Details of a can - Ucc




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無脂乳固形分/3.8% ●乳脂肪分/0.6% N HIS HEAVEN. ALL'S RIGHT W 種類別名称/乳飲料 8/UCC COFFEE 宋養成分表(100gあたり) 量 たんぱく質 質 炭水化物 ナトリウム 45~75mg 熱 45kcal 1.4g 0.7g 8.3g 脂 ユーシーシーコーヒー) 原材料名/砂糖、脱脂粉乳、コーヒー、全 乳,乳糖、乳化剤 ●内容量/250g ●賞 味期限/缶底下段の左側に記載●開缶後 の取扱/開缶後はすぐにお飲みください。 製造所所在地/缶底上段に記号で記載 造者/ユーシーシー上島珈琲株式会社 神戸市中央区多聞通5-1-6 ucc COFFEE COFFEE よくふってお飲みください。 ●開缶後はすぐにお飲みください。 コーヒー、ミルクの成分が固まり、 浮遊·沈殿する場合があり ますが、品質には問題ありません。 ●破裂するおそれがありま すので、あたためる時は、缶のままストーブや直火等 にかけないでください。 ●凍らせないでください。 格液が膨張し、容器が破損する場合があります。(正 防き缶はかならずあき缶入れ等へお入れください。 お客様担当〒650-8577 神戸市中央区港島中町7-7-7 0120-050-183 UCCホームページ Milk&Coffee ステー チH1 UCC: The pioneer maker of the canned liquid coffee in Japan. Come on, and enjoy its original taste. あきかんぱリサイクル ネルフ 制式飲特 広告欄 NE uCC COFFEE アン前劇場版: 05 THE WORLD UCC COFFEE Milk&Coffee EVANGELION Project Blu-ray &DVD 2010.05.26 HE WORLD. ©カラー 4 901201 208676 YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE. 種類別 引飲料 GOD'S IN HIS 引飲料 GOD'S IN HIS HEAVEN, AL

Non-fat milk solids / 3.8% ● Milk fat / 0.6% N HIS HEAVEN. ALL'S RIGHT W Type name / milk drink 8 / UCC COFFEE Song dynasty ingredient list (per 100g) amount protein quality carbohydrates Sodium 45-75mg heat 45kcal 1.4g 0.7g 8.3g Fat UCC Coffee) Ingredient name / sugar, skim milk powder, coffee, all Milk, lactose, emulsifier ● Contents / 250g ● Award Expiration date / listed on the left side of the bottom of the can ● After opening the can Please drink immediately after handling / opening the can. Factory location / symbolized on the top of the bottom of the can Creator / UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. 5-1-6 Tamondori, Chuo-ku, Kobe ucc COFFEE COFFEE Shake well and drink. ● Please drink immediately after opening the can. Coffee and milk ingredients may harden, float and settle However, there is no problem with the quality. ● There is a risk of explosion So, when warming up, leave the can as it is on the stove or open flame. Please do not call. ● Do not freeze. The case liquid may swell and the container may be damaged. (Positive Be sure to put the cans in the open cans. Customer charge 〒650-8577 7-7-7 Minatojima Nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 0120-050-183 UCC homepage Milk & Coffee Stay Ji H1 UCC: The pioneer maker of the canned liquid coffee in Japan. Come on, and enjoy its original taste. Akikanpa Recycling NERV Formal drinking special Advertising space NE uCC COFFEE Theatrical version before Anne: 05 05 THE WORLD UCC COFFEE Milk & Coffee EVANGELION Project Blu-ray & DVD 2010.05.26 HE WORLD. © Color 4 901201 208676 YOU CAN (NOT) ADVANCE. By type Beverage GOD'S IN HIS Beverage GOD'S IN HIS HEAVEN, AL
