Details of a can - Smiley




  • France







10 ml/Voedingswaarde per 100 ml. Energie / Energy/ arveringsmiddel genen koel bewaren en binnen 3 dagen consumeren CRelle 9 nue d'Obermal 5a jcant acides gras saturés / of which saturates/ 050 Sel/Salt/Zout:<0.05g. edingszuur: Citroenzuur, natuurlijk aroma, antioxydant: hadingpvezels:<0.5g. Protéines / Protein /Elwit: batothydrates/Koolhydraten : 10.89 (dont sucres/of en verzadigde vetzuren] <0.1g. Glucides/ eeus nutitionnelles poOur 100 ml/Nutritional values per h sugars/waarvan suiker] 10.8g. Fibres/Fiber/ sbinezuur. Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie bodem. Na L-Tropical-frisdrank. Ingredienten: water, suiker, senucht (0,5%), abrikoos (0,1%), guave (0,1%), mango A9, mandarijn (0,1%), limoen (0,05%), banaan (0,05%), notensap ult concentraat : ananas (4%), sinasappel (1%), SmileyWorld & SMILEY FRUTY SMILEY. World - Risson aux jus de fruits à base de concentrés got noical.Ingrédients: eau, Sucre, jus de fruits à base de mentes: ananas (4%), orange (4%), pomme (1%), fruits aapassion (0,5%), abricot (0,1%), goyave (0,1%), aque (0,196), mandarine (0,1%), citron vert (0,05%), were 0.05%), acidifiant : acide citrique, arômes naturels, utoydant: acide ascorbique. A consommer de préférence artle:Voir sur le dessous de la canette. Avant ouverture, ianserver dans un endroit frais. Après ouverture, à Smmer dans les 3 jours. Taste Hapcines BOISSON PLATE STILL DRINK FRISDRANK -Fut julces drink from concentrates "tropical taste. yedents : water, sugar, fruit juices from concentrates: ple (4%), orange (4%), apple (1%), passion fruits apricot (0.1%), goyava (0.1%), mango (0.1%), oderin (0.1%), lime (0.05%), banana (0.05%), acidifier: C ECd, natural flavours, antioxidant : ascorbic acid. Best e end: see base of can. Before opening : store in a pace. Atter opening: consume within 3 days TROPICAL CAL FRUITS /WITH FRUIT JUICES / MET AU JUS DE BOIRE FRAIS DRINK COLD KOEL ORINKEN VRUCHTENSAP endanijn (0,1%), Ilimoen (0.05%), banaan (0,05%), L1379580A 07ABO1 CN rvateur etives Sans conseva No preservative Zonder consen 200 ml Canette à recycler Arômes naturels Natural flavours Natuurlijke aroma's Coloré naturellement Naturally coloured Natuurlijke Kleurstoffen E0 CHOLET, FRANCE PENSEZ AU TRI!

10 ml / Voedingswaarde per 100 ml. Energy / Energy / arveringsmiddel genen koel bewaren en binnen 3 dagen consumeren CRelle 9 nude from Obermal 5a jcant saturated fatty acids / of which saturates / 050 Salt / Salt / Zout: <0.05g. edingszuur: Citroenzuur, natuurlijk aroma, antioxidant: hadingpvezels: <0.5g. Proteins / Protein / Elwit: batothydrates / Koolhydraten: 10.89 (of which sugars / of in verzadigde vetzuren] <0.1g. Carbohydrates / Nutritional values per 100 ml / Nutritional values per h sugars / waarvan suiker] 10.8g. Fibers / Fiber / sbinezuur. Ten minste houdbaar tot: zie bodem. N / A L-Tropical-frisdrank. Ingredienten: water, suiker, senucht (0.5%), abrikoos (0.1%), guave (0.1%), mango A9, mandarijn (0.1%), limoen (0.05%), banaan (0.05%), notensap ult concentraat: pineapple (4%), sinasappel (1%), SmileyWorld & SMILEY FRUTY SMILEY. World - Risson with fruit juices based on taste concentrates noical.Ingredients: water, sugar, fruit juice based on mints: pineapple (4%), orange (4%), apple (1%), fruits aapassion (0.5%), apricot (0.1%), guava (0.1%), aque (0.196), mandarin (0.1%), lime (0.05%), were 0.05%), acidifier: citric acid, natural flavors, utoydant: ascorbic acid. To be consumed preferably artle: See on the underside of the can. Before opening, Store in a cool place. After opening, at Smmer within 3 days. Taste Hapcines FLAT DRINK STILL DRINK FRISDRANK -Fut julces drink from concentrates "tropical taste. yedents: water, sugar, fruit juices from concentrates: ple (4%), orange (4%), apple (1%), passion fruit apricot (0.1%), goyava (0.1%), mango (0.1%), oderin (0.1%), lime (0.05%), banana (0.05%), acidify: C ECd, natural flavors, antioxidant: ascorbic acid. Best e end: see base of can. Before opening: store in a pace. Atter opening: consume within 3 days TROPICAL CAL FRUITS / WITH FRUIT JUICES / MET UNTIL DRINK FRESH DRINK COLD KOEL ORINKEN VRUCHTENSAP endanijn (0.1%), Ilimoen (0.05%), banaan (0.05%), L1379580A 07ABO1 CN reverent etives Without conseva No condative Zonder consen 200 ml Bobbin to recycle Natural aromas Natural flavors Natuurlijke aroma's Naturally colored Naturally colored Natuurlijke Kleurstoffen E0 CHOLET, FRANCE THINK SORTING!
