Details of a can - After Drink


After Drink


  • Brazil






Material: UBEV 69 ml Recovery Drink caramesantes naturais, Ingredlentes icar, sulfato de Seus valores diários podem ser maiores ou menores dependendo de benzoato de sidde potássio, corante Ingredients e ugar, potassium eE a,conservadores sulphate (potasinter, 83, B5, 86, B12, sodium beno asium sorbate and e Bebidas Lt-1-S0o Paulo/SP- AValores Diários com base em uma dieta de 2000 kcal ou 8400 kJ. licence by. KS omercio de Alimentos INFORMAÇÃO MERICIONAL NUTRITIONFACTS Ingredlentes potássio Raste acicar, sulfato de AB3, 85,86-812, C oko,comservadores AFTER ito de potassio, corante izantes naturais. Carameh benzoato de sid PORÇÃO DE 269 ml (1 LATA)** SERVING SIZE 269 ml (1 CAN)** HN GLUTEN QUANTIDADE POR PORÇÃO AMOUNT PER SERVING %VD DAILY VALUE () AFTER Cand Echont.conservatives: S0Olum bensti sorbale and Calanel ral favoring. WIT GLUTEN. Consumir estem eme a Recomendação de Ingest Da ate d embalagem. Géstantes, noti easale (rés) anos, Somente de este produto sob orientach d oita ou médico. Consume thip nde the Daily Value Recommendatine don thecan. Pregnant or breastfed wmetidren up o 3 (three) years old, must ame thi product under Mi ilasleira Re Recovery D Drink® Valor Energético/ Calories 92 kcal 374 kJ Carboidratos/Carbohydrates Sódio/Sodium Potássio / Potassium Vitamina A/ Vitamiņe A Vitamina B3/Vitamine B3 Vitamina B5/Vitamine B5 Vitamina B6 / Vitamine B6 Vitamina B12/ Vitamine B12 Vitamina C/ Vitamine C Vitamina E/Vitamine E 5% 7% 2% (**) 50% 22 g 46 mg 12,5 mg 300 mcg 8,0 mg 2,5 mg 0,65 mg 0,5 mcg 23 mg 5,0 mg 50% 50% 50% Sup Suplemento de 21% Vitami Vitaminas e Minerais 51% 50% Vi Vitamines and Não contém quantídades significativas de protelnas, gorduras totais, gorduras saturadas, gorduras trans e fibra alimentar. Not a signicant source of proteins, total fats, saturates fats, transgenic fats, and alimentary fiber. Fabricado enManufactured and bottled by Reisantes SorOcaba Ltda. Av Coronel Mpa 2828 Sorocabá/SP CNPJ04.2040 PISO icença de/Under Miner Minerals Supplement suas necessidades energéticas. (*) Valores diarios não estabelęcidos *** Porção de referência de 269ml "Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet or 8400kj. Its daily values may be higher or lesser depending on your Senergetic Heeds.(*)Daily values not established. *** Referency.portion of 269ml 269m 269 ml 1ON1.0825 Contém aromatizante. al 169 ml UBEV LB after Recovery Drink UNION BEV A 310 14 A2T 7 "896263"502190 UBEV 69 ml Recovery Drink natural caramels, Ingredients icar, sulphate Your daily values can be higher or lower depending on potassium sidde benzoate, dye Ingredients and ugar, potassium what's up, conservatives sulphate (potasinter, 83, B5, 86, B12, sodium beno asium sorbate and and Beverages Lt-1-S0o Paulo/SP- Daily Values based on a 2000 kcal or 8400 kJ diet. license by. KS food trade MERITATIONAL INFORMATION NUTRITIONFACTS ingredients potassium Sugar rake, sulphate AB3, 85.86-812, C ok, conservatives AFTER potassium ite, dye natural ingredients. carameh sid benzoate PORTION OF 269 ml (1 CAN)** SERVING SIZE 269 ml (1 CAN)** HN GLUTEN AMOUNT PER SERVING AMOUNT PER SERVING %DV DAILY VALUE () AFTER Cand Echont.conservatives: S0Olumbensti sorbale and Calanel ral favoring. WIT GLUTEN. Consume this in the Recommendation from Ingest From to packaging. Pregnant women, noti easale (res) years, Only from this product under eighth or medical adviser. Consume Thip in the Daily Value Recommendatine don thecan. Pregnant or breastfed wmetidren up o 3 (three) years old, must ame thi product under miileira Recovery Recovery D Drink® Energy Value / Calories 92 kcal 374 kJ Carbohydrates/Carbohydrates Sodium/Sodium Potassium / Potassium Vitamin A/ Vitamin A Vitamin B3/Vitamine B3 Vitamin B5/Vitamine B5 Vitamin B6 / Vitamin B6 Vitamin B12/ Vitamin B12 Vitamin C/ Vitamin C Vitamin E/Vitamin E 5% 7% two% (**) 50% 22 g 46mg 12.5 mg 300 mcg 8.0 mg 2.5 mg 0.65mg 0.5 mcg 23 mg 5.0 mg 50% 50% 50% sup Supplement of 21% Vitami Vitamins and Minerals 51% 50% Saw Vitamins and Does not contain significant amounts of protein, total fats, saturated fats, trans fats and dietary fiber. Not a significant source of proteins, total fats, saturates fats, transgenic fats, and alimentary fiber. Manufactured and Manufactured and bottled by Reisantes SorOcaba Ltda. Av Coronel Mpa 2828 Sorocabá/SP CNPJ04.2040 PISO license de/Under Miner Minerals Supplement your energy needs. (*) Daily values not established *** 269ml reference serving "Percent Daily Values are based on 2000 diet calorie or 8400kj. Its daily values may be higher or lesser depending on your Senergetic Heeds.(*)Daily values not established. *** Reference.portion of 269ml 269m 269 ml 1ON1.0825 Contains flavoring. al 169 ml UBEV LB after Recovery Drink UNION BEV A 310 14 A2T 7 "896263"502190
