Details of a can - Leon




  • Germany







nanlivost do konce: zadní etiketa. Skladujte v chladua suchu. Chrafte pole s prichutí tequily (10 %), pasterizovaný. Složení: plvo světle se teble fvoda, šećer, ugljična kiselina, prirodna aroma tekle s drugin mama (0,13 96), kiselina: limunska kiselina, antioksidans: askorbinsla e10 9), pasterizirano. Sastojci: pivo (voda, ječmeni slad, hmelj), Botakt u osnovnoj sladovini 15,5 %. Najbolje upotrijebiti do kraje. tanidant: kyselina askorbová]. Extrakt původní mladiny 15,5 % hm. data i nume pri pati na dole tylnej etykiety. Przechowywać w suchym i chlodnym sjetlog lager piva (90 %) i osvježavajučeg gaziranog napitla przeciwuteiczz hwas askorbinowy). Ep=15,5°P. Najlepiej spożyć przed końcem zadnej etikete ete. Skdadujte na suchom mieste, chráňte pred teplom a mrazom. tequili 1 togymi naturalnymi aromatami (0,13 %), kwas: kwas cytrynowy, pôvodnej madie nadne 15,5 % hmot. Minimálna trvanlivosť do konca: vid dátum na (0,13 %), hyeiepeina: kyselina citrónová, antioxidant: kyselina askorbová). Extrakt v Bratislava 3, SSlovenská republika. netto/antitate netă / Objem: 500 ml e Objem /NNeto količina / Zawartość Alk./ Ac.58% vol./ obj. (10 %), parteaterzowany. Składniki: piwo (woda, słód jęczmienny, chmiel, TEQUILA TASTY ONapój pieiny z piwa (90 %) i napoju orzeźwiającego o smaku tequii tequila, pastwisteurizată. Ingrediente: bere (apă, malț de orz, hamei), băutură cu Predávajúc lakaufland Slovenská republika v.o.s., Trnavská cesta 41 A, 83104 t jeiný slad, chmel), nápoj s příchutí tequily [voda, cukr, oxid uhlit, i aroma s jinými přírodními aromaty (0,13 %), kyselina: kyselina TEQUIL STE సువడ్య A6lniho piva (90 %)a LA TASTE QUILA TASTE Napoj na syceného náp specialní (voda přirodní tequl ditronová, ant Minimální tra pfed priným de OMijesavina s okusa tekile napitak okusa b prirodnim arona kiselina). Estakt otisnuto na polet ALU POVRATNA NAKNADA LS 501p ečnim světlem a mrazem. LEDN STEINER O Napój piem gazowany nagi data i nume perti na dole tylnej etykiety. Przechowywać w suchym i chlodnm miejscu OO Mix de de bere din 90 % bere şi 10 % băutură răcoritoare cu aromă d przeciwutenize TEQUILA FLAVOURED BEER MIX aromă de tequiaia lapă, zahăr, aromă, acidifiant: acid citric, antioxidant: acid ascorbid. Ep: 15,5. AwAse consuma de preferință înainte de sfârșitul: vezi partea din spate a ambalajuli. Av . A se păstra în loc uscat şi răcoros. RO: Distribuitor: Kaufland România SC, , str. Barbu Văcărescu, nr. 120-144, Sector 2, 020284 București, România. MD: Importator/Distribuitor: Kaufland SRL, str. Sfatul Țări, nr. 29, Chişinău, ND-022012, Republica Moldova. © Miešaný ni aj nápoj pripravený zo svetlého piva, špeciálneho ležiaka (90 %) a sýteného osi nizujého nápoja s príchutou tequily (10 %), pasterizovanj. Zloženie pio loda, jačmenný slad, chme), osviežujúci nápoj s príchutou tequily (voda, cuka, ad uhiätý, prírodná tequilová aróma s inými prírodnými arómani DS51209 pôvodnej mlaeine: 15,5 % hmot. Minimálna trvanlivosť do konca: vid dátum la 1,Sovenská republika. Bratislava 3, elao količina / Zawartość TEQUILA TASTEE Alk./ Alc. 5,8% vol./obj. 0,51e 0,5TË Výrobce / Proizvođač/ Producent / Producător/Výrobca/ Ipow3BOANTEn: Feldschlößchen AG, Cunnersdorfer Str. 25, 01189 Dresden, Německo / Njemačka / Niemcy / Germania / Nemecko 4 337185"741661 SOAA13A L2094830A

