Details of a can - Brouczech




  • Czech Republic







since 181 ine /872. 주세법 및 식품위생법에 의한 한글 표시사항 BRAUEREI NOVA PAKA A.G., TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK 수입업소명 및 소재지: 주식회사 에일라코리아 경기도 고양시 일산동구 강송로 7시번길 23,/010 BREWERY NOVA PAKA, CZECH REPUBLIC 유기한 용기 하단 표시일 까지 (일,월,년순) 원재료 및 함량. 정제수, 맥이, 호프 호프추셀를 본재품은 공정거리 위원회 고시 소비자 분쟁 해결 기준에 의거 교환 또는 보상을 받으실 수 경고 지나친 음주는 간경화나 간암을 일으키며, 운전이나 작업 증 사고 발생을을 높입니q 식품유형: 맥주 원산지:체코 제조사: Novapaka 주류수입면허: 128-2-00374 홍량 50oml 알코올도수: 용기 하단 참조 교환 및 반품처: 수입처 및 구입쳐 PIVOVAR NOVÁ PAKA A.S, ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Bro ah is a true traditional beer Brou Czech is a true Iradilionalnal beer BROUCZEOCH BOUCZECH frewed the same since 18 e 1872. way bra bo ad the same way since 1872. VYROBENO A PLNĚNO: GEBRAUT UND ABGEFÜLLT BREWED AND BOTTLED BY: N음명 브로우체코 라거 (BrouCzech Lagel) ר ה ה פאקה ב :מים ,לתת,סוכר, תמה ורה , ית לתת : 0.5 ל צ א ציכיח 2 (031-932-9371) 사용 또는 보존기준: 온도 변화 및 충격 주의 ALU 부정블링 식품신고는 국번없이 1399 Objem/Volume/Inhalt 500ml 19세 미만 판매금지 습 00 VODA, JEČNÉ SLADY, CUKR CHMELOVÉ PRODUKTY, PASTEROVANÉ STÁČENO POD OCHRANNOU ATMOSFÉROU GESCHUTZT DURCH ATMOSPHARE DER PODÁVEJTE CHLAZENĖ. CHRANTE PŘED MRAZEM. GEPFLEGT HOPFEN HOPFENEXTRAKT, PASTEURISERT. KOHLENDIOKID SERVEREN SIE GEKÜHLT. VOR WARME GESCHUTZT LAGERN NUR FÜR GETRANKE URČENO POUZE PRO NÁPOJE OBSAH ALKOHOLU VIZ DNO. MINIMALNÍ TRVANLIVOST DO VIZ DNO. N31J26E

since 181 ine /872. Korean labeling matters according to the Liquor Tax Act and Food Sanitation Act BRAUEREI NOVA PAKA A.G., TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK Import business name and location: Aila Korea Co., Ltd. 23, Gangsong-ro 7sibeon-gil, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do,/010 BREWERY NOVA PAKA, CZECH REPUBLIC Raw materials and content until the date marked on the bottom of the organic container (in the order of day, month, year). Purified water, MACE, Hope Hope Chucell This product cannot be exchanged or compensated in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards announced by the Fair Distance Commission. WARNING Excessive drinking can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer, and increase the risk of driving or occupational accidents. Food Type: Beer Origin: Czech Republic Manufacturer: Novapaka Liquor Import License: 128-2-00374 Red quantity 50oml Alcohol content: See the bottom of the container Exchange and return destination: Importer and place of purchase PIVOVAR NOVÁ PAKA A.S, ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA Bro ah is a true traditional beer Brou Czech is a true Iradilionalnal beer BROUCZEOCH BOUCZECH freshed the same since 18 e 1872. way bra bo ad the same way since 1872. VYROBENO A PLNĚNO: GEBRAUT UND ABGEFÜLLT BREWED AND BOTTLED BY: N note BrouCzech Lagel ר ה פאקה ב : מים , לתת, סוכר, תמה ורה , ית לתת : 0.5 צ א ציכיח 2 (031-932-9371) Usage or storage criteria: Beware of temperature change and impact ALU Illegal bling food report is 1399 without an area code Objem/Volume/Inhalt 500ml Prohibited to sell under the age of 19 00 VODA, JEČNÉ SLADY, CUKR CHMELOVÉ PRODUKTY, PASTEROVANÉ STÁČENO POD OCHRANNOU ATMOSFÉROU GESCHUTZT DURCH ATMOSPHARE DER PODÁVEJTE CHLAZENĖ. CHRANTE PŘED MRAZEM. GEPFLEGT HOPFEN HOPFENEXTRAKT, PASTEURISERT. KOHLENDIOKID SERVEREN SIE GEKÜHLT. VOR WARME GESCHUTZT LAGERN NUR FÜR GETRANKE URČENO POUZE PRO NÁPOJE OBSAH ALKOHOLU VIZ DNO. MINIMALNÍ TRVANLIVOST DO VIZ DNO. N31J26E
