Details of a can - Loyd




  • Poland







e , packaging gas-carbon dioxide, acidity regulator- citric acid, natural ditrus flavouring Cirommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women. Ingredients: water, sugar,lemon OREN TEA Cinus flavour energy drink with caffelne, green tea and guarana extracts, sparting et the demand of adults with intense muscular effort, especially sportsmen. High caffeine content pt.Sere chiled. Do not mix with alcohol. MOKATE S.A. ul. Katowicka 265a, 43-450 Ustron, Poland et belre date and production batch on the bottom of the can. Store in a dry and cool place, away l ourings gren tea extract (0,05%), caffeine from green coffee seeds (0,03%), lemon extact Aonk cd guarana extract (0,01%), stabiliser-locust bean gum, quinine flavouring, colouring- hn df poduct ensures a dedlared, beneficial influence of caffeine. Do not (34 mg/100 ml), Notecime poy py loleinu. Neprekračujte viac ako 300 mg kofeinu denne. / Viena obsahem kofeinu (04 mg /W N TEA. Neakoholicky energetický nápoj ochucený, s citrusovou příchuti, s kofeinem a extrakten ahe 5mg kofeinu. Kofein prispivá ke zvýšení koncentrace. Vyvážená strava with other natural favort ca (250 ml) contains 85 mg of caffeine. Carelie neips to Improve GB ENERGY GREEN TEA C lendat aloholem. Není vhodné pro registrované sportovce. Pasterizováno. Složení pitná voda, coki, 34 mg/100 m). Vysoký obsah kofeinu – není vhodné pro děti a těhotné nebo kojid ženy a osoby zyseniu koncentrácie. Vyvážená strava a zdravý životný štyl sú Z ENERGY GREN TEA M yceny - určeno pro zvláštní výživu. Vhodné při zvýšeném tělesném výkonu. S vysokýjm ta. Maximální doporučená denní dávka je 1 balení (250 ml). Skladování: chrańte pied teplem a m pirodnim aroma, extrakt zeleného čaje (0,05 %), kofein ze-zelených kávových zm (0,83 %) lee lardinje (250 ml) yra 85 mg kofeino. Kofeinas pagerina koncentracija. barvivo: Beta -kanten Madi nda (230 m) satur 85 mg kofeina. Kofeins uzlabo koncentrēšanās spēju. ditlivé na kofein. Nemicht sae ar botni syl jsou düležité pro zachování zdraví. Porce tohoto výrobku antioxidant-ascotbic ad g abuta dea ir sveikas gyvenímo būdas tai svarbūs Sveikatos apsaugos mrazem. Uchováveje nimu osa dat-kyselina askorbová, extrakt z guarany (0.01 %), stabilizátor-karubin, aroma chininu, lenalts lati uzgemtais kofeina daudzums nedrikst pārsniegt 300 mg. / itrónový extrakt, antodat- elaovany piznivý vlv kofeinu. Nepřekračujte vice než 300 mg beta carotene. Bestbelwe. denme / Jedna plechovka (250 ml) obsahuje 85 mg kofeinu. Kofein from direct sunlight Seve ile pe zachovanie zdravia. Porcia tohto výrobku zaistuje deklarovaný zeleného čaje a guanan, s- d noe than 300 mg of caffeine per day./Jedna plechovka (250 ml) juice from concentrate (pt tobon. Balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important to stay fit. pasteurised-Meets the deais hins, krisviela (beta-karotins). leteicams lidz: datumu un partijas nUmuru skat bundzs h wiadabas intensivas fiziskas slodzes laikā, ipaši tas attiecas uz sportistiem. Augsts kofeina m akstá vietä. Vislabāk garšo, ja pasniegts atdzesēts. Uzmanibu: sargāt no tiešem sales m seveenda ahutatult. Tahelepanu: kaitsta päikesekiirte toime eest. Mitte segada alkoholiga. E est AS Taevavärava tee 4A, Lehrmja küla, Rae vald 75306, tel: +372 6 827 782. LV ENERGY susoje ir vesioje vietoje, apsaugoti nuo tiesioginių saulės spindulių. Gerti atialdya Wal a ieteicams lietot bērniem, grütniecēm un sievietěn; kas baro ar krūti. Sastávs idens danaktais. Gazuotas. Pasterizuotas. Sudetyje daug kofeino. Nerekomenduojama vakams itaejetskais dzeriens ar citrusauglu gariu, kofeinu, zaļās tējas un guarānas ekstraktu, pasteries bilnsis arbatos ekstraktas (0,05%), kofeinas iš žaliosios kavos sėklų (0,03%), dring tes nedrist sajaukt ar