Details of a can - Cardinal




  • Switzerland






IRRA CHIARA SPECIALE EXPORT BLONDE DE LUXE Questa birra speciale di lusso è stata prodotta con puro malto d'orzo e luppolo This high quality export lager is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops SERIE DU CARDINAL, FRIBOURG, SUISSE CONTEN ANCE: 35 CL CONTENTS 11 INHALT0.35 TENTS 12 FL.OZ ALT 0.35 L. CONTENUTO: 0.351 SPEZIAL-BIER * FINEST NEST LIGHT DU EXPORT 178B FRIBOUR | CARDİNAL BIEE BIERE BLONDE SPECIALE EXPORT 1788' Celte b CARDİNA NAL Cette bière spéciale de luxe a été brassée avec des malts d'orge et des houblons de qualité supérieure avec d HELLE HELLES SPEZIAL-EXPORT-BIER BIERE BLONDE NDE Dies slenmo Dieses feine Spezialbier ist aus bestem Ger- slenmalz und edelstem Hopfen gebraut SPECIALE ONDE DE LUXE LIGHT SPECIAL EXPORT BEER This h with FINEME FINEMENT with the finest barley malts and hops BIRRA Quest proda di qualità superiore selezionata BRASEN Made in Switzer land CARDINA BEER LAGER он HOUBLONNEE SUISS SUISSE CARDINA 7 E BIERE

IRRA CHIARA SPECIAL EXPORT LUXURY BLONDE This special luxury beer was produced with pure barley malt and hops This high quality export lager is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops CARDINAL SERIES, FRIBORG, SWITZERLAND CONTAINS ANCE: 35 CL CONTENTS 11 INHALT0.35 TENTS 12 FL.OZ ALT 0.35 L. CONTENTS: 0.351 SPECIAL BEER * FINEST NEST LIGHT DU EXPORT 178B FRIBOR | CARDINAL BIEE BEER SPECIAL BLONDE EXPORT 1788 ' Celts b CARDİNA NAL This special luxury beer has been brewed with barley malts and hops top quality with d HELLE HELLES SPEZIAL-EXPORT-BEER BLONDE BEER NDE Days slenmo Dieses feine Spezialbier ist aus bestem Ger- slenmalz und edelstem Hopfen gebraut SPECIAL LUXURY WAVE LIGHT SPECIAL EXPORT BEER This h with FINEME FINALLY with the finest barley malts and hops BEER Quest proda selected top quality BRASEN Made in Switzer land CARDINA BEER LAGER он HOUBLONNEE SWISS SWITZERLAND CARDINA 7 AND BEER
