Details of a can - Suntory




  • Japan







Other cans from same set:

PREMIUMIUM A premium pilsner beer, brewel lsner beer, brewed with selected ingredients and pril. igredients and pride. SUNTO TORY The The コール分5.5% 350ml あき缶はすてないよう ご協力ください 台第丁日33 年月,製造 脂国有記号 明始底に表示 MALT'S ALT'S 天然水の ビール工場から SUNTORY O育に悪影響を Rれがあります。 識を過ぎてから FEバ麦芽を加え、 W以深いコク A注意破裂するおそれが ありますので、簡撃や冷凍保書 を避け、直射日光のあたる 車内等高温になる場所に 長時間置かないでください。 天然水100%型100%仕込 JR東海JR西日本N700A のぞみひかりこだま 富士山 PREMIUM BEER PREMIUM BEER Cf-47kcal E 04-06g 0g 3.88 SUNTORY The PREMIUM MALT'S SUNTORY SUNTORY PILSINER BEER PILSNER BEER E0~0.1g ザプレミアム フレミアム EIVY さけ 0120-139-310 ontryjoPREMIUM お酒 モルツ 天然水100%仕込 生ビール (非熱処理)》 ALL MALT EL- , ALL MALT 生ビール (非熱処曜) 4 901777231313

PREMIUMIUM A premium pilsner beer, brewel lsner beer, brewed with selected ingredients and pril. Igredients and pride. SUNTO TORY The The The Call 5.5% 350ml Don't let the empty cans go away Please cooperate Dai-chome day 33 Year / month, manufacturing Fat national symbol Displayed at the bottom MALT'S ALT'S Natural water From the beer factory SUNTORY O adversely affects education There is R. After passing the knowledge Add FE malt and Deeper than W A Caution There is a risk of explosion Because there is, simple attack and freezing book Avoid direct sunlight In places with high temperatures such as inside a car Please do not leave it for a long time. 100% natural water type 100% preparation JR Central JR West Japan N700A Nozomi Hikari Kodama Mount Fuji PREMIUM BEER PREMIUM BEER Cf-47kcal E 04-06g 0g 3.88 SUNTORY The PREMIUM MALT'S SUNTORY SUNTORY PILSINER BEER PILSNER BEER E0 ~ 0.1g The Premium Flemium EIVY Salmon 0120-139-310 ontryjoPREMIUM sake Malts 100% natural water preparation draft beer (Non-heat treatment) >> ALL MALT EL-, ALL MALT Draft beer (non-heated) 4 901777231313
