Details of a can - Cardinal




  • Switzerland






PORT EXPORT EXPORT EX T- EXPORT in Switzerland by Brasserie du Cả dinal Friboog EXPORT 1 CARDINAL AL BIÈRE SPÉCIALE SPEZIALBIER CL 35 CL 12 F 12 FL OZ Fribourg, Suisse Made in Şwitzele BIÈRE BLONDE SPÉCIALE Cette bière spéciale de luxe a été brassée avec des malts d'orge et des houblonş de qyalité supérieure. Dieses feihe Spezialbier ist HELLES SPEZIALBIER aus bestem Gerstenmalz und edelstem Hopfen gebraut. BIRRA CHIARA SPECIALE Questa birra speciale di Jussa è stata prodotta.conpuro malto d'orzo e luppolo di dualita superibre selezionata. LIGHT SPECIAL BEER This high quality export lager is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops. 1.

PORT EXPORT EXPORT EX T- EXPORT in Switzerland by Brasserie du Cả dinal Friboog EXPORT 1 CARDINAL AL SPECIAL BEER SPEZIALBIER CL 35 CL 12 F 12 FL OZ Freiburg, Switzerland Made in Switzerland SPECIAL BLONDE BEER This special beer from luxury was brewed with barley malts and hops superior quality. Dieses feihe Spezialbier ist HELLES SPEZIALBIER aus bestem Gerstenmalz und edelstem Hopfen gebraut. SPECIAL LIGHT BEER This special beer of Jussa was produced.pure barley malt and hops of selected superibre duality. LIGHT SPECIAL BEER This high quality export lager is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops. 1.
