Details of a can - Albert Heijn


Albert Heijn


  • Netherlands







colorant (E150b), cafeïne (0,03%), E575, inosital, labtly a osoby citlivé na kofein. A consommer de préférence avant fin: voir Sur 100 ml). Déconseillé aux enfants et aux femmes de référence pour un adulte-type par jour (8400k/ enceintes ou allaitantes, aux personnes ilaamel (E150b), kofein (0,03%), boisson (500 ml) contient 230 kcal. Cet emballage contient 1 portion. Une portion de diabétiques ou sensibles à la caféine. taurine. Teneur élevée en caféine (32 mg/ per serving (500 ml)| per 100 ml gazeuses enrichie en vitamines. Contient de Balene odsch oiu.Jedna porcia nápoja glucose-fructose, acidifianr: acide citrique), thingehalt (32 mg/100 ml). Provincialeweg 11 obalu. Skoda ide. Po otvorení skladujte inot dr iz spodní strana obalu. nutritionnelles /100 ml: Energetická hodnota/ malkoaholický nápoj ochucený. correcteur d'acidité (E331), taurine (0,38 %), arôme, FR ENEHU D.. K. Boisson énergétique SERGY DRINK Ingrédients: eau gazeuse, sucre, sirop de Ch BASIC T MAPOJ S PŘIDANÝMI VITAMINI CZ ENERGET 32 mg/100 ml) - není vhodne po nevhodhé à conserver au frais (max. 7°C). atonov regulátor kyselosti: Bi (,38 %), aroma, barvivo: cironay sode kaustick uti ENERRGY glukurondakap nuitd vitaminy, riboflavin, niacin, Výživové údaje/Výživové údaje/NährwertValeur Kkyselina pante má viamin B6, vitamin B12. Minimahi tre Energia/Energie/Energie: 195 kJ / 46 kcal. Tuky Tuky/Fett/matières grasses: 0 g; z toho, nasycené mastné kyseliny/z toho nasýtené mastné kyseliny/davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/dont acides gras saturés: 0 g; Sacharidy/Sacharidy/Kohlenhyd- rate/glucides: 12 g; z toho cukry/z toho cukryldavon Zucker/dont sucres: 12 g; Vláknina/Vláknina/ Ballaststoffe/fibres alimentaires: 0 g; Bilkoviny/ Bielkoviny/ Eiweiß/protéines: 0,1 g; Sů/Sol/Salz/set Neodpoia a dam ani tehotným a dojčiacim 0,20 g; Riboflavin/Vitamín B2/Vitamin B2Vitamine ženám, Daki woponiča diabetikom a ludom B2: 0,64 mg (46 %*); Niacin/Niacín/Vitamin B3/ Vitamine B3: 7,2 mg (45 %*); Kyselina pantotenovál glukac-udia up, yseina: kyselina citróno- Kyselina pantoténová/Vitamin B5/ Vitamine B5: v,reguátn chany sodné, taurín (0,38 %), 2,4 mg (40 %*); Vitamin B6/Vitamín B6/itamin B6 Vitamine B6: 0,8 mg (57 %*); Vitamin B12Nitamín B12/Vitamin B12/Vitamine B12: 0,4 pg (16 %), *Referenční hodnota příjmu vitamínů a mineralt /Referenčný príjem vitamínov a minerálnych látok / Referenční hodnota příjmu u průměrné dospělé osoby (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)./Referenčný prjem priemerného dospelého (8 400 kJ/2 000 kcal/ Referenzmenge für einen durchschnittlichen Erwachsenen pro Tag (8400 kJ/2000 kcal/Apport de référence pour un adulte-type par jour (8400 Aoateviení skladujte Skladue olad. e pori. Jedna porce nápoje 30 kal. wwwabeta DRINK ENERGETICKÝ NÁPROU Toto belen daki AÝ NÁPOJ / ENERGY DRINK SK ENERGTO NAPOJ. Sýtený nealkaholdi is pridavkom vítamínov. Vysolý ba anu 32 mg/100 ml). citivým m b 1loienie: sýtená voda, cukor, aróma, abi alen (0,03%), glukuro- nolatn, natl anminy vtamín B2, niacín, kyselina ot a viamin B6, vitamín B12. Minimále t o do vid spodná strana v chladnde . (500 m) co www.abodk WK. Kohlensäurehaltiger youtden Vitaminen. Enthält Albert Heijn B.V. DE ENERY Energy Dnid Taurin Enhi Für Kinde w Frauen, Dib Personen ni kohlenskue Glukose-Fad (Citronernsion 0.8幫Aone EST5 Inot Mindest Kühl lagen (max 70 Diese Pac Energy On 2000 kcal). wangere oder stillende oateinempfindliche doklen. Zutaten: Waser, Zucker, Sauerungsmittel ylator (E311), Taurin anh E 150b), Koffein (0,03%). L 83,85, 86, B12) Ender siehe Unterseite. Ofhen gekiühlt lagern 1506 MA Zaandam The Netherlands 500 ml e Bal 230 kcal 46 kcal 975 kJ 195 kJ Porion. Eine Portion enball 230 kcal. 0988 00 500 ml e S4AA07A

