Details of a can - Ulker




  • Turkey







ESI, stiy Dizenleyici (E 338), Doğal Kola Aroması, Kafein ( 100 mg/1). COKE FLAVORED FIZZY tegeljeeid wordt dit aanzien als serinummer. / HMEPOMHNIA IIAPAIMTHE KAI AHEENE & Uhine eimiade etil alkol kullanılmamaktadır." AROMAUU GAZL ICECEK/TR İÇİNDEKİLER: Su, Sakkaroz, Glikoz Şurubu, Karbondioksit, Renkendrd Kated od Fartstoff (E 150 d), Säuerungsmittel Phosphorsäure, Aroma, Coffein (100 mg/).KOLA Πinte 1oNlitht. NΑ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΕΙΤΑΙ ΣΕ ΜΕΡΟΣ ΕΗΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΟΣΕΙΟ HALTIGES ERFRISCHUNGSGETRÄNK / D ZUTATEN: Wasser, Saccharose, Glukoseslrup, de-ur en productiedatum, laatste consumptiedatum bevindt zich onder de verpaking dio,date limite de consommation (soit numéro de série) sont indiquées sous la boite./ Kih u oken lagern. Vor direktem sonnenlicht schützen. /Serin ve direkt güneş işığından uzk Jer n a ediniz./ Store in a cool place. /A conserver au frais. / Koel bewaren en beschermen 武 cola cola turka KOFFEIRAT Frtstoff (E 150 d), Säuerungsmittel Phosphorsäure, Aroma, Coffein (100 mo CECEK/ TR İÇİNDEKİLER: Su, Sakkaroz, Glikoz Şurubu, Karbondioksit, Renken NGREDIENTS: Water, Saccharose, Glucose, Carbondioxyde, Color (E 150 d), Acid Ren E 60 Dizenleyici (E 338), Doğal Kola Aroması, Kafein ( 100 mg/1). COKE FLAVORED FIZY Cola E arl Cola Flavour, Caffeine (100 mg/). BOISSON GAZEUSE AU COCA/FR INGREDIENTS utensa Sirop de Glucose, Carbondioxide, Colorant (E 150 d), Regulateur d'Acidite (E 20 DRINK E Arome ktrel de Cola, Cafeine (100 mg/). GASHOUDENDE DRANK MET COLA-AROMA IN NGREIG HEENTEK Water, Sacharose, Glucosesiroop, Koolzuur, Keurstof (E 150 d), Voedingszur (E38, rie Cola Aroma, Cafeine (100 mg/1). AÑOPAKOYXO ANAYKTIKO ME APOMA KOMA/ GR ΣΝΣ ΕΙΡΟ ΑΚΧΑΡΟΖΗ ΣΟΠ ΓΛΥΚΟΖΗΣ, ΔΙΟΔΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΑΚΑ ΧΣΤΚΗ63 PYOMDTEMIETHE OEYT Herpste on/Uretici/Produced by: DELLA Gida San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Akyazı 54480 SAKARYA-TURKİNE Tet 4020 2) 567 15 67; Fax: +90 (212) 310 28 38 tarafından Türk Gida Kodeksi ve Alkolsüz lçeceker Tebig gun Olarak Uretilmiştir. EIÉATMIEAE: HAS TPODIMA O.E. KOMOTHNH THA25310234 Prodi set und-datum, Haltbarkeitsdatum unter der Dose. Diese gelten gleichzeltig as Sene Nr. JUe an sati ve tarihi, son tüketim tarihi kutu altındadır, aynı zamanda seri no yerine gayal Forp n and best before dates, see the bottom of can (serial number). /Date et heure be türka Producte ΕΝ ΕΤΗΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑΣ yerde mod legen di emade ell ekol kullanılmamaktadır." Gelit bore frais /Enjoy cold/ SOFT DRINK t tnken/Soğuk içiniz / 41 Bo Kel dh trken /TINETAÍ TLATOMENO ALU TURKMAD Art Mi est No/tem No: 5111-9 Netg pichNet: HERGESTELLT IN DER TURKEI MADE IN TURKEY ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΟΥΡΚΙΑΣ 331 0 mle Mindestens haltbar bis: Siehe Dosenboden ÜLKER 191F09D

