Details of a can - Yoga




  • Italy






Yoga MAGIC Yogu bga MAGIAGIC R R ACC PINEAPPEAPPLE 100% SUCCO DI ANANAS FRUIT JUICE JUICE 100% from concentrate mcentrated juice a base di succo concentrato WEETENED NON ZUCCHERATO UNSWEETEN 37 INFO RMAZ ION NUTR IZIONNALL/ NUTRITION INF ORM ATION INFORMAZIONI NUTRIZIONALI/NUTRITION INFORMATION Valori medi per 100 ml/ Average values per 100 ml Energia / Energy 47 kcal (200 kJ)|Grassi / Fat Proteine / Protein Carboidrati / Carbohydrate 11,0 g|Fibre alimentari / Fibre di cui zuccheri/of which sugars 11,0 gISodio / Sodium 0,3 g|dicui saturi/of which saturates 0,0 g 0,5g SUCCO DI ANANAS a base di succo concentrato PINEAPPLE JUICE from concentrated juice Ingredienti: succo di ananas, antiossidante acido L-ascorbico / Ingredients: pineapple juice, antioxidant L-ascorbic acid. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro la data impressa sul fondo / Best before date printed on the bottom Prodotto da /.Packed by: Sede e Stabilimento di Massa Lombarda, (RA) Via Selice km 18,550 - Italy 160 ml

Yoga MAGIC Yogu bga MAGIAGIC R. R. ACC PINEAPPEAPPLE 100% JUICE OF PINEAPPLE FRUIT JUICE JUICE 100% from concentrate mcentrated juice based on concentrated juice WEETENED NOT SUGARED UNSWEETEN 37 INFO RMAZ ION NUTR IZIONNALL / NUTRITION INF ORM ATION NUTRITION INFORMATION / NUTRITION INFORMATION Average values for 100 ml / Average values for 100 ml Energy / Energy 47 kcal (200 kJ) | Fat / Fat Protein / Protein Carbohydrates / Carbohydrate 11.0 g | Dietary fibers / Fibers of which sugars / of which sugars 11,0 gISodio / Sodium 0.3 g | of which saturates 0.0 g 0.5g PINEAPPLE JUICE based on concentrated juice PINEAPPLE JUICE from concentrated juice Ingredients: pineapple juice, L-ascorbic acid antioxidant / Ingredients: pineapple juice, antioxidant L-ascorbic acid. To be consumed preferably by the date imprinted on the bottom / Best before date printed on the bottom Manufactured by /.Packed by: Headquarters and plant in Massa Lombarda, (RA) Via Selice km 18,550 - Italy 160 ml
