Details of a can - Larutan




  • Indonesia







meredakan panas dalam, sariawan, tenggoroke et , tnggorokan kering, dan AMCHEY MOUSE Komposisi Gypsum Fibrosum Calcitum Air, Fruktosa, Perisa, Asam Sitrat, Natrium Klorida Khasiat dan Kegunaan Larutan Cap Kaki Tiga Anak membantu meredakan panas dalam, sarlawan, tengporolan in enggorokan kering, dan membantu menyegarkan badan. Cara Pemakaian • Anak-anak minum 3x sehari %-1 kaleng • Untuk selanjutnya minum 1 kali sehari 1 laing CLUBHOUSE L140 0.144 g 0.072 g HALAL No. 00130062591000 JAMU nenbantu h-1 aleng el sehari 1 kaleng dunakan di bawah lisensi LARUTAN CAP KAKI TIGA anak Wen Ken Drug Co. (Pte) Ltd. o releve body heatiness, b retresh body. Indication and Use Cap Kaki Tiga for children helps to raleve bod gingivitis, sore throat and helps to refresh bod Direction: • Children consume -1 can, 3 times a • To maintain consume 1 can daly imes a day d under the lcanse of ODisney Wen Ken Drug Co. (Pte) Ltd. Kode produksi dan Baik digunakan sebelum: Uhat di Bawah Kemasan PT. K Serary POM TR Diproduksi Oleh : PT. Kino Indonesia Kino Serang-Indonesia POM TR 122665321 da tempat kering sejuk, dan terhindar CLURICA Rasa Stroberi Kino Batch No and Best Before Bee the bottom NETTO 250 ml Simpan di tempar dari sinar mata daf sinar matahari langsung an pada suhu di bawah 30 C. MEMBANTU MEREDAKAN PANAS DALA SARIAWAN, TENGGOROKAN KERING DAN MEMBANTU MENYEGARKAN BADAN Simpan pada su 8l995227l501015

relieve heartburn, canker sores, sore throat, dry throat, and AMCHEY MOUSE Composition Gypsum Fibrosum Calcitum Water, Fructose, Flavor, Citric Acid, Sodium Chloride Efficacy and usability The Three Children's Cap Solution helps relieve heartburn, sarlawan, sore throat in dry throat, and help refresh the body. How to use • Children drink 3x a day %-1 can • For further drinking 1 time a day 1 other CLUBHOUSE L140 0.144 g 0.072 g HALAL No. 00130062591000 JAMU help h-1 aleng El a day 1 can use under license SOLUTION THREE LEGS CAP child Wen Ken Drug Co. (Pte) Ltd. o relevant body heatiness, b reset body. Indication and Use Cap Kaki Tiga for children helps to raleve bod gingivitis, sore throat and helps to refresh bod Directions: • Children consume -1 can, 3 times a • To maintain consume 1 can daly imes a day d under the lcanse of ODisney Wen Ken Drug Co. (Pte) Ltd. Production code and Best before: Look under the pack PT. K Serary POM TR Produced by : PT. Indonesian Kino Kino Serang-Indonesia POM TR 122665321 in a cool dry place, and avoid CLURICA Flavor Strawberry Kino Batch No and Best Before Bee the bottom NET 250 ml Save in place from the eye direct sunlight and at temperatures below 30°C. HELPING TO REMOVE HEAT IN Throat, DRY THROAT AND HELP REFRESHING THE BODY Save on su 8l995227l501015
