Details of a can - Pokka




  • Singapore







NET: 8.1 FL.OZ. (240ml) 百佳 牛奶咖啡 Under the licence and the strictest quality control d POKKA CORP. JABAN Milk Coffee 飲品 РОККА DRINK 即開即飲 冷飲熱飲隨意 Lait Cafe Milk ( Coffee e 飲用時請先搖匀 READY TO DRINK HOT OR COLD SHAKE WELL 成份: 水、白糖、咖啡、牛奶 INGREDIENTS: Water, Sugar, Coffeond Mik. 在場底所顯示之日期或之前飲用 USE BY DATE ON BOTTOM OF CAN INGREDIENTS: Eau, Sucre, Cafe, Lait. DRINK 牛奶咖啡飲品 MANUFACTURED BY Pokka Corporation (S) Pte Ltd 39 Quality Rood, Singapore 2261 DISTRIBUTED BY SHNGAPORE: Pokka Corporation (S) Pte Ltd ONG KONG: FOur Seas Mercantile Limited MALAYSIA: Ace Distributors Sdn Bhd Von 205, 46700, P. Jaya, Selangor 8 888196 110428 Recyclable Steel NET CMBS

NET: 8.1 FL.OZ. (240ml) PARKnSHOP Milk coffee Under the licence and the strictest quality control d POKKA CORP. JABAN Milk Coffee Drink РОККА DRINK Ready to drink Cold and hot drinks freely Lait Cafe Milk (Coffee e Shake well before drinking READY TO DRINK HOT OR COLD SHAKE WELL Ingredients: Water, sugar, coffee, milk INGREDIENTS: Water, Sugar, Coffeond Mik. Drink on or before the date shown at the end of the venue USE BY DATE ON BOTTOM OF CAN INGREDIENTS: Eau, Sucre, Cafe, Lait. DRINK Milk coffee drink MANUFACTURED BY Pokka Corporation (S) Pte Ltd 39 Quality Rood, Singapore 2261 DISTRIBUTED BY SHNGAPORE: Pokka Corporation (S) Pte Ltd ONG KONG: FOur Seas Mercantile Limited MALAYSIA: Ace Distributors Sdn Bhd Von 205, 46700, P. Jaya, Selangor 8 888196 110428 Recyclable Steel NET CMBS
