Details of a can - Coca-cola




  • Canada







Other cans from same set:

Nutrition Facts Valeur nutritive Per 1 can (355 mL) pour 1 canette (355 mL) Amount Teneur % Dally Value % valeur quotidlenne Calories/Calories 0 Fat / Lipides 0 g Sodium / Sodlum 30 mg 0% 1% Carbohydrate / Glucides 0 g Protein / Protélnes 0.1 g 0% Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fibre, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium or iron. Source négligeable de lipides saturés, lipides trans, cholestérol, fibres, sucres, vitamine vitamine C, calcium et fer. CAFFEINE CONTENT: 34 mg PER 355 mL. TENEUR EN CAFEINE: 34 mg PAR 355 mL. Coke FAL O'MD please recycle yeuillez recycier zero no 5 mL 355 ml, Bottled in Canada Embouteillé au Canada 012-SAC2 CALORIE-FREE COLA / COLA SANS / AVEC AND / ET ACÉSULFAME-POTASSIUM part agez RETURN FOR LÀ OÙ APP Share a with y our Coke Partagez un avec votre zero Brother Frere CALORIE-FREE COLA/COLA SANS CALORIES/WITH/AVEC ASPARTAME AND /ET ACESULFAME-POT Coca-Cola zero MD REALC TASTE. ZERO CALORIES. 一 TOUT LE GOOT DUC - ZÉRO CALORIE. share REAL TAS TE. Z ER O CAL ORIES. TOUT LE GOOT DU . ZÉRO CALORIE. . COCA-COLA LTD./LTEE. TORONTO, ONTARIO M5A 1L1, USED UNDER LICENSE/UTILISEE SOUS LICENCE. O 1-800-438-2653 REXAM 9 06 17124 188 1D 012-4-C95-0314-SAC

Nutrition Facts Nutritional value Per 1 can (355 mL) Per 1 can (355 mL) Amount Content % Dally Value % daily value Calories / Calories 0 Fat / Lipids 0 g Sodium / Sodlum 30 mg 0% 1% Carbohydrate / Carbohydrates 0 g Protein / Proteins 0.1 g 0% Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fiber, sugars, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium or iron. Negligible source of saturated fat, fat trans, cholesterol, fiber, sugars, vitamin vitamin C, calcium and iron. CAFFEINE CONTENT: 34 mg PER 355 mL. CAFEINE CONTENT: 34 mg PER 355 mL. Coke FAL O'MD please recycle please recycier zero no 5 mL 355 ml, Bottled in Canada Bottled in Canada 012-SAC2 CALORIE-FREE COLA / COLA WITHOUT / WITH AND / AND ACESULFAME-POTASSIUM share agez RETURN FOR WHERE APP Share a with y our Coke Share a with your zero Brother Brother CALORIE-FREE COLA / COLA WITHOUT CALORIES / WITH / WITH ASPARTAME AND / ET ACESULFAME-POT Coca Cola zero MD REALC TASTE. ZERO CALORIES. 一 ALL THE GOOT DUKE - ZERO CALORIES. share REAL TAS TE. Z ER O CAL ORIES. ALL THE GOOT OF. ZERO CALORIES. COCA-COLA LTD./LTEE. TORONTO, ONTARIO M5A 1L1, USED UNDER LICENSE / UTILISEE LICENSED. O 1-800-438-2653 REXAM 9 06 17124 188 1D 012-4-C95-0314-SAC
