Sestavine: voda, jecmenov slad, osvene vlocoy. psenicne vlocky, hmelj, kvas. Prosimo hranite v hladhem temnem prostoru. Rok uporabe odtisnjen na dnu plocevinie (deň.mesiac.rok). FLAKES ES Pale Ale Ingredientes: agua, malta de cebada, copos de avena, copos de trigo, lúpulo, levadura. Consumir preferente- mente antes del finde: verbase (dia.mes.año). O Pale Ale Ingredienti: acqua, malto dorzo, fiocchi davera entro fine: vedi sulfondo (giomo.mese.anno). FR BE CH Pale Ale Ingrédients: eau, orge malte ficue PALE ALE51% preferance avant fin: voir surle fond (jour.mois.annee). METAL ALC/VOL 330 ml/12 FL OZ gycles rever I M REKET

fiocchi di grano, luppolo, lievito. The consumption is preferable UNFILTED LIGHT LINE HIGHLY FERMENTED SMALL FACTORY SPECIFICITY ADE NEUHUNGARY BARTA BREWED BY / GEBRAUT VON ZIAJALEC / LA CERVEZA ELABORADA POR ROOTO DA / BRASSÉE PER: REKETYE BREWING CO., LTD. Frhar it 2142 Nagytarcsa, Alsó Ipari Krt. 4. Fgathfelebsággel / Please drink responsibly COIERVMENT WARNING: (1) According to the drpan General, wiomen should not drink alcoholic s during pegnancy because of the risk of n ders (2) Consumption of alcoholic beverages I or abity to drive a car or operate machinery tna cause health problems. HU Pale Ale Ingredients: water, barley malt, oatmeal biza flakes, hops, yeast. Cool, protected from sunlight to be stored. Eat cold! Lisi KEEPS IT QUALITY at the bottom of the box (day.month.year). GB Pale Ale Contains: water, malted barley, oat flakes, wheat flakes, hops, yeast. Store in a cool dry place. Serve chiled Best before: See bottom of can (day.monthyear). DE CH Pale Ale Zutaten: wasser, gerstenmakz, hater flocken, weizenflocken, hopfen, hefe. Vor Warme gescht lagem. Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Unterseite (tag.monatjah AT WHO IS MR. SK Pale Ale Sestavine: voda, jecmenov slad, osvene vlocoy. psenicne vlocky, hmelj, kvas. Prosimo hranite v hladhem temnem prostoru. Rok uporabe odtisnjen na dnu plocevinie (deň.mesiac.rok). FLAKES ES Pale Ale Ingredientes: agua, malta de cebada, copos de avena, copos de trigo, lúpulo, levadura. Consumir preferente- mente antes del finde: verbase (dia.mes.año). O Pale Ale Ingredients: acqua, malto dorzo, fiocchi davera entro fine: vedi sulfondo (giomo.mese.anno). FR BE CH Pale Ale Ingredients: eau, orge malte ficue PALE ALE51% preferance avant fin: voir surle fond (jour.mois.annee). METAL ALC / VOL 330 ml / 12 FL OZ gycles rever I M RACKET
