Details of a can - Suntory




  • Japan







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PREMIUMIUM A premium pilsner beer, brewelar ber, brewed with SUNTO ORY The The 芽ホップ Mコール分5.5% 350ml あき缶はリサイクル あき缶はすてないよう ご協力ください 台灯日33 眼年月,製造 點相有配号 底に表示 MALTS UTS LT'S 天然水の SUNTORY selected ingredients and prients and pride. 第に悪影響を Eをさてから MEバ麦芽を加え、 M队深いコク A注意破裂するおそれが ありますので、衝撃や冷凍保管 を避け、直射日光のあたる 車内等高温になる場所に 長時間置かないでください。 天然水100%型00%仕込 JR東日本 E2系あさま 浅間山 PREMIUM BEER REMIUM REER SUNTORY 平 47kcal E 04-06g 0g 3.8g SUNTORY The SANER BEER PILSNER BEER PREMIUM REE 0~0.18 ザプレミアム ミアム お酒 MALT'S 天然水100%仕込 生ビール さけ モルツ 0120-139-310 ontryipPREMIUM 生ビール ALL MALT EL-JL (E) 《非熱処理》 4 901777 231313

PREMIUMIUM A premium pilsner beer, brewelar ber, brewed with SUNTO ORY The The Bud hop M call 5.5% 350ml Recycled cans Don't let the empty cans go away Please cooperate Desk lamp day 33 Eye date, manufacturing No. Displayed on the bottom MALTS UTS LT'S Natural water SUNTORY selected ingredients and prients and pride. First adverse effect After E Add ME malt and M deep richness A Caution There is a risk of explosion Because there is, shock and frozen storage Avoid direct sunlight In places with high temperatures such as inside a car Please do not leave it for a long time. 100% natural water type 00% preparation JR East E2 Series Asama Mount Asama PREMIUM BEER REMIUM REER SUNTORY Flat 47kcal E 04-06g 0g 3.8g SUNTORY The SANER BEER PILSNER BEER PREMIUM REE 0 ~ 0.18 The Premium Mium sake MALT'S 100% natural water preparation draft beer Salmon Malts 0120-139-310 ontryipPREMIUM draft beer ALL MALT EL-JL (E) 《Non-heat treatment》 4 901777 231313