colorant (E150b), cafe (0.03%), E575, inosital, labtly and people sensitive to caffeine. The preferred consumer before the end: see Sur 100 ml). Decorated for children and women of reference for an adulte-type by day (8400k / tents or followers, for persons ilaamel (E150b), caffeine (0.03%), boisson (500 ml) containing 230 kcal. This packaging contains 1 portion. A portion of diabetic or sensory in the café. taurine. Coffee potentiator (32 mg / per serving (500 ml) per 100 ml enriched and vitamin drinks. Content of Packed odsch oiu.One portion of drink glucose-fructose, acidic acid: citric acid), thingehalt (32 mg / 100 ml). Provincialeweg 11 packaging. It's a pity. Store after opening inot dr iz underside of the packaging. nutritionnelles / 100 ml: Energy value / flavored small alcoholic beverage. acidity corrector (E331), taurine (0.38%), aroma, FR ENEHU D .. K. Energy-efficient wood SERGY DRINK Ingredients: gaseous water, sugar, syrup of Ch BASIC T MAP WITH ADDED VITAMINI CZ ENERGET 32 mg / 100 ml) - no suitable after inappropriate to eat fresh (max. 7 ° C). Atonic acidity regulator: Bi (.38%), aroma, dye: cironay soda caustic uti ENERRGY glucurondacap nuitd vitamins, riboflavin, niacin, Nutrition information / Nutrition information / NährwertValeur Pante acid has vitamin B6, vitamin B12. Minimahi tre Energy / Energy / Energy: 195 kJ / 46 kcal. Tuky Tuky / Fett / matières grasses: 0 g; of this, saturated fatty acids / of which saturated fatty acids acid / acid-treated fatty acids / not acidic saturated grains: 0 g; Carbohydrates / Carbohydrates / Kohlenhyd- rate / glucides: 12 g; of which sugars / of which sugarsldavon Sugar / sweet sugar: 12 g; Fiber / Fiber / Ballasts / food fibers: 0 g; Bilkoviny / Protein: Eiweiß / protein: 0.1 g; Sů / Sol / Salz / set Neodpoia and ladies neither pregnant nor breastfeeding 0.20 g; Riboflavin / Vitamin B2 / Vitamin B2Vitamine women, Daki woponiča for diabetics and people B2: 0.64 mg (46% *); Niacin / Niacin / Vitamin B3 / Vitamin B3: 7.2 mg (45% *); Pantothenic acid glucac-udia up, yseina: citric acid- Pantothenic acid / Vitamin B5 / Vitamin B5: v, sodium regane, taurine (0.38%), 2.4 mg (40% *); Vitamin B6 / Vitamin B6 / itamin B6 Vitamin B6: 0.8 mg (57% *); Vitamin B12Nitamin B12 / Vitamin B12 / Vitamin B12: 0.4 pg (16%), * Reference value of vitamin and mineral intake / Reference intake of vitamins and minerals / Income reference value for the average adult persons (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal) ./ Reference income of an average adult (8,400 kJ / 2,000 kcal / Reference changes for a cross section Adults per day (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal / Apport of reference for an adulte-type by day (8400 Store the store Warehouse. and pori. One serving of drink 30 cal. wwwabeta DRINK ENERGY INSTRUMENT Toto belen daki WHAT DRINK / ENERGY DRINK SK ENERGTO NAPOJ. Saturated non-alcoholic beverages with the addition of vitamins. Salted bath (32 mg / 100 ml). sensitive m b 1loienie: carbonated water, sugar, aroma, abi alen (0.03%), glucur- nolatn, natl anminy vtamín B2, niacin, ot acid and vitamin B6, vitamin B12. At least the lower side is visible in the cold. (500 m) co www.abodk WK. Carbonic acid content youtden Vitamins. Enter Albert Heijn B.V. DE ENERY Energy Dnid Taurin Enhi Für Kinde w Women, Dib People are not coal skins Glucose fad (Citronernsion 0.8 幫 Aone EST5 Inot Mindest Cool cold (max 70 This Pac Energy On 2000 kcal). wanger or still open-ended doklen. Zutaten: Washer, sugar, Sizing agents ylator (E311), Taurine anh E 150b), Caffeine (0.03%). L 83.85, 86, B12) See below page. Of course, please 1506 MA Zaandam The Netherlands 500 ml e Bal 230 kcal 46 kcal 975 kJ 195 kJ Porion. A portion enball 230 kcal. 0988 00 500 ml e S4AA07A
