Details of a can - Oettinger




  • Germany







e 0,51-50cl Net.copt 2,5% obj./vol. V/V (składniki: woda, cukier, dwutlenek węgla kn, Produsin Grm Minimálni ver base de la lata. Elaborada en Alemania. PL Piwo cytrynowye. Składniki: 50% plwo (wo a, slód Str. Parcului, Nr.13, BI. E7, Ap. 1, Cralova emal: ine voda, acidulante: ácido cítrico, aroma natural de limón con otros 458 од]. BG Смесена напитка от бира и лимонада. Състав: 50 naturale di limone associato ad altri aromi a naturali). EOOA, Ten. 00359 2 986 3020, пота България"55, тел. 02 /81881 00. Вносител: Рада ЕО ЕН БИ Лоробо; други естествени ароматизанти). Годно до: виж дыно. Лимонена киселина, естествен ароматизант лимон и бира (вода, ечемичен малц, екстракт хмел) и S0% лимонада (вода, захар, въглероден диоксид, &LIMONATA · BIER & LIMONADE ES Clara · Cerveza con limón. Ingredientes: 50% cerveza flavouring and other natural flavourings). Best before: see beer (water, barley malt, hopsextract) and 50% lemonade GB Shandy. Beer and iemode mix. Ingredients: 50% anidride carbonica, acidificante: acido citio, an Složení: 50% pivo (pitná voda, ječný lad, dn limonády s citrónovou příchutí, syceny Paste Citronensäure, natürliches Zitronen-Aroma martese limonade (Wasser, Zucker, Kohlensäure, Saueng lichen Aromen). Mindestens haltbar bis. Siehe Ooert DE/AT Dier-Li aden-Mischgetränk. Ziukalen S лилiего, Вносител: ,Билла България" ЕООД, 1404 София, бул extrakt), limonáda s citrónovou příchuti 50% gihe chmelový refrescante aromatizada (agua carbonatada, azicar, anterováno. (agua, malta de cebada, extracto de lúpulo), 50% bebida t pilrodni aromas naturales). Consumir preferentemente antes del: CZ Radler. Míchaný nápoj ze světlého vkepita (water, sugar, carbon dioxide, citric acid, natural lemon (Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfenextrakt) und 50% B NADE CERVEZA & LIMONADA BIRRA BEER &LEMONADE BIERE &LIMONAD cukr, oxid uhličitý, kyselina: kyselina citionove ph citrónové aroma s jinými přírodními aromaty. i trvanlivost do: viz dno. Obsah alkohlu 2, 50% bevanda al gusto di limone (acqua, ut purezza tedesca (acqua, malto d'orzo, estetto d ap IT Miscela di birra e bevanda al gusto d In Ingredienti: 50% birra, prodotta secondo la e Conservare in luogo fresco ed asciutto. Da conson Shandy r 50% Bler D% Tihonen- ntren natir. Doenboden. aniho piva a below. citrónové aroma s jinými přírodními arom Marke Original OETTINGER Radler Vyrobeno v Německu. IT Miscela di birra e bevanda al qusto an A lmone. legge di purezza tedesca (acqua, malto d'orzo, estaltn a 50% bevanda al gusto di limone (acua. z anidride carbonica, acidificante: acido cire Былгария" 55, тел. 0278 1881 00. Вносител: Рада ЕO FH би «илarsd АЛК. 2,5 06. %. 0,5 ле Произведено от. preferibilmente entro: vedere fondo, Mon onerdere OETTINGER BRAUEREI GmbH, D-99867 Gotha/ fepmaHwa nell'ambiente. Prodotta in Germania da FR Mélange de bière e limonade. Ingrédete at: 50% Svijetlo Pivo s dodacima. Mješavina svijetlog piva bière (eau, malt d'orge, extrait de holblon et 50% I aromatiziranog osvježavajućeg bezalkoholnog pića s limonade (eau, sucre, gaz carbonique, acidifat e at aci0e citrique, arôme naturel de citron avec autres eh $ ardmes alkohola 2,5% vol. Sastojci: 50% svijetlo pivo (voda, naturels). A consommer de préférence avant k wi or fond ječmeni slad, ekstrakt hmelja), 50% aromatizirano de la boîte. Produit en Allemagne. RO Mix de bere şi limonada. Ingrediente: ere S0 a, šećer,ugljični dioksid, kiselina: limunska kiselina., prirodne malț de orz, extract de hamei) şi limonadă 50% % (apă, zahår, dioxid de carbon, acidifianți: aci ci, aromá naturală de lămâie cu alte arome naturale A se ons Nsuma HR Naziv proizvoda: Oettinger Pivo & Limonada, okusom limuna. Sadržaj: Neto količina 0,50L. Sadržaj Bier-Mischgetränk osvježavajuće bezalkoholno piće s okusom limuna (voda, arome uključujući i aromu limuna. Čuvati na suhom i hladnom mjestu. Najbolje upotrijebiti do: otisnuto na dnu limenke. Zemlja podrijetla: Njemačka. Uvoznik za HR: ADITION Reprezentant: SC Oettinger International Romane 8 a SRL- Proizvođač: AMBALAŽA ZA RECIKLIRANJE OTTO emania OTTO kwas monlada 2s kwas wacy z Wojegiel wwat w nczech. 67 Gothe, jeczmienny, ekstrakt chmielowy) | 50% DOSEN RECYCLING cytrynowy, naturalny cytryna środek ao Innymi naturainymi środkami aromatyzu POVRATNA NAKNADA 0,50 KN BEER MIX Germany/Germania/Németország SUPERIOR GERMAN QUALITY ALU Ie0,51-50cl 500ml· alc. 2,5% vol A &LIMONATA BIER & LIMONADE riginal es Radler キ自/日(到製百異)事響與匯日初 5822G01C 8702O,9807LO 7

