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  • Italy







(10%)-Ahydride carbonique -Extrait de guarana 04 04 %) - Acidificante: acide citrico Justo: 97% excuiendo agua) - Colorante ante: caramelo E 150d- Aromas londelo Mt Mndeslens haltbar bis: siehe unter A consomme mer de prélerence avant: voir fond garanito guaranito www.altromen Bevandaanda analcolica con zucchero anna ed estratto di Guarana Ingredienenti Acqua -Zucchero di canna (10%)- AAudride carbonica-Estratto di guarana 0.4%)-Acidilicante: acido citrico ante: caramello E 150d Aromi natural Toa ldale ingredienti del Commercio S% lescludendo l'acqua) Nell'Amazzonia brasiliana, Ira i fiumi Andira e Marau, cresce spontaneamente il guaranà nativo, una liana che produce frutti rossi, i cui semi sono ricchi di guaranina, una sostanza dalle proprietà slimolanti. In questo ecosistema unico al mondo vivono gli indios Salere Mawé, per molti dei quali il guarand rappresenta l'unica fonte di sussistenz, Guaranito è una bevanda da bere tredda (4-8°C) e si può personalizzare aggiungendo limone, ghiaccio, rum e quant'altro vi suggerisca la vostra fantasia. di canna e guaranito guaranjanito Colorante Equo: 97% (D) Getrinl ank mit rohrzucker und Guaranà Extrakt Zutaten: Wt Wasser-'Rohrzucker (10%) - Kohlensäueure-"Guaraná Extrakt (0,4 %)- Sauerungsmsmillel zitronen säure-Farbstoff: Karpmel ESel E150d - Natuerlich aromen 97% alen sind aus dem Fairen Handel equo e solidale equo e solidale der Zutalen s (Wasser as IF BoisoSSon avec sucre de canne et Per Consorzio Ctm altromercato Soc.Coop Via Crispi, 9- Bolzano - www.altromercatoit Prodotto e confezionato nello stabilimento di Via Otto Mulini, 2- Fidenza (PR) asgenommen). fair trade fair trade extrait de Guaraná con guaraná del Brasile Ingrédients&ents: Eau -'Sucre de canne n0%) - A ydhde carbonique-Extrait de guaran 4 Cuarna 4%) - Acidifiant: acide citrique - Ingrediens t con guarană on guaraná del Brasile el Brasile SERVIZIO QUALITA at caramel E 150d-Aromes naturel. enls lotal de commerce équitable: sans eau) 97% (sarse @atromercato. ottina alluminio Bebida con Azucar de caña y extracto de Guarana (E Behido ext ieles Agua- Azucar de caña(10%) ndo carbonico - 'Extracto de a104 %)- Acidificante: acide citrico ande: caramelo E 150d - Aromas s lolal ingredientes del Comercio % (exchuiendo agua) Ingredentes Anhidndo (alu) guarana (04 Colorante c naturales Tot Jusio: 97% ( ALU 41 Conservare in luogo asciuto e lontano da fonti di calore, (D) Trocken lagern und vor Wärme schützen. (F) Conserver dans un edroit sec et loin de sources de Cod. 347/05 calor. (E) Conservar en lugar seco y lejano de fuentes de calor. 830 ml e 00 marsi preferibilmente entro: vedi ndestens haltbar bis: siehe unter Da consumas fondel Mand REXAM eerenlemente antes de: ver hondo Consum pe 3N11D01A 70768 mercatonre mercate

(10%) - Carbon dioxide - Extract of guarana 04 04%) - Acidifier: citric acid Fair: 97% excluding water) - Suede dye: caramel E 150d- Aromas londelo Mt Mndeslens haltbar bis: siehe unter Consumes sea of preference before: see bottom guaranteed guaranito www.altromen Soft drink with sugar anna and Guarana extract Ingredients Water - Cane sugar (10%) - Carbonic acid - Extract of guarana 0.4%) - Acidilicate: citric acid doors: caramel E 150d Aromas natural Toa ldale ingredients of the Trade S% excluding water) In the Brazilian Amazon, Ira i fiumi Andira and Marau, grow spontaneously the native guarana, a liana that produces red fruits, the seeds of which are rich in guarana, a substance with properties slimolanti. In this unique ecosystem the Salere Indians live in the world Mawé, for many of whom the guarand represents the only source of subsistence, Guaranito is a drink to drink tredda (4-8 ° C) and can be customized adding lemon, ice, rum and whatever else yours suggests fantasy. of cane and guaranito guaranjanito Dye Fair: 97% (D) Getrinl ank mit rohrzucker und Guaranà Extract Zutaten: Wt Wasser-'Rohrzucker (10%) - Kohlensäueure- "Guaraná Extract (0.4%) - Sauerungsmsmillel lemons säure-Farbstoff: Caramel ESel E150d - Natural aroma 97% alen sind aus dem Fairen Handel fair and solidarity fair and solidarity der Zutalen s (Wasser as IF BoisoSSon with cane sugar and For Consorzio Ctm altromercato Soc.Coop Via Crispi, 9- Bolzano - www.altromercatoit Produced and packaged in the factory of Via Otto Mulini, 2- Fidenza (PR) asgenommen). fair trade fair trade extracted from Guarana with guarana of Brazil Ingredients: Water - Cane sugar n0%) - A carbonic ydhde-Extract of guaran 4 Cuarna 4%) - Acidifier: citric acid - Ingrediens t con guarană on guaraná of Brazil and Brazil QUALITY SERVICE at caramel E 150d-Aromas naturel. enls fair trade lotal: without water) 97% (sarse @atromercato. get aluminum Drink with Cane Sugar and Guarana extract (And Behido ext ieles Water- Cane Sugar (10%) ndo carbonico - 'Extract of a104%) - Acidifier: citric acid ande: caramel E 150d - Aromas s lolal Trade ingredients % (draining water) Ingredients Anhidndo (alu) guarana (04 Dye c natural Everything Judgment: 97% ( ALU 41 Store in a dry place and away from heat sources, (D) Trocken lagern und vor Wärme schützen. (F) Store in an edroit dry and far from sources of Cod. 347/05 heat. (E) Store in a dry place and away from heat sources. 830 ml e 00 march preferably within: see ndestens haltbar bis: siehe unter Da consumas fondel Mand REXAM eerenlemente before: see deep Consumption on 3N11D01A 70768 mercatonre markets
