Details of a can - Skybaby




  • Hungary







Pantoténsav/Panthotenic acid (Vitamin B5)0,65 mg(10,9% NRY" enriched with vitamins, carbonated, e, non-alcoholic Fehérje/Protein tve to caffeine. "Táplálkozás beviteli referenciaérték %a felnőttek szánán ENERGY PARTY DRTY DRINK et, sabilizer (gum B6-vitamin/Vitamin B6 ing women also Cink/Zinc Skybaby Energy Drink Cool-Caffe hine contained, amelybol cukrok/of which sugar (day/month/year): see on the bottom d efhe an. Storage drink, with sweetener (stevia) alo wda with Zinc and (0,03%); acid (ditric ad); mineral O02K linc-acetate-Nacin/Nacin (Vitamin B3) D-pantothenate (B5), piridoxin-hydndlonide (B6), B12-vitamin/Vitamin B12 Skybaby Energy Drink Cool-Kofe afentartalmú, Ingredients: water, sugar; carbon-doaide Mode (min. 0,3%); VITAMINOK ÉS ÁSVÁNYI ANYAG/100ML , aodity regulator VITAMINS AND MINERAL/100 ML ENERGY SKYBAEN 0,251 Cool! ARGININ ORIGINAL RECIPE Candy NO PRESERVATIVES 100 ml vitaminozott, szénsavas, alkoholneholmentes ital, édesítőszerrel (szteviával), dnkel é s Largininnel. Pasztőrözött. Összetevők: ivóvíz;, cukor, szén-diaxd (mi 04-im03%6); színezék (szulfitos ammóniás karamell); savanyisan isiot szabályozo anyag (foszforsav); L-arginin (0,64); žm aoma: koffein (0,03%); étkezési sav (dtromsa); ásánj an ani anyag 0,02% ánk-acetát-dihidrát); édesitószer (steid stvidl likozidok); stabilizátor (gumiarábikum); arone i oma; vitaminok nikotinamid (B3), kalcium-D-pantoter 6 et 85), piridoxin- (ATLAGOS TÁPÉRTÉK/100ML hidroklorid (B6), cianokobalamin (812, MAGAS KÒFFEINTARTALMU. Fogastia igastása gyerme- kek és terhes vagy szoptató nók, valam alamint koffein- Energia//Cabries érzékenyek szamára nem ajánlot la jänlott (koffein: 32mg/100ml). Alkohollal kevert fogate hgyasztása nem javasolt! Fogyasztását hứtve ajánjuk isegét megőrzi amelyből telftett zsírsavaklof which saturated fatty acits Up (nap/hó/év): lásd a doboz alján. lane a ans száraz, hotöl védett helyen. 133 kJ 31 kcal SKYBAB BY MBV NUTRITION FACTS/100 ML: 3K/31 kal Zsír/Fat Szénhidrát/Carbohydrate 7A drink, with sweetener (stevia) aso s with Zinc and L-arginin. Pasteurized. S6/Salt 021 coloring (sulphite ammonia caramel; a Tarcuring: cffeine an-acetate- NMacin/Nacin (Vitamin B3) anide (83), calcium- 173 mg (10,84 NRM) 4,15 mg (10,9% NRY") 0,27 pg (10,9% NRY) Fantoténsav/Panthotenic acid Vitamin B5)0,65 mg(L.0 N 4,98 mg (49.8% MRY dihydrate); sweetener (steviol glyasde cyanocobalamine (B12). HIGH CAFFEINE CONTENT. Not rea Rommended for Women also Cink/Zinc Rommended to led. Best before % daily reference intakes for adults GY 16-18 dry, heat protected place. (alu (曲 M1E041BB XNIE PARTY DRINK /Place of production Hungary 11 ENERGIATARTALOM ENERGY CONTENT 5 999887 527142

Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) 0.65 mg (10.9% NRY " enriched with vitamins, carbonated, e, non-alcoholic Protein tve to caffeine. "Nutrition intake reference value% for adult sled ENERGY PARTY DRTY DRINK et, sabilizer (gum vitamin B6 / Vitamin B6 ing women also Zinc / Zinc Skybaby Energy Drink Cool-Caffe hine contained, of which sugars / of which sugar (day / month / year): see on the bottom d efhe an. Storage drink, with sweetener (stevia) alo wda with Zinc and (0.03%); acid (ditric ad); mineral O02K linc-acetate-Nacin / Nacin (Vitamin B3) D-pantothenate (B5), pyridoxine hydndlonide (B6), vitamin B12 / Vitamin B12 Skybaby Energy Drink Cool-Kofe contains afent, Ingredients: water, sugar; carbon-doaide Mode (min. 0.3%); VITAMINS AND MINERALS / 100ML , aodity regulator VITAMINS AND MINERAL / 100 ML ENERGY SKYBAEN 0.251 Cool! ARGININ ORIGINAL RECIPE Candy NO PRESERVATIVES 100 ml vitaminized, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage, sweetener (stevia), dnkel and Larginine. Pasteurized. Ingredients: drinking water ;, sugar, carbon diaxd (mi 04-im03% 6); dye (sulfite ammonia caramel); to regulate acidic isiot substance (phosphoric acid); L-arginine (0.64); human aoma: caffeine (0.03%); edible acid (dtromsa); digging an ani substance 0.02% acane acetate dihydrate); sweetener (steid stvidl lycosides); stabilizer (gum arabic); arone i oma; vitamins nicotinamide (B3), calcium D-pantoter 6 et 85), pyridoxine (AVERAGE NUTRITION / 100ML hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (812, HIGH COFFEE CONTENT. Toothing in children and pregnant or lactating women, as well as caffeine- Energy // Cabries for sensitive people is not recommended la caffeine (caffeine: 32mg / 100ml). Do not freeze your teeth mixed with alcohol recommended! When refrigerated, we recommend preserving the food from which saturated fatty acits Up (day / month / year): see bottom of box. lane ans dry, hotöl in a protected place. 133 kJ 31 kcal SKYBAB BY MBV NUTRITION FACTS / 100 ML: 3K / 31 cal Fat / Fat Carbohydrate 7A drink, with sweetener (stevia) aso s with Zinc and L-arginine. Pasteurized. S6 / Salt 021 coloring (sulphite ammonia caramel; a Tarcuring: cffeine an-acetate- NMacin / Nacin (Vitamin B3) anide (83), calcium- 173 mg (10.84 NRM) 4.15 mg (10.9% NRY ") 0.27 pg (10.9% NRY) Fantotenoic acid / Panthotenic acid Vitamin B5) 0.65 mg (L.0 N 4.98 mg (49.8% MRY dihydrate); sweetener (steviol glyasde cyanocobalamine (B12). HIGH CAFFEINE CONTENT. Not rea Rommended for Women also Zinc / Zinc Rommended to led. Best before % daily reference intakes for adults GY 16-18 dry, heat protected place. (alu (曲 M1E041BB XNIE PARTY DRINK / Place of production Hungary 11 ENERGY CONTENT ENERGY CONTENT 5 999887 527142
