Details of a can - Harboe




  • Denmark







bt canettle Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro: V. base lattina Consumir de prele Consumir antes de: Ver la base Karavakwon Katá mporiunon mpw and: BleneTe phon rod avi THE ROYAL DANISH C ENT TO HARBO BOE Sust balore (0M): See base of can A consommer de préférence avant le; vor le fond BEAR BEER REMIUM PREMIUM LA 2. BEAR BEER alc. BEAR BEER vol. BEER BY APPOINTMENR BY APPOINTMENT TO THE ROYAL DANISH COURT SH COURT HARBOE IMPORTED IMPORTED BEAIAR BEERER BEAR BEER PREMIUM LAM LAGER PREMIUM LAGER 此日期前最佳(日/月年:見 CERNUreudlients: Weter, barley malt and hops. FR Ingredierits: Eau, nmalt d'orge, houblon. DIngredienti: Acqua, malto e luppolo. ED Ingredlentes: Aogu. malte de cevade e lúpulo. ES Ingredientes: Agua, malta de cebada e lúpulos. 5°GL GR Xucraticá: Nepó, Búvn KpiBapiou, kuniooc. ipotov Baviuc. Trademark owned by HARBOES BRYGGERI A/S, DK-4230 Skaeiskoer, Produced in EU at / Produit en UE a/ Producido eri UE en/Produzido na UE em/ Prodotto in EU a/lapáyerai otnv EE anó: Harboe's breweries.Country of origin: Germany. Pays d'origine: Allemagne. Pals de origen: Alernania. CL:IMP: VINA FRANCISCỞ DE AGUIRRE S.A. LA CHIMBA ACCESO SUR S/N Km 5- OVALLE. PE: Importado por: HIPERMERCADOS TOTTUS, S.A., Av. Angamos Este N° 1805 Int. P-10 LimaSurquillo, Perú, RUC: N° 20508565934. Registro Sanitario: P5802213E NAHPTT. Almacene en un lugar cerrado, fresco y seco. TOMAR BEBIDAS ALCOHOLICAS EN EXCESO ES DAÑINO. e CONT./Mepieyouavo 0.501 50 cl 500 ml 净含量: 500毫; 哈尔博绿熊啤酒过量饮酒有害健康 CHD 原料及辅料: 水,大麦芽,啤酒花,酒精度: 5% vol. / 原麦汁浓度;11 P,生产商:哈尔博啤酒公司原产国:德国 生产日期: (日/月/年)见罐底 保质期至: 之藏条件:常溫避光。 地址 北 京市朝网 区南十里 居43号. BEER (日/月/年)见罐底 总经销:北京新洲福德商贸有限公司 BIERE BIRRA CERVEJA CERVEZA MNYPA D G2VC24C

bt canettle Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro: V. base lattina Consumir de prele Consumir antes de: Ver la base Karavakwon Katá mporiunon mpw and: BleneTe phon rod avi THE ROYAL DANISH C ENT TO HARBO BOE Sust balore (0M): See base of can A consommer de préférence avant le; vor le fond BEAR BEER REMIUM PREMIUM LA 2. BEAR BEER alc. BEAR BEER vol. BEER BY APPOINTMENR BY APPOINTMENT TO THE ROYAL DANISH COURT SH COURT HARBOE IMPORTED IMPORTED BEAIAR BEERER BEAR BEER PREMIUM LAM LAGER PREMIUM LAGER Best before this date (day/month year: see CERNUreudlients: Weter, barley malt and hops. FR Ingredierits: Eau, nmalt d'orge, houblon. DIngredienti: Acqua, malto e luppolo. ED Ingredlentes: Aogu. malte de cevade e lúpulo. ES Ingredientes: Agua, malta de cebada e lúpulos. 5°GL GR Xucraticá: Nepó, Búvn KpiBapiou, kuniooc. ipotov Baviuc. Trademark owned by HARBOES BRYGGERI A/S, DK-4230 Skaeiskoer, Produced in EU at / Produit en UE a/ Producido eri UE en/Produzido na UE em/ Prodotto in EU a/lapáyerai otnv EE anó: Harboe's breweries.Country of origin: Germany. Pays d'origine: Allemagne. Pals de origen: Alernania. CL:IMP: VINA FRANCISCỞ DE AGUIRRE S.A. LA CHIMBA ACCESO SUR S/N Km 5- OVALLE. PE: Importado por: HIPERMERCADOS TOTTUS, S.A., Av. Angamos Este N° 1805 Int. P-10 LimaSurquillo, Perú, RUC: N° 20508565934. Registro Sanitario: P5802213E NAHPTT. Almacene en un lugar cerrado, fresco y seco. TOMAR BEBIDAS ALCOHOLICAS EN EXCESO ES DAÑINO. e CONT./Mepieyouavo 0.501 50 cl 500 ml Net content: 500 milli; Harbo Green Bear Beer Excessive drinking is harmful to health CHD raw materials and auxiliary materials: water, barley malt, hops, alcohol content: 5% vol. / Original wort concentration; 11 P, manufacturer: Harbo Brewing Company Country of origin: Germany Production date: (day/month/year) see the bottom of the tank Shelf life to: The storage conditions: room temperature and avoid light. Address No. 43, Nanshiliju, Chaowang District, Beijing City. BEER (Day/Month/Year) See the bottom of the tank General distributor: Beijing Xinzhou Fude Trading Co., Ltd. BIERE BIRRA CERVEJA CERVEZA MNYPA D G2VC24C