ESI, Stylist Regulator (E 338), Natural Cola Flavor, Caffeine ( 100 mg/1). COKE FLAVORED FIZZY tegeljeeid wordt dit aanzien als serinummer. / HMEPOMNHNIA IIAPAIMTHE KAI AHEENE & Uhine eimiade ethyl alcohol is not used." AROMAUU GAZL ICECEK/TR INGREDIENTS: Water, Sucrose, Glucose Syrup, Carbon Dioxide, Renkendrd Kated od Fartstoff (E 150 d), Säuerungsmittel Phosphorsäure, Aroma, Coffein (100 mg/).COLA Πinte 1oNlitht. NΑ ΔΙΑΤΗΡΕΙΤΑΙ ΣΕ ΜΕΡΟΣ ΕΗΡΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΟΣΕΙΟ HALTIGES ERFRISCHUNGSGETRÄNK / D ZUTATEN: Wasser, Saccharose, Glukoseslrup, de-ur en productiedatum, laatste consumptiedatum bevindt zich onder de verpaking dio,date limite de consommation (soit numéro de série) sont indiquées sous la boite./ Kih uoken lagern. Vor ditem sonnenlicht schützen. /Cool and away from direct sunlight Please Jer n a./ Store in a cool place. /A saver au frais. / Koel bewaren en beschermen 武 cola cola turkish KOFFEIRAT Frtstoff (E 150 d), Säuerungsmittel Phosphorsäure, Aroma, Coffein (100 mo CECEK/ TR INGREDIENTS: Water, Sucrose, Glucose Syrup, Carbon Dioxide, Renken NGREDIENTS: Water, Saccharose, Glucose, Carbondioxyde, Color (E 150 d), Acid Ren E 60 Stabilizer (E 338), Natural Coke Flavor, Caffeine ( 100 mg/1). COKE FLAVORED FIZY cola Earl Cola Flavor, Caffeine (100 mg/). BOISSON GAZEUSE AU COCA/FR INGREDIENTS utensa Sirop de Glucose, Carbondioxide, Colorant (E 150 d), Regulateur d'Acidite (E 20 DRINK E Arome ktrel de Cola, Cafeine (100 mg/). GASHOUDENDE DRANK MET COLA-AROMA IN NGREIG HEENTEK Water, Sacharose, Glucosesiroop, Koolzuur, Keurstof (E 150 d), Voedingszur (E38, rie Cola Aroma, Cafeine (100 mg/1). AÑOPAKOYXO ANAYKTICO ME APOMA COMA/ GR ΣΝΣ ΕΙΡΟ ΑΚΧΑΡΟΖΗ ΣΟΠ ΓΛΥΚΟΖΗΣ, ΔΙΟΔΙΟ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΑΚΑ ΧΣΤΚΗ63 PYOMDTEMIETHE OEYT Herpste on/Manufacturer/Produced by: DELLA Gida San. ve Tic. Inc. Akyazı 54480 SAKARYA-TURKINE Tet 4020 2) 567 15 67; Fax: +90 (212) 310 28 38 Turkish Food Codex and Non-Alcoholic Meter Produced as Tebig day. EIÉATMIEAE: HAS TPODIMA O.E. KOMOTHNH THA25310234 Prodi set und-datum, Haltbarkeitsdatum unter der Dose. Diese gelten gleichzeltig as Sene No. JUe moment and date, expiry date is at the bottom of the box, also gayal instead of serial number Forp n and best before dates, see the bottom of can (serial number). /Date et heure be turkish producte ΕΝ ΕΤΗΣ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΙΑΣ mode on the ground legend emade ell ecole is not used." gelite bore frais /Enjoy cold/ SOFT DRINK t tnken/Drink cold / 41 Bo bald dh trken /TINETAÍ TLATOMENO ALU TURKMAD Art Mi est No/tem No: 5111-9 netg picNet: HERGESTELLT IN DER TURKEI MADE IN TURKEY ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΟΥΡΚΙΑΣ 331 0 ml Mindestens halbar bis: Siehe Dosenboden ÜLKER 191F09D
