Details of a can - Red Bull


Red Bull


  • Azerbaijan






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With Taurine. Vitalizes b adlizes body and mind. arafinden Rauch Trading AG, 9443 Widnqu, Espenstrasse 127, speed improves vigilance improves the ensfion Ingredients: Water, Sucrose, Glucose, Acidily Regu Citrates, Magnesium Carbonate), Carbon Dioide A (Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, B12), Flavourings, Cokun Citric acid, Taurine (0.4%), Caffeine (0.03%, hosh, amins RED BULL Energy Drink (enerji içkisi) - xüsudl Austria,/Red Bull GmbH, 5330 Fuschl am See, Avstriya RED BULL® Energy Drink-especially den periods of increased mental and physical Caffeine content: 32 mg/100 ml. Not recom Protein O g, Carbohydrates 11 g, Fat 0g, Vitamins No for children or pregnant or breast-feeding w Nutrition information per 100 ml: Energy 192 kJ (45 a 8 mg/44% RDA, Pantothenic Acid 2 mg/33% RDA, 86 2 ng olaraq eqli ve fiziki gerginliyin yükseldiyi dön 355 ml 355 ml Poreases pertormance increases concent increimproves vigilance improves the emolio pped for xertions ond reaction d status Serve chilled. Carbonated. stimulates metabolism ammended Women, Sodlum achier (Caramel I, Riboflavin). Protein O g, Carbohydrates 11 Fat 0 g, Vitamins No 100% RDA, B12 2 pg/200% RDA. RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance %3D üçün yaradılmışdır. o aktivliyi arırır • diqqet ve reaksiya sürefini grhır o gyd arhrır emosional veziyyeli yaxşılaşdınır maddelar mib simullaşdınır Kofeinin migdarı: 32 mq/100 ml. Uşaqlara, hami ve uşaq əmizdiren gadınlara tövsiyə edilmir, arkibi: Su, Saxaroza, Qlükoza, Turşuluq Tenzimlayici Natin Sitratlar, Magnezium Karbonah), Karbon Dioksid, Turşuluq liman Tursusu, Taurin (0.4%), Kofein (0.03%), İnosit, Vitaminler Nosin, Pantoten tursusu, B6, B12), Aromatlar, Boya maddaleri Karamel I, Riboflavin). Har 100 ml üçün gida göstericisi: Enerji deyəri 192 k (45 K), Zilal O q, Karbohidrat 11 q, Yağ 0 q, Vitaminler: Niasin 8 mg/44% TOGN, Pantoten turşusu 2 mq/33% TOGN, 6 2 mq/100% TOGN, B12 2 mkg/200% TOGN. TOGN = Tövsiyə Olunan Gündəlik'Normą. froduced at Rauch Trading AG, 9443, Widnau, Espenstrasse 127, Switzerland by Red Bull GmbH, 5330 Fuschl am See, RedB Bull SA A ENERG DIG DRINK %3D Isveçredə istehsal olunub. Distributed by/Distribyutor: Azərbaycan Respublikası resmi distribyutoru Cahan Holding Bakı şehəri, Babak pr. 21/99, Baku city, Azerbaijan Pasteurized/ Pasteriza olunmuşdur. Best before: şee of can / Son İstifada tarixi: bankanın altına baxın base alu bo body and mind. Content/Hecmi: 355ml With Taurine, Vitalizes EAZE 02CHN BLA3KOBC 9037 6504

With Taurine. Vitalizes b adlizes body and mind. arafinden Rauch Trading AG, 9443 Widnqu, Espenstrasse 127, speed improves vigilance improves the ensfion Ingredients: Water, Sucrose, Glucose, Acidily Regu Citrates, Magnesium Carbonate), Carbon Dioide A (Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, B6, B12), Flavourings, Cokun Citric acid, Taurine (0.4%), Caffeine (0.03%, hosh, amines RED BULL Energy Drink - special Austria, / Red Bull GmbH, 5330 Fuschl am See, Austria RED BULL® Energy Drink-especially den periods of increased mental and physical Caffeine content: 32 mg / 100 ml. Not recom Protein O g, Carbohydrates 11 g, Fat 0g, Vitamins No for children or pregnant or breast-feeding w Nutrition information per 100 ml: Energy 192 kJ (45 a 8 mg / 44% RDA, Pantothenic Acid 2 mg / 33% RDA, 86 2 ng as mental and physical stress increases 355 ml 355 ml Poreases pertormance increases concent increimproves vigilance improves the emolio pped for xertions ond reaction d status Serve chilled. Carbonated. stimulates metabolism ammended Women, Sodlum achier (Caramel I, Riboflavin). Protein O g, Carbohydrates 11 Fat 0 g, Vitamins No 100% RDA, B12 2 pg / 200% RDA. RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance % 3D Created for. o arid activity • grhır attention and reaction speed o gyd arhrir emotional veziyyeli improves substances mib is simulated Caffeine content: 32 mg / 100 ml. To the children, guardians and not recommended for breastfeeding women, Ingredients: Water, Sucrose, Glucose, Acid Regulator Natin Citrates, Magnesium Carbonah), Carbon Dioxide, Acid Port Acid, Taurine (0.4%), Caffeine (0.03%), Inositol, Vitamins Nosin, Pantothenic acid, B6, B12), Aromas, Dyes Caramel I, Riboflavin). Food index per 100 ml: Energy value 192 k (45 K), Zilal O q, Carbohydrate 11 q, Fat 0 q, Vitamins: Niacin 8 mg / 44% TOGN, Pantothenic acid 2 mg / 33% TOGN, 6 2 mq / 100% TOGN, B12 2 mkg / 200% TOGN. TOGN = Recommended Daily'Normą. froduced at Rauch Trading AG, 9443, Widnau, Espenstrasse 127, Switzerland by Red Bull GmbH, 5330 Fuschl am See, RedB Bull SA A ENERGY DIG DRINK % 3D Made in Switzerland. Distributed by / Distributor: Official of the Republic of Azerbaijan distributor Cahan Holding Baku city, Babak ave. 21/99, Baku city, Azerbaijan Pasteurized / Pasteurized. Best before: şee of can / Last Use date: of the bank see below base alu bo body and mind. Content / Volume: 355ml With Taurine, Vitalizes EAZE 02CHN BLA3KOBC 9037 6504
