Details of a can - Suntory




  • Japan







ith that trend, BOSS W.E.B. has been L koward to even more market growth tor ling andntemala 読出は投げすてないようご協力ください。 5s that only a|フレンチ&ライトローストで く男のエンターテイメントサイト E87-ヒー●原材料名牛乳、コーヒー、 課価粉乳、 調整クリーム、 カゼインN.、 T 3S.Com Today's hot ma ket for caned shot mar- for canned focused on sugared co- TCent sales SUNTORY H COFFEE Colombia Supsm Mandhe- BOSS COFFEE b 190g●賞味期限缶底下段に記載1slightly sugaredor 販売者サントリーフーズ株式会社ffee. Its recent salke 東京都港区台場2-3-3 WE.B surge points forw 造所因有の記号は缶底上段左に記載to even more mats AEMBRORSLEEEEER to even mone mai3 Torward ●あらせないでください。内容液が膨張orowth to come 容器が破損する場合があります。●破 裂するおそれがありますので、温めるとStep with that bes. きは缶をストーブや直火にかけないでくBOSS W.E.B. ださい。●開缶後はすぐにお飲みください。been added to. コーヒー、ミルクの成分が固まる場合が ありますが、品質には問題ありません。BOSS product 栄養成分(100gあたり) エネルギー19kcal nore market 10 come. In that trend, S W.E.B. has dded to the moduct line. ed mafrom the wordmost co-WORLD EXECUTIVE BLEND ffee- growers. 0tract the e Rlavor Y COFFEE Colombia Kilimionjaro BOSS geine Havor from se superi- or ce beans, French and light-roast methods are empd Moreover, BOSS W.E.B. is committed a dash of sw- EE COFFEE Guatemala Mandheling H スチール igh-qu coffeeeb-quality 1coffee be- , including manjaro, Co- mbia Supremo, W.E.B WOR RLD Jet elegance and EX OUTIVE milky mild- すっきり微糖。 ...0g 炭水化物…3.1g ナトリウム…47mg ans, includ Kilimanjen lombia Sup 2.3gのんだあとはリサイクル Mande BL LZND SHghtly sugared 微糖コーヒーならではの3つぱ Mandheling coffee can wtr and Guste , a Antigua, cted main oative" canned coffee. BELEut.R04R- igua, are sele- mainly from POrld's fore- Ost coffee-bean TS 微糖 【コーヒール) coffe 4 "901777 165045 ★お問い合わせはお客様センター 000120-139-320 the world suga surge poin In st that trend, BOSS W.E.B. has been growers row ers. come. 国際 SUNTORY BOSS BOSS SUNTORY BOSS SUNTORY SUNTOR 開缶前によくふってくださs

ith that trend, BOSS W.E.B. has been L koward to even more market growth tor ling and ntemala Please cooperate not to throw the reading. 5s that only a | French & Light Roast Kuo no Entertainment Site E87-Hee ● Ingredient name Milk, coffee, Milk powder, cream, casein N., T 3S.Com Today's hot ma ket for caned shot mar- for canned focused on sugared co- TCent sales SUNTORY H COFFEE Colombia Supsm Mandhe- BOSS COFFEE b 190g ● Expiration date Described at the bottom of the can bottom 1 lightly sugaredor Seller Suntory Foods Co., Ltd. ffee. Its recent salke 2-3-3 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo WE.B surge points for w The symbol of the cause of the structure is written on the upper left of the bottom of the can to even more mats AEMBRORSLEEEEER to even mone mai3 Torward ● Please do not let me rush. Contents swell orowth to come The container may be damaged. ● Break If you warm it, Step with that bes. Do not put the can on the stove or open flame BOSS W.E.B. Please. ● Please drink immediately after opening the can. been added to. Coffee and milk ingredients may harden Yes, but there is no problem with the quality. BOSS product Nutritional ingredients (per 100g) Energy 19kcal nore market 10 come. In that trend, S W.E.B. has dded to the moduct line. ed mafrom the wordmost co-WORLD EXECUTIVE BLEND ffee- growers. 0tract the e Rlavor Y COFFEE Colombia Kilimionjaro BOSS geine Havor from se superi- or ce beans, French and light-roast methods are empd more, BOSS W.E.B. is committed a dash of sw- EE COFFEE Guatemala Mandheling H steel igh-qu coffeeeb-quality 1coffee be- , including manjaro, Co- mbia Supremo, W.E.B WOR RLD Jet elegance and EX OUTIVE milky mild- Refreshing fine sugar. ... 0g Carbohydrate ... 3.1g Sodium ... 47 mg ans, includ Kilimanjen lombia Sup Recycle after 2.3g Mande BL LZND SHghtly sugared Three-piece coffee unique to fine sugar coffee Mandheling coffee can wtr and Guste , a Antigua, cted main oative "canned coffee. BELE ut.R04R- igua, are sele- mainly from POrld's fore- Ost coffee-bean TS Fine sugar [Coffee) coffe 4 "901777 165045 ★ For inquiries, please contact the Customer Center 000120-139-320 the world suga surge poin In st that trend, BOSS W.E.B. has been growers row ers. come. international SUNTORY BOSS BOSS SUNTORY BOSS SUNTORY SUNTOR Shake well before opening the can s
