Details of a can - Archibald




  • Canada







..... archibald microbrasserie fnue BLANCHE DE TYPE BELGE LUNCHE E TYPE BELGE uplerteure BELGIAN STYLE WHITE Premium beer Biere supérieure A73ml H73 ml olc./vol 473 ml 4.2% alc./vol. 4,2% olc/Nol Brassée par / Brewed by Archibald microbrasserie 1530, avenue des Affaires, Québec (Québec) G3J 1Y8 Canada Consignée là où la loi le prescrit / Return for refund where applicable QUÉBEC 20 ¢ CONSIGNÉE / REFUND Renselgnements / Consumer Information: 1 877 574-2224 8 8 76976 00012 Bière sur levure pour un service authentique, versez le 2/3 de la blère, agitez doucement et versez le reste dans votre verre. / Beer on yeast for a genuine service, pour 2/3 of the beer, shake gently and pour the rest In your glass

..... archibald microbrewery fnue WHITE OF TYPE BELGIAN Luncheon E TYPE BELGIAN uplertress BELGIAN STYLE WHITE Premium beer Superior beer A73ml H73 ml olc./vol 473 ml 4.2% alc./vol. 4.2% olc / Nol Brewed by / Brewed by Archibald microbrasserie 1530, avenue des Affaires, Quebec (Quebec) G3J 1Y8 Canada Recorded where required by law / Return for refund where applicable QUEBEC 20 ¢ CONSIGNÉE / REFUND Renselgnements / Consumer Information: 1 877 574-2224 8 8 76976 00012 Beer on yeast for an authentic service, pour 2/3 of the wheat, shake gently and pour the rest into your glass. / Beer on yeast for a genuine service, pour 2/3 of the beer, shake gently and pour the rest In your glass