and 0.51-50cl Net.copt 2.5% vol./vol. V / V (ingredients: water, sugar, dwutlenek węgla kn, Produsin Grm Minimum ver base de lata. Elaborated in Germany. PL Lemon beer. Ingredients: 50% plwo (wo a, slód Str. Parcului, Nr.13, BI. E7, Ap. 1, Cralova enamel: ine water, acidic: citric acid, natural lemon aroma with others 458 of]. BG Mixed drink of beer and lemonade. Composition: 50 natural lemons associated with other natural aromas). EOOA, Ten. 00359 2 986 3020, pota Bulgaria "55, tel. 02/81881 00. Submitted by: Rada EO EN BI Lorobo; other natural flavorings). Expires: see dyno. Citric acid, natural flavoring lemon and selects (water, barley malt, hop extract) and S0% lemonade (water, sugar, carbon dioxide, & LIMONATA · BEER & LIMONADE ES Clara · Cerveza with lemon. Ingredients: 50% cerveza flavoring and other natural flavorings). Best before: see beer (water, barley malt, hopsextract) and 50% lemonade GB Shandy. Beer and iemode mix. Ingredients: 50% anidride carbonica, acidificante: acido citio, an Composition: 50% beer (drinking water, barley ice, dn lemonade with lemon zest, sychene Paste Lemon juice, natural lemon-aroma martese lemonade (water, sugar, kohlensäure, saueng lichen Aromen). The best can be. See Ooert DE / AT Dier-Li aden-Mischgetränk. Ziukalen S liliego, Importer:, Billa Bulgaria "EOOD, 1404 Sofia, bul extract), lemonade with lemon 50% gihe aromatized hop refreshing (carbonated water, azicar, antennae. (water, onion mortar, onion extract), 50% baby t pilrodni aromas naturales). Consumption preferably before: CZ Radler. The mixed drink boils from a light boil (water, sugar, carbon dioxide, citric acid, natural lemon (Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfenextrakt) and 50% B NADE CERVEZA & LEMONADA BIRRA BEER & LEMONADE BEER & LEMONADE sugar, carbon monoxide, acid: citation acid ph lemon aroma with other natural aromas. and endurance to: viz⁇ bottom. Alcohol content 2, 50% lemon juice (water, ut puree tedesca (acqua, malto d'orzo, estetto d ap IT Miscellaneous beer and food at Gusto d In Ingredients: 50% beer, second hand product Preserve in fresh air and asciutto. To conson Shandy r 50% Blair D% Tihonen- ntren natir. Doenboden. aniho piva a below. lemon flavor with other natural aromas Stamps Original OETTINGER Radler Made in Germany. IT Miscellaneous beer and food at this time A lmone. legge di purezza tedesca (acqua, malto d'orzo, estaltn a 50% lemon juice (acua. Z carbonic anhydride, acidifying: acido cire Bulgaria "55, tel. 0278 1881 00. Submitted by: Rada EO FH bi «Ilarsd ALK. 2.5 06.%. 0.5 le Manufactured by. preferably between: see the fund, My order OETTINGER BRAUEREI GmbH, D-99867 Gotha / fepmaHwa in the environment. Product in Germany yes FR Beer and lemonade mixture. Ingrédete at: 50% Light Beer with additives. A mixture of light beer beer (eau, malt d'orge, hollow extract and 50% I flavored refreshing soft drink with lemonade (water, sugar, carbonated gas, acidified and at aci0e citrique, natural lemon aroma with other eh $ ardmes alcohol 2.5% vol. Ingredients: 50% light beer (water, naturels). A consommer de préférence avant k wi or fond barley malt, hop extract), 50% flavored of the boat. Product in Germany. RO Mix of beer and lemonade. Ingredients: era S0 a, sugar, carbon dioxide, acid: citric acid., Natural malt of rice, ham extract) and lemonade 50%% (water, sugar, carbon dioxide, acidification: aci ci, aroma natural lamâie with high natural aromas A se ons Nsuma HR Product name: Oettinger Beer & Lemonade, lemon flavor. Contents: Net quantity 0.50L. Content Beer mixer drink a refreshing lemon-flavored soft drink (water, aromas including lemon aroma. Store in a dry place and in a cool place. Best used until: printed on the bottom cans. Country of origin: Germany. Importer for HR: ADITION Representative: SC Oettinger International Romane 8 a SRL- Manufacturer: PACKAGING FOR RECYCLING OTTO emania OTTO kwas monlada 2s kwas wacy z Wojegiel wwat w nczech. 67 Gothe, barley, bumblebee extract) 50% DOSEN RECYCLING lemon, natural lemon means ao Other natural aromatics RETURN FEE 0.50 KN BEER MIX Germany / Germany / Németország SUPERIOR GERMAN QUALITY ALU Ie0.51-50cl 500ml · alc. 2.5% vol A & LIMONATA BEER & LEMONADE riginal es Radler 日 自 / 日 (日 製 百 異) 事 響 與 匯 日 初 5822G01C 8702O, 9807LO 7
