Details of a can - Stella Artois


Stella Artois


  • Italy







BELGIUM'S ORIGINAL L ALC. 5,2% VOL е 33 cl LAGER BEER Birra - Bière - Beer LAGER M Birra - Bière - Beer Birra prodotta e confezionata sotto la supervisione di Interbrew Belgium S.A. Chaussee de Wavre 1160 B-1160 Bruxelles da Interbrew Italia S.p.A. nello stabilimento di Pollein (AO), loc. Autoporto 9 1366 ANNO ANNO AL STELLAA ARTOISIS STELLA ARTOIS Bolgian Reipe Bolgian Recipe PRIGINA IGINAL HEAN PLM 4 GUUME ORIGINAL BRANI WOIWEN BEER ER BEER 1366 PREMIU BELB UM'S BELGIUM'S BRAND AL BRAND Da con sumarsi preferibilmente entro fine A consommer de préférence avant fin Best before end

BELGIUM'S ORIGINAL L ALC. 5.2% VOL е 33 cl LAGER BEER Beer - Bière - Beer LAGER M. Beer - Bière - Beer Brewed beer e packaged underneath the supervision of Interbrew Belgium S.A. Chaussee de Wavre 1160 B-1160 Brussels by Interbrew Italia S.p.A. in the factory by Pollein (AO), loc. Autoport 9 1366 YEAR YEAR TO THE STELLAA ARTOISIS STAR ARTOIS Bolgian Reipe Bolgian Recipe PRIGINA IGINAL HEAN PLM 4 GUUME ORIGINAL TRACKS WOIWEN BEER ER BEER 1366 PREMIU BELB UM'S BELGIUM'S BRAND TO THE BRAND To be consumed preferably by the end A consommer de préférence avant fin Best before end
