Details of a can - Faxe




  • Denmark







Leverander til de 5 741000 928004" NSKA OL! DEN STORE DANSKEN SVERIGES EN NDA AKTA D DEN STORE dansk øl. Direkte importeret fra Faxe Bryggeri Dobbelt feststemning med en hel liter ægte, er bevaret. Anpasset til svensk alkoholstyrke. Uden pasteurisering, så de rige smagsnuancer Højdepunktet i venners lag, i familiens kreds, Ej returburk FAXE Mange tak FAE i Danmark. Brygget som "mellanöl" af de fineste råvarer og på klart kildevand. på tomandshånd. Tilsvarende øl fås ikke I Sverige, bortset fra vor halvliterdåse. 1 LITER DANS KEN Bryggt på Faxe's underjordiska källvatten med malt, råfrukt och humle. Tillsatt koldioxid och antioxidationsmedel (E 224). Energi: 135 kJ per 100 g. Alkoholhalt max 2.8 vikt %. Netto 1.0 liter. Bäst före: Se datum i botten av burken. Ikke pasteuriseret derved bevares alle smagsnuancer. En hel liter dansk øl, brygget og frisktappet i Danmark. OAAND 292 30 Ej returburk. Faxe International Faxe Bryggeri A/S DK-4640 Fakse Mange tak. danske folk. Leverander til ter Tite OLII OLIJI

Suppliers to the 5 741000 928004 " NSKA OL! THE GREAT DANISH SWEDEN ONE NDA AKTA D THE BIG Danish beer. Directly imported from Faxe Brewery Double party atmosphere with a whole liter of real, is preserved. Adapted to Swedish alcohol strength. Without pasteurization, so the rich flavor nuances The highlight in the circle of friends, in the circle of family, No return can FAXE Thank you FAE in Denmark. Brewed as "medium beer" by the finest raw materials and on clear spring water. on two hands. Similar beers are not available In Sweden, except for our pint can. 1 LITER DANS KEN Brewed on Faxe's underground spring water with malt, raw fruit and hops. Added carbon dioxide and antioxidants (E 224). Energy: 135 kJ per 100 g. Alcohol content max 2.8% by weight. Net 1.0 liters. Best before: See the date at the bottom of the jar. Not pasteurized thereby preserved all flavor nuances. A whole liter of Danish beer, brewed and freshly bottled in Denmark. OAAND 292 30 No return can. Faxe International Faxe Bryggeri A / S DK-4640 Fax Thank you. Danish People. Suppliers to ter Tite OLII OIL
