Details of a can - Wilfort




  • Nigeria







KM 38 Lagos-Abeokuta Express Way, ngredients: Water, malted grains, caramel, hops Brasse Brassée sous licence par Sona Breweries Plc, HATT BRASSEURS DEPUIS M Brewed under license by Sona Breweries Plc, Best before end (see bottom of can) DARK A Nafdac Reg. No. 01-3467 WILFORT Produced by B Sona Breweries Plc. Brewed Sango-Ōta, Ogun State, Nigeria Dark ale WILFORORT Ingredient Rest before end (see bottom of can) Best Brasse Brassée sous licence par Sona Breweries Plc. KM 38 Lagos-Abeokuta Express Way, KM Sango-Ōta, Ogun State, Nigeria Sa Grande bière brune Ingrédiens ridients: Eau, céréales maltées, caramel, houblon A consommersommer de préférence avant le : (voir sous la boite) Gardez vote ardez votre påys propre, protégez l'environnement Wilfortویلفورت مُخمرة بترخيص من شركة سونا بروريز بي .لسي نېږلسي. كي.أم. 38 لاغوس-أبيوكوتا أكسبرس واي، دوي، سانغو-أوتا، ولاية أوغون، نیجیریا GRANDE BR مزر غامق ال لون BIERE MERE المكونات: ماء، حبوب مُلتة، كرميلة، جنجل تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية )انظر قاعدة العلبة( حافظ على نظافة بلدك وحافظ على الينة 6. (alu KEEP YOUR COUNTRY CLEAN, BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY REXAM 50cl e 116618058 Alc./Vol. 6.5% RECYCLABLE BRUNE 151100 080202

KM 38 Lagos-Abeokuta Express Way, ngredients: Water, malted grains, caramel, hops Brassée sous license by Sona Breweries Plc, HATT BRASSEURS DEPUIS M Brewed under license by Sona Breweries Plc, Best before end (see bottom of can) DARK A Nafdac Reg. No. 01-3467 WILFORT Produced by B Sona Breweries Plc. Brewed Sango-Ōta, Ogun State, Nigeria Dark ale WILFORORT Ingredient Rest before end (see bottom of can) Best Brassée sous license by Sona Breweries Plc. KM 38 Lagos-Abeokuta Express Way, KM Sango-Ōta, Ogun State, Nigeria Sa Grande bière brune Ingrédiens ridients: Eau, céréales maltées, caramel, houblon A consommersommer de préférence avant le : (voir sous la boite) Gardez vote ardez votre påys propre, protégez l'environnement Wilfort Fermented under license from Sona Breweries B.L.C. K.M. 38 Lagos-Apokuta Express Way, Doi, Sango-Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria GRAND BR dark-colored ale BIERE MERE Ingredients: water, malt beans, caramel, hops Expiry date (see box base) Keep your country clean and keep the softness 6. (alu KEEP YOUR COUNTRY CLEAN, BE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY REXAM 50cl e 116618058 Alc./Vol. 6.5% RECYCLABLE BRUNE 151100 080202