alkoholu. Izplatitājs: SIA Daisena Latvia, Riga, Bikseres iela 6, Latvja Seleic enduo, aukrus, koncentruotos ditrinų sultys (3%), pakavimo dujos (anglies dioksides ain ene, minimaalne aegumistähtaeg ja tooteparti number purgi põhjal. Hoida kuvas ja s (alordo rightis), gvaraninės paulinijos ekstraktas (0,01%), stabilizatorius (aiti kaits antoksidants (askorbinskäbe), guarânas ekstrakts (0,01%), stabilizators (ceratoniju augle dm ahigiem aromatizetájiem, zalás téjas ekstrakts (0,05% , kofeins no zaļās kafijas pupinām im noterins (34 mg/100 ml). Skirtas suaugusiems žmonėms, ypač sportininkams, turintiens sw loncentrita (3%), oglekļa dioksids, skābuma reguletajs (citronskäbe), dtrusauglu dabigs Gamintias MOKATE SA. ul. Katowicka 265a, 43-450 Ustroń, Lenkija. Platintyes mpoj nediaga (chininas), dažiklis (beta karotinas). Geriausias iki: datą ir partijes nemer NE EREN TEA dtrusiniy vaisių skonio gaivusis energinis gérimas su kofeinu, žaliosios arbatos Talmetihu 3 90, balia pyn - Oxid uhličitý, regulátor kyselosti - kyselina citrónová, přvodní amoma hala poja nodrošina atzītu, labvēligu kofeina ietekmi uz organismu. itrusových plodi sjim pioti leta dita un veseligs dzivesveids ir svarigi veselibas saglabašanai. dtrónová štiva z koncetu metiaga (ctriny rügštis), natürali kvapioji medžiaga (ditrusinių vaisig) ir kites naticalis LOYD The Magic Experience ia nodošina atzitu, labvéligu kofeina ietekmi uz organismu. ditrusovich phổi daninie 250 ml) yra 85 mg kofeino. Kofeinas pagerina koncentraciją. barvivo: Beta - amtn h eta ir sveikas gyvenimo būdas tai svarbus sSveikatos apsaugos mrazem. Uchováyeite hodikeo porcja užikrina deklaruojamą teigiama kofeino poveiki. uchovejte v hladnite i plechovky. Prodirajd o TEA. Nealkoholictyenegtide sytený-urtené na osobine ve 100 ml nápoje ve 250 ml nápoje mg/100 ml). ysoay dsahi Nemiešat s s akoholom. ehote štavaz koncentrátu 9, ai laimalní doporučená denní dávka je 1 balen (250 ml). Skladování: chrante před tenlen a in dosah deti. Chrante pred pimým slunečnim světlem. Podávat nejlépe chlazený, Po oteien 1-80 a spotřebujte do 48 hodin. Minimální trvanlivost do a čislo šarže L): viz d MOKATE Czech, Počernická 96, 108 00 raha 10, Ceská republika. SK ENERGY GREEN eidynápoj ochutený s citrusovou prichutou, s kofeimom a extraktom zeleného čaju a guarRN tie vivové utely. Vhodné pri zvýšenom telesnom výkone. S vysokým obsahom kofenu 4 dah kofeinu - nie je vhodné pre deti a tehotné afebo dojčace ženy a osoby dtlivé na kofein. lehodné pre egistovaných športovcov. Pasterizováné. Zloženie: pitná voda, cuko, dtówá , bla poin-onid uhicit, regulátor kyslosti -kyselina citrónová, príodná aróma dtrusovjch ou adimou, extrakt zo zeleného čaju (0,05 %), kofein zo zelených kávových ziaren (0,3 %) oidant-kyselina askorbová, extrakt z quarany (0,01 %), stabilizátor - karobová quma, ardma ake-amten. Macimálina odporučaná denná dávka je 1 balenie (250 ml). Skladovanie: uchovával na suhon daie ped eploma mrazom. Uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí. Chráñte pred priamym slnečným žarenin. ediadeny, Po otvorení uchovajte v chladničke (pri 4-8°) a spotrebujte do 48 hodin. Minimálna Soina davla (0; vid. dno plechovky. Predávajúci pre SR: MOKATE Slovakia s.r.0, Štúrova 5/9, 017 mia, Sovenská republika. EE ENERGY GREEN TEA. Sidrunimaitseline, kofeiniga gaseeitud guarana ekstraktiga, pastöriseeritud - intensiivse füüsilise energiakulu puhul asaratud sportlaste, noudlusi rahuldav. Körge kofeiinisisaldus (34 mg/100 ml), E le BHtele a imetavatele naistele. Koostis: vesi, suhkur, sidrunimahl mahlakontsentraadist i, happesuse regulaator -drunihape, looduslik tsitruse aroom koo teiste looduslie dstrakt (0,05%), kofein toorkohvi seemnetest (0,03%), sidruniekstrakt, antioksuba n estakt (,01%), stabilisaator - jaanileivapuujahu, aroomiaine - hinim, var ig 30 mg kfeino per para. ENERG +GREEN TEA per 100 ml per 250 ml krion infomation/Nutriční hodnoty atie hodnoty/Toiteväärtus/ thrieriba/ Maistingumas v 100 ml nápoja v 250 ml nápoja 100 ml kohta 250 ml kohta ng/bege/Energa/Energeetiline 193 kJ/46 kcal 483 kJ/115 kcal plodov s inou priodno atna citrónový extrakt, antoridaen- chininy, farbivc: Beta-lanter a tmavom mieste, dhaite pert Podávať najlepšie dladej trvanlivost do a vyodná dhie 01 Považská Bystria, Sovesi energiajook, rohelse te u täiskasvanud isikut, kausaru Soovitatav lastele,rasedate gaas pakendis-sisinidebi aroomidega, rehelse te e askorbinhape, quaran eista beetakaroteen. Parim eme jahedas kohas Parin sere Importija: EUGESTA Eesh AS GREEN TEA. Gazets enegs - apmierina pieaugue saturs (34 mg/100 ml cukurs, ditrona sula ne i aromatizetijs ar citen daipe (0,03%), cirona elstaks sveki), aromatieitis Netomaht/Neto tilpums/ apaka. Uaglatit ins/Begetskä vertiba / Energinė vertě L7MY Rasv/ Tauki/ Riebalų mid satuates/z toho nasycené mastné dy/tho asfené mastné kyseliny / Aklstand noshapped/tsk.piesätinātās ake/ uriuse sodyjų riebaly rūgščių ae Sahanidy/ Sacharidy/ elad/Oghidat/Angliavandenių id sugas/ toho cukr /z toho cukor/ ind/tk culuri/kuriuose cukrų R/Maknina /Kiudaine/ achels Sadulinig medžiagy oiy /Belkoviny /Valk/ halamiels Balymy TE TS Sool/Sals/Druskos <0,1g <0,1g <0,25 g <0,25g 10,9g 27,3g 10,9g 27,39 <0,1g <0,25 g <0,19 <0,25g 0,003 g 0,008 g FROM Net volume/Objem/ NATURAL LV1073. LT ENERGY GREN O gvaraninés paulinjios ektb nėsčioms ar žindančm intensyvy fizinj krin Su rügstinguma reguluat kvapiesios medžigs ekstraktas, antiotsiants ceratonijy denva), hapi e skardinés apacoje Lai s Nemaišyi su alahol „Dalsena, Taikesp. ingredients: • Green tea extract • Fruit juice • Caffeine Grynasis kiekis / Neto türis: stariem. Enerjas d 250 ml (8.45fl 0Z) G4UF11C NO PRESERVATIVES -5202 Kaunas, Lietuva. alu) cp SPARKLING 5 900396 020086

e, packaging gas-carbon dioxide, acidity regulator- citric acid, natural ditrus flavoring Cirommended for children, pregnant or breast-feeding women. Ingredients: water, sugar, lemon OREN TEA Cinus flavor energy drink with caffelne, green tea and guarana extracts, sparting et the demand of adults with intense muscular effort, especially sportsmen. High caffeine content pt.Sere chiled. Do not mix with alcohol. MOKATE S.A. ul. Katowicka 265a, 43-450 Ustron, Poland et belre date and production batch on the bottom of the can. Store in a dry and cool place, away l ourings gren tea extract (0,05%), caffeine from green coffee seeds (0,03%), lemon extact Aonk cd guarana extract (0,01%), stabilizer-locust bean gum, quinine flavoring, coloring- hn df poduct ensures a dedlared, beneficial influence of caffeine. Do not (34 mg / 100 ml), Notecime poy py loleinu. Do not exceed more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. / Vienna caffeine content (04 mg / W N TEA. Non-alcoholic energy drink flavored, with citrus flavor, with caffeine and extract ahe 5mg caffeine. Caffeine contributes to increased concentration. Balanced diet with other natural favort ca (250 ml) contains 85 mg of caffeine. Carelie neips to Improve GB ENERGY GREEN TEA C lendat aloholem. Not suitable for registered athletes. Pasteurized. Ingredients drinking water, coki, 34 mg / 100 m). High in caffeine - not suitable for children and pregnant or coyid women and people increase in concentration. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are Z ENERGY GREN TEA M yceny - intended for special nutrition. Suitable for increased physical performance. With a high ta. The maximum recommended daily dose is 1 pack (250 ml). Storage: keep away from heat and m pirodnim aroma, green tea extract (0.05%), caffeine from green coffee changes (0.83%) lee lardinje (250 ml) is 85 mg of caffeine. Caffeine pagerine concentration. dye: Beta -kanten Madi nda (230 m) saturation 85 mg caffeine. Caffeine treatment is concentrated. sensitive to caffeine. Nemicht sae ar botni syl are important for maintaining health. Portions of this product antioxidant-ascotbic ad g abouts this and the health of the general public or the frost of the Swiss. It preserves its axis dat-ascorbic acid, guarana extract (0.01%), carubine stabilizer, quinine aroma, The amount of caffeine used in the composition is less than 300 mg. / itron extract, antodata- elaovany foamy wave of caffeine. Do not exceed 300 mg beta carotene. Bestbelwe. One can (250 ml) contains 85 mg of caffeine. Caffeine from direct sunlight Seve ile to maintain health. A portion of this product provides the declared green tea and guanana, d noe than 300 mg of caffeine per day./Jedna plechovka (250 ml) juice from concentrate (pt tobon. Balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are important to stay fit. pasteurized-Meets the deais hins, krisviela (beta-carotines). leticams lidz: date and party nUmuru skat bundzs h is an intensive physical physician, in particular as regards sports. Augsts caffeine m akstá vietä. In general, the garbage, and so on, is set. Uzmanibu: sargāt no tieším sales m seveenda ahutatult. Tahelepanu: this is the case for the first period. Mitte segada alcoholiga. E est AS Taevavärava tee 4A, Lehrmja küla, Rae vald 75306, tel: +372 6 827 782. LV ENERGY neighbors and local authorities, including new legal frameworks. Gerti atialdya They may be used in ships, plants and plants; that baro with curls. Sastávs idens danaktais. Gazuotas. Pasteurized. The Sudetenland has a caffeine. We do not recommend Italian delicacies with citrus fruit, caffeine, sauces and guarna extract, pasteurized bovine arbatos extract (0.05%), caffeine in the various blacks (0.03%), dring you don't like alcohol. Executor: SIA Daisena Latvia, Riga, Bikseres Street 6, Latvia Seleic enduo, aukrus, concentrated ditrine sultate (3%), packaging dujos (anglies dioksides a single, minimum storage capacity and product number in the market. It looks like yes s (allordo rightis), guarine paulinian extract (0.01%), stabilizer (aiti as an antioxidant (ascorbic acid), guarax extract (0.01%), stabilizers dm ahigiem aromatizetajjiem, based on the same extract (0,05%, caffeine from the main coffee buds) in noterins (34 mg / 100 ml). Welding equipment, including sports, tourism sw loncentrita (3%), carbon dioxide, scaled acid (citric acid), dabusauglu dabigs Gamintias MOKATE SA. ul. Katowicka 265a, 43-450 Ustroń, Lenkija. Platintyes mpoj nediaga (quininas), dažiklis (beta carotinas). Geriausias iki: date and batches not measured NE EREN TEA dtrusiniy vaisių konkon gaivusis energinis gerimas su caffeine, žiosios arbatos Talmetihu 3 90, balia pyn - Carbon dioxide, acidity regulator - citric acid, accompanying amoma it is possible to ensure the presence of labile caffeine in the body. torus fruits except piots let this be a living animal and be accompanied by a happy birthday. dtron suture from the concept metiaga (ctriny rügštis), natural fluid LOYD The Magic Experience ia nodošina atzitu, labvéligu cafeina ietekmi uz organismu. ditrusovich phổi daninie 250 ml) is 85 mg caffeine. Caffeine pagerine concentration. dye: Beta - amtn h is a natural foodstuff in the same way as the sludge is frozen. Uchováyeite every portion of the declaration of declarations is valid for caffeine. keep in starve i cans. Prodirajd o TEA. Non-alcoholic drugs saturated-tasted on the person in 100 ml of drink in 250 ml of drink mg / 100 ml). ysoay dsahi Do not mix with alcohol. ehote concentrate concentrate 9, ai The minimum recommended daily dose is 1 pack (250 