Details of a can - Wanglaoji




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60余年 认准正宗王老 正宗王老吉 独家松 广州王老吉大 业有限公司 广州王老吉大 产业有限公司 委托方:广州王老吉大健康产业有限公司 家我方 180余年 越热越爱拉环中大奖 EENS9R303用信日描權身条形码,进人 E 环上的兑换吗,就有机会中大奖,综 R 地址:广州市南沙区金岭北路93号 产品标准代号:0/GYWLJ 0005 被委托方:韶关市利宝实业有限公司 地址:韶关市曲江区马坝镇转溪李国片 生产企业代码:GL 产地:广东省箱夫有 食品生产许可证编号: 05402 0601 S0 被委托方:广东健力宝集团有限公司 地址:佛山市三水区健力宝南路 生产企业代码:JL 产地: 广东省体山市 食品生产许可证编号: 054406 0801 20 被委托方:珠海朗朗食品有限公司 地址:珠海市金湾区三灶镇春花园1号第T 生产企业代码:ZL 产地: 广东省珠市 食品生产许可证编号: 054404 08601 20 B阳EENE 報金券(共100份); 讓伽动响、娱乐、饮食类电子现金券 二課 4R士 王球的 球 5元-0元面不等的电子礼券(共2亿份)。 L 206年0月31B, 动洋情及兌奖方式清参见 瑞前能 瑞前 Aは 太白砂糖、仙草、鸡蛋花、布渣叶、 新花,全 台银花、夏枯草、甘草 营养成分表 每100毫升 营养素参考值% 2% 0% 0% 3% 0% 143千焦 0克 0克 碳水化台 水化合物 8.4克 0毫克 W 战电 话: 4008003398 阴凉于 干燥处贮有存 保质 期:二年 生产日 日期标于罐底 RC里 蛋白版 S 00 生产全业P企业代码标于罐底し生产许可 广药集团 产业有限公司 广州王老吉大 业有限公司 (R) 广州王老吉大健康 6 "956367 338680 微信 扫 -扫 码 上 有 惊喜 HCK CET COT 5 X HE CO GH-C S 脂 酸 民族品牌 玉土老吉 年,传世一80余年 始创于1828 凉茶植物饮料 s今口星里:310毫升

For more than 60 years, look for authentic kings and elders Authentic Wang Lo Kat Exclusive Pine Guangzhou Wanglaoji Industry Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Wanglaojida Industry Co., Ltd. Client: Guangzhou Wanglaojida Health Industry Co., Ltd. Home our side More than 180 years The hotter the more, the more I love the pull ring to win the jackpot EENS9R303 uses the letter day to trace the right body barcode, enters the person Is the exchange on the E ring a chance to win the jackpot? R Address: No. 93, Jinling North Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou Product standard code: 0/GYWLJ 0005 Entrusted party: Shaoguan Libao Industrial Co., Ltd. Address: Li Guopian, Zhuanxi, Maba Town, Qujiang District, Shaoguan City Manufacturer Code: GL Place of Origin: Box Office, Guangdong Province Food production license number: 05402 0601 S0 Entrusted party: Guangdong Jianlibao Group Co., Ltd. Address: Jianlibao South Road, Sanshui District, Foshan City Manufacturer Code: JL Place of Origin: Tishan City, Guangdong Province Food production license number: 054406 0801 20 Entrusted party: Zhuhai Langlang Food Co., Ltd. Address: No. 1 T, Spring Garden, Sanzao Town, Jinwan District, Zhuhai City Manufacturer Code: ZL Place of Origin: Zhu City, Guangdong Province Food production license number: 054404 08601 20 Byang EENE Coupons (100 copies in total); Electronic cash coupons for entertainment, entertainment and food Second lesson 4R person King of the ball The ball is an electronic gift certificate ranging from RMB 5 to RMB 0 (a total of 200 million copies). L 0/31B, 206 Rui Qianneng Rui Qian Aは Taibai granulated sugar, fairy grass, frangipani, cloth residue leaves, New flowers, all Taiwan silver flower, prunella, licorice Nutrition Nutrient reference value per 100ml% 2% 0% 0% 3% 0% 143 kj 0 grams 0 grams Carbohydrate water compound 8.4g 0 mg W War Telegram: 4008003398 Store in a cool and dry place Shelf life: two years The date of manufacture is marked on the bottom of the tank RC Protein version S 00 The P company code of the whole production industry is marked on the bottom of the tank し production license Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Industry Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Wanglaoji Industry Co., Ltd. (R) Guangzhou Wanglaoji Great Health 6 "956367 338680 WeChat Scan-Scan the QR code, there are surprises HCK CET COT 5 X HE CO GH-C S fatty acid National brand jade soil and old auspicious Years, handed down for more than 80 years Founded in 1828 Herbal tea plant drink sImaguchi: 310ml
