Details of a can - Nebuleuse




  • Switzerland







ESTD 2014 sWI La NEBULEUSE 出beres s idées CREATEURS DE BIERES La Nébuleuse brasse des bières BEER FACTS AMERTUME ORGE NOIR • SEIGLE NO NORTHERN BREWER LEVURE ANGLAISE DE CONTIENT: EAU, MALTS audacieuses et brise les idées IBU: 30 tate la reçues. Contre toute attente, la ement cou ALT CAPONE COULEUR EBC: 99.3 canette est le conditionnement trantes idéal pour des bières vivantes pleines de caractère. Qui plus est, elle vous permet d'avantage de mobilité, se conserve mieux et représente une alternative écologique et durable. N plas atage e mieux NEBULEUSE O IN SWITZERLA CLOSEL 5-REMENS mative ROBUST PORTER ESTO **** METAL 2014 .... .... Cheers! saplca torever 330 ML OF BREWED AWESOMENESS FOR MORE LANEBULEUSE.CH 313042 628320 REXAM A57727A IN AND DRINK BEFORE 07.18 BATCH NUMBER DRINK BEFORE 07.18 BATCH NUMBER

IS D 2014 sWI The NEBULA 出 beres s ideas BEER CREATORS The Nebula brews beers BEER FACTS BITTERNESS BLACK BARLEY • RYE NO NORTHERN BREWER ENGLISH YEAST CONTAINS: WATER, MALTS daring and shatters ideas IBU: 30 check it out received. Against all odds, the definitely neck ALT CAPONE COLOR EBC: 99.3 can is the packaging trantes ideal for live beers full of character. Who more is, it allows you more mobility, keeps better and represents an alternative ecological and sustainable. N plas floor e better NEBULA O IN SWITZERLA CLOSEL 5-REMENS mative ROBUST PORTER ESTO **** METAL 2014 .... .... Cheers! saplca torever 330 ML OF BREWED AWESOMENESS FOR MORE LANEBULEUSE.CH 313042 628320 REXAM A57727A IN AND DRINK BEFORE 07.18 BATCH NUMBER DRINK BEFORE 07.18 BATCH NUMBER
