Details of a can - Coca-cola




  • Italy







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Conserva la lattina intatta e chiama subito il n.035.800 VING E *DONA* ORSI VIVI MLO SPIRITO OLIMP CO CON GLI Coca-Cola BIBITA ANALCOOLICA. Ingredienti: acqua, zucchero, anidride carbonica, calorante E 150d, acidificante acido fosforico, aromi, Preparata sn autorizzazione della The Coca-Coia Company dalla società indicata sel coperchio della lattina. Da coneumarst preferibilmente entro la fine: vegi fondo della lattina. INFORMAZIONNUTRIZIONALI PER 100 ml VALORE ENERGETICO: PROTEINE CARBOIDRAT GRASSI torino 2006 Coca-Coaola WORLDWDE OUMPC Rne 44 kcal, 189 kJ 11.1 g i LCocoo-iconalu)) e00-336000 CocaCola Contenuio ALU 41 330 ml tina in alluminio riciclabile, raccogliere separatamente Trova la lattin ina parlantle CAFFEINE FREE Coke in CARTE hntre segnala re sportive. 05.8033.900 echk Rgetras Con PREM PREPAGATE SANPAOLOSpecial Editionre go Cose e senza caffeina Termina il 10/02/06. Leggi il regolamento sul sito REXAM 866 5. 02002 THE COCA-COLA C OMPANY 702074 000677

Keep the can intact and call 035.800 immediately VING E * DONATE * BEARS ALIVE MLO SPIRIT OLIMP CO WITH THE Coca Cola NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK. Ingredients: water, sugar, anhydride carbonic, heating E 150d, acidifying phosphoric acid, flavorings, Prepared sn authorization of the The Coca-Coia Company from the company indicated if the lid of the can. From coneumarst preferably within the end: vegi bottom of the can. NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION FOR 100 ml ENERGY VALUE: PROTEIN CARBOHYDRAT FATS turin 2006 Coca-Coaola WORLDWDE OUMPC Rne 44 kcal, 189 kJ 11.1 g the LCocoo-iconalu)) e00-336000 Coca Cola Containers ALU 41 330 ml recyclable aluminum vat, collect separately Find the can talking to her CAFFEINE FREE Coke in CARDS hntre reports sporting kings. 05.8033.900 echk Rgetras With PREM PREPAY SANPAOLOSpecial Editionre go What's this And without caffeine Ends 02/10/06. Read the regulation on the website REXAM 866 5. 02002 THE COCA-COLA C OMPANY 702074 000677
