Details of a can - Ice-x




  • Germany







bnentad), Kohlensäure, Säuerungsmittel Citronensäure, Stwaztee-Extrakt (0,08 %), Hanfblüten-Extrakt (0,05 %), ke of can/a consommer de préference: voir le fond de la hteet Wasser, Zucker, Zitronensaft (1,8 % aus Zitronensaft- GB Black tea soft drink with extract of hemp blossom Kindestens haltbar bis: siehe Dosenboden/best before: see Schwarztee-Erfrischungsgetränk ICEX ICEXI O CH mit Hanfblütenextrakt HER therte Extrakt (0,08 %), Hanfblüten-Extrakt (0,05 utioudationsmittel Ascorbinsäure, Aroma. CANNABIS ICE TEA dents water, sugar, lemon juice (1,8 % of lemon juice from trate), carbonic dioxide, acidifier. citric acid, black tea atad (0,08 %), hemp blossom extract (0,05 %), antioxidant abik adid, flavour. Abgefüllt für/produced for IQ4 YOU GmbH D-73337 Bad Überkingen Thé noir boisson raffraîchissante avec extraits de fleurs de chanvre CANNABIS ICE TEA TEA hodents, eau, sucre, jus de citron (1,8 % jus de citron á partir eancentre), aclde carbonique, acidifiant: adide citrique, extraits thế noir (0,08 %), extraits de fleurs de chanvre (0,05 %), daygène: adide asorbique, arôme ahrwertangaben je/nutritin per/ Taleur nutritive par 100 ml: Dennwert ergy aergie 134 kJ/32 kcal Eweiß roteine Oines <0,1g uthlenhydrate abobydrates ides 7,6g Fet は aides <0,1 g comette 5G33C12A REXAM e250 ml I FEEL GOOD! 4 "260183 735182

bnentad), carbonic acid, citric acid, Stwaztee extract (0.08%), hemp extract (0.05%), ke of can / a consumer preference: see the bottom of the contains water, sugar, lemon juice (1.8% of lemon juice GB Black tea soft drink with extract of hemp blossom Kindestens haltbar bis: siehe Dosenboden / best before: see Black tea refreshment drink ICEX ICEXI AS WELL with hemp leaf extract HER therte extract (0.08%), hemp blossom extract (0.05 exudative Ascorbic acid, Aroma. CANNABIS ICE TEA dents water, sugar, lemon juice (1.8% of lemon juice from trate), carbonic dioxide, acidifier. citric acid, black tea atad (0.08%), hemp blossom extract (0.05%), antioxidant abik adid, flavor. Completed for / produced for IQ4 YOU GmbH D-73337 Bad Überkingen Refreshing black tea with extracts of flowers of song CANNABIS ICE TEA TEA hodents, water, sugar, lemon juice (1.8% lemon juice to share eancentre), aclde carbonique, acidifiant: adide citrique, extraits thế noir (0.08%), chanvre flower extracts (0.05%), daygene: adide asorbique, arôme ahrwertangaben je / nutritin per / 100 ml nutritional value: Dennwert ergy aergie 134 kJ / 32 kcal White roteine Oines <0.1g uthlenhydrate abobydrates ides 7.6g Fat は aides <0.1 g comette 5G33C12A REXAM e250 ml I FEEL GOOD! 4 "260183 735182
