Details of a can - Koenigsbier




  • France







BIERE.BIER BIERE. BIER CERVEZA. BIRRA CERVEZA. BIRRA БИРА SMPA Koenigsbierler Kcanigsbier Premi Premium Beer Beer Quality Quality 24941203 2%vol. alc. 4,2% vo 50cle 50cle alc. 4,2% vol. O Bière. Ingrédients : Eau, malt d'orge, extrait de houblon. Servir frais. Conservation : À consommer de préférence avant fin / lot : voir sur le fond de la boite. O Bier. Ingrediënten: Water, gerstemout, hopextract. Koel schenken. Bewaring: Ten minste houdbaar tot einde / lotnr.: zie bodem blik. O Cerveza. Ingredientes: Agua, malta de cebada, extracto de lúpulo. Servir frío. Conservación: Consumir preferentemente antes del fin de /N° de lote: ver en el fondo de lata. O Birra. Ingredienti: Acqua, malto d'orzo, estratto di luppolo. Servire fresca. Consigli di conservazione: Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro fine / lotto: vedere sul fondo della lattina. 5upa. CúcTaB: Boga, eveMnYEH MaNy, eKcTpaKT OT XMEN. CepBupanre oxnageHa. Съхранение: Годна за употреба до/партида: виж ДЪното на кутията. FBEO 50cle alc. 4,2% vol. 1,7 alc. unit Per conferma, consulta il regolamento comunale L1188530C MNR 2-3444-NI Brassée et conditionnée en Allemagne par / Gebroduceerd en geconditioneerd in Duitsland door /Fabricada y envasada en Alemania por /Prodotta e conditionata in Germania da / Npow3BegeHa u 6yTunupaHa B TepMaHuA OT: GLN 40026312 pour / voor / para / per / 3a: CMI - TSA 91431 -91343 MASSY Cedex -France. ВО Вносител: КМБ Саmefour Бългалия ЕАД, Адрес: бул. LlapurpagcKO WOce Ne115K, Crpaga 6, eT.6, 1784 Cobua. ON°Cristal 09 69 39 7000 B Tél: 0800/9.10.11 APPEL NON SUCTAKE Centros Comerciales Carrefour S.A. C/ Campezo, 16-28022 MADRID- España. Tel.: 914 908 900 ONumero verde 800-650650 97709 000O 9

BEER.BIER BEER. BEER BEER. BEER BEER. BEER БИРА SMPA Koenigsbierler Kcanigsbier Awards Premium Beer Beer Quality Quality 24941203 2% vol. alc. 4.2% vo 50cle 50cle alc. 4.2% vol. O Beer. Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hop extract. Serve fresh. Storage: To be consumed preferably before the end / batch: see on the bottom of the box. O Bier. Ingredients: Water, gerstemout, hopextract. Koel schenken. Bewaring: Ten minste houdbaar tot einde / lotnr .: zie bodem blik. The Beer. Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hop extract. Serve cold. Storage: Consume preferably before the end of / Batch number: see in the bottom of the can. O Birra. Ingredients: Water, barley malt, hop extract. Serve fresh. Storage tips: To be consumed preferably within end / lot: see on bottom of the can. 5upa. CúcTaB: Boga, eveMnYEH MaNy, eKcTpaKT OT XMEN. CepBupanre oxnageHa. Съхранение: Годна за употреба до / партида: виж ДЪното на кутията. FBEO 50cle alc. 4.2% vol. 1.7 alc. unit For confirmation, consultation the regulation communal L1188530C MNR 2-3444-NI Brewed and packaged in Germany by / Gebroduceerd in geconditioneerd in Duitsland door / Fabricada y envasada in Germany by / Produced and conditioned in Germany by / Npow3BegeHa u 6yTunupaHa B TepMaHuA OT: GLN 40026312 pour / voor / para / per / 3a: CMI - TSA 91431 -91343 MASSY Cedex -France. ВО Вносител: КМБ Саmefour Бългалия ЕАД, Адрес: бул. LlapurpagcKO WOce Ne115K, Crpaga 6, eT.6, 1784 Cobua. ON ° Cristal 09 69 39 7000 B Tel: 0800 / 9.10.11 CALL NOT SUCTAKE Carrefour S.A. Shopping Centers C / Campezo, 16-28022 MADRID- Spain. Tel: 914 908 900 ONE green number 800-650650 97709 000O 9