ml). Storage: protect from tenlen and and reach children. Protect from direct sunlight. Serve best chilled, After oteien 1-80 and use within 48 hours. Minimum shelf life up to and batch number L): see d MOKATE Czech, Počernická 96, 108 00 raha 10, Czech Republic. SK ENERGY GREEN eidyna drink flavored with citrus flavor, with caffeine and green tea extract and guarRN those vivels. Suitable for increased physical performance. High in caffeine 4 dah caffeine - not suitable for children and pregnant women or breastfeeding women and people sensitive to caffeine. delicious for experienced athletes. Pasteurized. Ingredients: drinking water, cuko, dtówá , bla poin-onid carbonate, acidity regulator - citric acid, natural aroma of dtrusovjch ou adimou, green tea extract (0.05%), caffeine from green coffee beans (0.3%) oidant-ascorbic acid, quarana extract (0.01%), stabilizer - carobic quma, ardma ake-amten. Macimal's recommended daily dose is 1 pack (250 ml). Storage: kept on dry daie ped eploma mrazom. Keep out of reach of children. Protect from direct sunlight. Once opened, store in a refrigerator (at 4-8 °) and use within 48 hours. Minimum Soina davla (0; visible bottom of the can. Seller for SR: MOKATE Slovakia s.r.0, Štúrova 5/9, 017 mia, Soviet Republic. EE ENERGY GREEN TEA. Sideways, caffeine gas guarana abstract, pasteurized - intensive physical energy supply prepared sportswear, emergency rental. Körge caffeine solution (34 mg / 100 ml), E le BHtele and imetatele naistele. Koostis: vesi, suhkur, sidrunimahl mahlakontsentraadist i, happesuse regulator -drunihape, looduslik tsitruse aroom koo teiste looduslie abstract (0.05%), caffeine supernatant seemnetest (0.03%), sodium hydroxide abstract, antioxidant n estakt (.01%), stabilizer - jaanileivapuujahu, aroomiaine - hinim, var and 30 mg of caffeine per pair. ENERG + GREEN TEA per 100 ml per 250 ml Nutritional values atie hodnoty / Toiteväärtus / thrieriba / Maistingumas in 100 ml of drink in 250 ml of drink 100 ml capacity 250 ml capacity ng / bege / Energa / Energeetiline 193 kJ / 46 kcal 483 kJ / 115 kcal fruits with other natural water lemon extract, antoridene- quinine, dye: Beta-lanter and a dark place, dhaite pert Serve the best young durability to and utter dhie 01 Považská Bystrica, Sovesi energy sources, rohelse te u in the absence of such goods Reciprocating materials, waste gaas pakendis-sisinidebi aroomidega, rehelse te e askorbinhape, quaran eista beetakaroteen. Parim eme years old Parin sere Import: EUGESTA Eesh AS GREEN TEA. Gazets enegs - apmierina pieaugue saturs (34 mg / 100 ml sugar, ditrona sula ne i flavorings with other plants (0.03%), cirona elstaks sveki), aromatieitis Netomaht / Neto tilpums / apaka. Uaglatit ins / Begetskä vertiba / Energinė vertě L7MY Rasv / Tauki / Riebalų mid satuates / of which saturated fatty dy / tho asphene fatty acids / Aklstand noshapped / tsk.piesätinātās ake / uriuse sodajų riebaly rūgščių ae Sahanids / Carbohydrates / elad / Oghidat / Angliavandenių id sugas / of that sugar / of which sugar / ind / tk culuri / kuriuose cukrų R / Maknina / Kiudaine / achels Sadulinig medžiagy oiy / Belkoviny / Valk / halamiels Balymy TE TS Sool / Sals / Druskos <0.1g <0.1g <0.25 g <0.25g 10.9g 27.3g 10.9g 27.39 <0.1g <0.25 g <0.19 <0.25g 0.003 g 0.008 g FROM Net volume NATURAL LV1073. LT ENERGY GREN O gvaraninés paulinjios ektb something with jewelery intensyvy fizinj krin Su rules of procedure liquid substances extracts, antiotsiants ceratonijy denva), hapi e scardinés apacoje Lai s Nemaišyi su alahol “Dalsena, Taikesp. ingredients: • Green tea extract • Fruit juice • Caffeine Grynasis kiekis / Neto türis: stariem. Enerjas d 250 ml (8.45fl 0Z) G4UF11C NO PRESERVATIVES -5202 dating in Kaunas, Lithuania. alu) cp SPARKLING 5 900396 020086
