Details of a can - Pepsi




  • France







PEPSI SI Nouveauveau goût! 150 ml e OPEPSI-COLA. Boisson gazeuse rafraîchissante aux extraits naturels de végétaux. Cola-Flavoured soft drink Ingrédients: eau gazéifiée. sucre, colorant (caramel E150d). acidifiant (acide phosphorique). arómes (dont extraits naturels de végétaux el de caféine). Ingredients: carbonated waler. Sugar, colour (caramel E150d). acid (phosphoric acid), flavourings (including cafleine). SIV E S SERVIR T RES FRAIS BEST SER VED C HILL ED La qualité de nos produits est une priorité. Pour toute remarque, écrivez-nous, en rappelant les références inscrites sous la boite. Distribué par / Distributed by: PepsiCo France: 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves 92705 Colombes cedex. RCS Nantere 381 511 039. > Avec l'autorisation de / Canned under the aulhority of PepsiCo, inc., Purchase N.Y., USA. RB 00 04 Informations Nutritionnelles par/ Pour plus d'informations: 150ml GDA (2) 265 kJ Nutritlon Information per: 100 ml Valeur énergétique/Energy 3% www.pepsiworld.ft (42 kcal) (62 kcal). ALLO PEPSIG0 Protéines/Protein Glucides/Carbohydrate dont sucres/of which sugars 10,4 g Lipides/fat dont saturés/of which saturates Og Fibres alimentaires/Fibre 0. 10,4 g %% 9 DEPUIS UN POSTE FIXE 0% PRIX APPELLOCAL L00 900 LL80 %0 15,6 g 17 % 0g 0% A consommer de préférence % 0 avant fin: vnir fond. Best 0,01 g <0,1g before end: see base of can. unipos (1) RNJ: Repères Nutritionnels Journaliers pour un adulte avec un apport moyen de 2000 kcal. (2) GDA = Adult's Guidance Daily Amount based on a 2000 kcal diet. 不く子O

PEPSI IF New Calf taste! 150 ml e OPEPSI-COLA. Refreshing soft drink with natural plant extracts. Cola-Flavored soft drink Ingredients: carbonated water. sugar, coloring (caramel E150d). acidifier (phosphoric acid). aromas (including natural plant extracts and caffeine). Ingredients: carbonated waler. Sugar, color (caramel E150d). acid (phosphoric acid), flavors (including caffeine). SIV E S SERVE FRESH BEST SER VED C HILL ED The quality of our products is a priority. For any remark, write to us, recalling the references listed under the box. Distributed by / Distributed by: PepsiCo France: 420, rue d'Estienne d'Orves 92705 Colombes cedex. RCS Nantere 381 511 039. > Courtesy of / Canned under the aulhority of PepsiCo, inc., Purchase N.Y., USA. RB 00 04 Nutritional Information by / For more information: 150ml GDA (2) 265 kJ Nutritlon Information per: 100 ml Energy value / Energy 3% www.pepsiworld.ft (42 kcal) (62 kcal). ALLO PEPSIG0 Protein / Protein Carbohydrates / Carbohydrate of which sugars / of which sugars 10.4 g Lipids / fat of which saturates / of which saturates Og Dietary fiber / Fiber 0. 10.4 g %% 9 FROM A FIXED POSITION 0% CALL PRICE L00 900 LL80% 0 15.6 g 17% 0g 0% To consume preferably % 0 before end: come to the bottom. Best 0.01 g <0.1g before end: see base of can. unipos (1) RNJ: Daily Nutritional Benchmarks for an adult with an average intake of 2000 kcal. (2) GDA = Adult's Guidance Daily Amount based on a 2000 kcal diet. 不 く 子 O
