Details of a can - Pax




  • Belgium







BIRRA BELGA CERVEZA BELGA - CERVEJA BELG BELGISCH BIER- BIÈREBELGE BELGIAN B CERVEZA BELGA-CERVEJA BELGA BELGISCH BIE AN BEER A BE P PILS PILS EJA BELG A BIRRA BELGA Anno Brouwerij 1859 1859 nje Brouwerij Sint-Jozef 3960 Bree Belgium Ingrediënten: water, gerstemout, ongemoute granen, hop, hopextract Ingrédients: eau, malt d'orge, cereales non maltees, houblon, extrait de houblon e 50cl Ingredients: water, barley, malt, unmalted cereals, hops, hop extract Zutaten : Wosser, Gerstenmalz, ungemälztes Getreide, Hopfen, Hopfenextrakt AIC 5% VOL CA Ingredienti : acqua, malto d'orzo, cereali non maltizzati, luppolo, estratto di luppolo Ingredientes: agua, malte de cevada, cerais não maltados, extracto de lúpolo, lúpolo 17,6 FL OZ 16,9 USF Ingredientes : aqua, malta de cebada, cereales sin maltear, extracto di lúpolo, lúpolo EXT. SEC. PRIM 078 XO Jozef ŠOACO3A Ball 5 413699 010673 Brouwer 1859 Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie bodem blik - Best before: see base of can - Mindestens halibar bis: Siehe Boden von Dose A consommer de préférence avant le: Voir fond de la boîte - Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro: vedi fondo della lattina -Consumir preferência antes de: ver fundo da lata - Consumir preferentemente antes de: Impresa en la base

BELGIAN BEER BELGIAN BEER - BELGIAN BEER BELGISCH BIER- BIÈREBELGE BELGIAN B BELGIAN BEER-BELGIAN BEER BELGISCH BIE AN BEER A BE P PILS PILS EJA BELG A BELGIAN BEER Year Brouwerij 1859 1859 nje Brouwerij Sint-Jozef 3960 Bree Belgium Ingredients: water, gerstemout, ongemoute granen, hop, hopextract Ingredients: water, barley malt, unmalted cereals, hops, hop extract and 50cl Ingredients: water, barley, malt, unmalted cereals, hops, hop extract Zutaten: Wosser, Gerstenmalz, ungemälztes Getreide, Hopfen, Hopfenextrakt AIC 5% VOL CA Ingredients: water, barley malt, unmalted cereals, hops, hop extract Ingredients: water, barley malt, unmalted waxes, hop extract, hops 17.6 FL OZ 16.9 USF Ingredients: aqua, barley malt, unmalted cereals, hop extract, EXT hops. SEC. PRIM 078 XO Joseph ŠOACO3A Ball 5 413699 010673 Brouwer 1859 Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie bodem blik - Best before: see base of can - Mindestens halibar bis: Siehe Boden von Dose To be consumed preferably before: See bottom of the box - To be consumed preferably within: see bottom of the lattina -Consume preference before: see bottom of the can - Consume preferably before: Printed on the base