end to finish: back label. Store in a cool, dry place. Chrafte field with tequila flavor (10%), pasteurized. Composition: full light with water, wood, carbonic acid, natural aroma flowing with drugin mama (0,13 96), acid: limunic acid, antioxidant: ascorbic acid e10 9), pasteurized. Sojojci: beer (water, barley malt, hops), Bottom of basic malt 15.5%. It is best to apply to the region. tanidant: ascorbic acid]. Extract of the original wort 15.5% wt. date and number at the bottom of the rear label. Keep dry and cold a good beer drinker (90%) and a refreshing gourmet drink precision ascorbic acid). Ep = 15.5 ° P. It is best to eat before the end back label ete. Store in a dry place, protect from heat and frost. tequila 1 togymi natural aromas (0,13%), sourdough: sourdough sourdough, of the original value above 15.5% by weight. Minimum shelf life until the end: see date on (0.13%), hyeiepein: citric acid, antioxidant: ascorbic acid). Extract v Bratislava 3, SSlovenská republika. net / netitate / Volume: 500 ml e Volume / Net quantity / Rate Alk./Ac.58% vol./vol. (10%), parted. Ingredients: beer (water, barley malt, hops, TEQUILA TASTY ONbe beer with beer (90%) and drinking water tequila, pasteurized. Ingredients: bere (apă, malț de orz, hamei), boiling with Seller lakaufland Slovak Republic v.o.s., Trnavská cesta 41 A, 83104 t malt, hops), tequila flavored drink [water, sugar, carbon dioxide, also aroma with other natural aromas (0.13%), acid: acid TEQUIL YOU ARE సువడ్య A6lniho beer (90%) a THE TASTE QUILA TASTE Drink to carbonated nap special (water natural tequl ditronová, ant Minimum tra pfed priným de OMijesavina s okusa tekile bite drink b natural arona acid). Estakt printed on a flight ALU POVRATNA NAKNADA LS 501p light and frost. JANUARY STEINER O Napój piem gassed nagi date and number perte on the bottom of the rear label. Keep dry and cool place OO Mixture of 90% or 10% baking flavor with flavoring d przeciwutenize TEQUILA FLAVORED BEER MIX flavored tequia flavor, garden, flavor, acidifier: citric acid, antioxidant: acid ascorbide. Ep: 15.5. AwAse consumed by the first name of the undertaking: see part of the space the ambassador. And in . The pasture is located in the village and in the fields. RO: Distributor: Kaufland Romania SC,, p. Barbu Văcărescu, no. 120-144, Sector 2, 020284 Bucharest, Romania. MD: Importer / Distributor: Kaufland SRL, p. Sfatul Țări, no. 29, Chişinău, ND-022012, Republic of Moldova. © It is also a mixed drink prepared from light beer, special lager (90%) and carbonated axis of a low-quality drink with tequila flavor (10%), pasteurization. Ingredients pio loda, barley malt, chme), a refreshing drink with tequila flavor (water, cuka, ad carbonated, natural tequila aroma with other natural aromas DS51209 of original milk: 15.5% by weight Minimum shelf life until the end: see date la 1, Soviet Republic. Bratislava 3, elao količina / Zawartość TEQUILA TASTEE Alk./ Alc. 5.8% vol./vol. 0.51e 0.5TË Producer / Producer / Producer / Producer / Producer / Ipow3BOANTEn: Feldschlößchen AG, Cunnersdorfer Str. 25, 01189 Dresden, Germany / Germany / Germany / Germany / Germany 4 337185 "741661 SOAA13A L2094830A
