Details of a can - Van Pur


Van Pur


  • Germany







BREWED BASED ON OLD RECIPES OF OER THE LICENCE OF VAN PUR LTD. 0,33 le alo. 5,4% ool 120 Bly VAN PUR IR VAN PUR UM PREMIUM PREMIUM Full Light Beer Frull Light Beer alu OF GERMANY THE PLEASE RECYCLE BREWED UNDER Brew edanndca nned by O STMA RK Browery Co.and KOEN IGSB RAU Co. un der the lice nse of VAN PUR Ltd. with participation of AMS GmbH (Hamburg) Ingredients: water, malt, hops, yeast. Distributors: tel. (Ó95) 795 02 02 Russia Пиво "Ван Пур 12* Премиум" алк. 5,4% плотн. 12% 0,33л 153 ккал. Изготовлено СОвместно АО "Остмарк"и АО "Кенигсбрау", по лицензии "Ван Пур Лтд." при участии АМС Гмбх (Гамбург) Ингредиенты: солод, хмель, дрожжи, вода Пастеризованное. Хранить при 4 601573 000013 TEMnEpaType 2-15°C Ale. 5,4 ol taI 2 INOILOH SE3IN R O SE SIS

BREWED BASED ON OLD RECIPES OF OER THE LICENCE OF VAN PUR LTD. 0,33 le alo. 5.4% ool 120 Bly VAN PUR IR VAN PUR Um PREMIUM PREMIUM Full light Beer Frull light Beer alu OF GERMANY THE PLEASE RECYCLE BREWED UNDER Brew edanndca nned by O STMA RK Browery Co.and KOEN IGSB RAU Co. un der the lice nse of VAN PUR Ltd. with participation of AMS GmbH (Hamburg) Ingredients: water, malt, hops, yeast. Distributors: tel. (Ó95) 795 02 02 Russia Beer "Van Pur 12 * Premium" alc. 5.4% dense 12% 0.33l 153 kcal. Manufactured jointly by JSC "Ostmark" and JSC "Konigsbrau", licensed by "Van Pur Ltd. "with the participation of AMC GmbH (Hamburg) Ingredients: malt, hops, yeast, water Pasteurized. Store at 4 601573 000013 TEMnEpaType 2-15 ° C Ale. 5.4 ol taI 2 INOILOH SE3IN R O SE SIS
