Details of a can - Lotte




  • South Korea







-20ml 고카페인 함유 90mg 커피고형분097% D% TAKE A RELAXING TIMEG TIME Tots Be 吴引 LOTTE 2411公4 온장상태 (50 0~60 CI서 2주)(1월 이상 보관할 경우 내용들이 먼질을 수 입습다 ·캔상충부에 우유 지방분이 상길 수 있의 품질에는 이상이 없으므로 안상하고 단 *어린이, 임산부, 카페인 민감지는 섭취에 주의하여 주시기 비랍니다. •식품의 유형커피·내용량:20인 인스턴트커피브라질 01 %, 트이 정제수, 백설탕,혼합분유 (탈지분유 유청을 네덜란드산) 전지분위우유국산 나트륨,유화제, 합성착향료(커미팅, 으동 기한:밑면 표기일까지·세조원은 위 제 F7로 제품 밑면에 표시·제조원 롯데칠성음료 TAKE A RELAXING TIME 카페타임 CAFETIMIME 모닝커피 MORNING NG FG경기 주시 오포읍 양벌로 20/2 남양산시 복 단길 28,F:대전광역시 대무) 문시로 57,F7H 에이치음료(주쥐경기도 인성시대 양민 농공단자길을 ·판매원:롯데칠성음료㈜ 서울특별시 서 구 서초대로70길 15-보조성합 최사광선을 피해 서늘한 곳에 일지 않도 보 하사고, 가능 후 는 반드시 빙장 보관하시고 리드시기 바랍니다. 용기 변형, 평 창, 손상되었게 내용물이 변질되었을 경을 음용하지 마십시오 용기 손의 우려 OFICIAL SOMOR 있으므금 전 인지 또는 들에 작접 나우 마십시오 개봉 전심하기 들 경우 내 응물이 넘칠 수 있 니다. "본 제품은 조비자를 정해결기준 공정위교사 교환 또는 수있교환장소' 자상담팀(@ 和乳樂0-1472 국임처·부장·불량식품 신고는 국번없이 1399 질소충전 Ban are 3 types let' be caletime. ior'e auldne moralng and let's be calotius h and let'o be caetime americano 3 tyyes let's be caetme, lor's can feel real coffee bean's bal ald maralag nd lor's be cafetimo ad lor's be cafethme mericano There are 3 types let's be caletine lot's be cafetime moralng and lot's be calletine latte and let's be cafetiane americano arvase volume (240ml) enjoylng enengh Let's be cafetizae latte decres and you can feel real coffee boan arems and tasto of amooth ta becaletinne latte increased temto to mako best harmony wlth ok provides. Th Bweet and taste to you There are 3 types let's be r be caletime moralng and) atte and lot's be cale mcresse volume (24 Let's be cafetieme) be cadetioe lstte decreased the Than There are 3 types lats be ld be caletime meralag and la's le ald latte and let's be caletime amele tnste of oth taste, lot's te d lva valune (240anl) onpl La be calothmo la ecrease valume (140a) yg Let's be cafetiose late pa) jeylng enough latte decreased the coffee boan' I the ge nd you caa foel arome and taste of amoe les's ecaletime latte laavesed the ll n to make boot Aden vad l's ypes lot's be auledM alag nd le's he ad e caledme ladte decren mal cole mood ed the gar and you cas arome and teste becaletime latto 17h Aslan Games INCHEON 2014 denta to make o lt provides.) decreased the Peal colfee bes mooth taste,: ensod the mi harmony with There are 3 ty be caletime m latte and let' Inarense volux Let's be cafeti dine late to malu lat prwildes br's be alei marlen amara ecresed t ar nd you dn roma and taste becafetime latt dents to make best no it provides. There are 3 types let's e be cafetiane morning and bet latte and let's befetime acrease voly Let's be c trmony wid ae pes let's be culeth l oraing nd let's be alen nd let's be cafetime amerla wolune (240 ying i be cafet at's ba reaflee betn's och tste, let's mr ad you can Inma tste of mod waletime latte Imer he milk o gar and gar and aroma an becafetime dents to mak se it provide decreased the real coffee bean d fante of mooth taste, let's beeatetimelatte inc sed the milk contents to make best harmony with coflee so it provides. docreased the agar and you can foel aroma semed 1make het harmo itpovides. Let's be ca leavased the gr s becafe k con y with cofeo povides. Let's be cafetbme latte decreased the sugar and you can feel real coffee bean's aroms and taste of be eataime tents to m let's a latte to maha best harmony wth cofen wk provides. Let's be eafetime latte tents so it decre real co on Tee Stte Feel 캔류 Td tte learased the wagar and you can feel al colfee beans Toma and taste of od taste, let's be cafetime latte inc oles bean's arom wd toto W late amooth taste, ahin reased the mlk contents to mal BEBooth taste, let's becafetime Iatte inc mod harmay wh o k provdes La docreased the e's becafe d the millk comtents real coffee bean's aroma and taste of 롯데칠성음료㈜ smooth taste, let's becafetime latte ine reased the milk contents to make best maed te reased the milk contents to make best harmony with coffee so it provides. 알미늄 y with coffee so it p 40ml고카페인 함유 90mg 커피고형문 UH arod the ngea real coffee bean's aroma and taste of amooth taste, let's becafetiome latte la

-20ml High caffeine content 90mg coffee solids 097% D% TAKE A RELAXING TIMEG TIME Tots Be 吴引 LOTTE 2411 Public4 Warm condition (2 weeks at 50 0~60 CI) (January) If stored longer, the contents may become dusty. ・Milk fat may be damaged on the canned part. There is no problem with the quality, so it is safe and sweet *Children, pregnant women, and sensitive to caffeine Please be careful with your intake. Type of food Coffee・Contents: 20 people Instant coffee Brazil 01%, tee Purified water, white sugar, mixed milk powder (skim milk powder, whey) Made in the Netherlands) Whole-whole milk domestically Sodium, emulsifier, synthetic flavoring (committing, udon Deadline: Until the date marked on the bottom Mark on the bottom of the product with F7 Manufacturer Lotte Chilsung Beverage TAKE A RELAXING TIME cafe time CAFETIMIME morning coffee MORNING NG 20/2 Yangbeol-ro, Opo-eup, Juju-si, Gyeonggi-do 28, Bokdan-gil, Namyangsan-si, F: Daemu, Daejeon) 57, Munshiro, F7H H Beverage Yangmin Agricultural Industrial Complex Road Salesperson: Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co., Ltd. 15, Seocho-daero 70-gil, Seo-gu, Seoul Avoid the sun's rays and do not stand in a cool place Hasago, if possible, be sure to Store on ice and lead time wish. container deformation, flat window, damaged contents Don't drink sutras that have changed DO NOT CARE OF HANDS OFICIAL SOMOR Because it is already known or Don't let me go in the field If you are unwilling to open my Condensation may overflow. "copy The product is the standard for fixing Jovija FTC teacher exchange or Can exchange place' Self-consultation team (@ 和乳樂0-1472 The Ministry of National Affairs, the head of the department, and the report of defective food 1399 Nitrogen filling without area code Ban are 3 types let' be caletime. ior'e auldne moralng and let's be calotius h and let'o be caetime americano 3 tyyes let's be caetme, lor's can feel real coffee bean's bal ald maralag nd lor's be cafetimo ad lor's be cafethme mericano There are 3 types let's be caletine lot's be cafetime moralng and lot's be calletine latte and let's be cafetiane americano arvase volume (240ml) enjoylng enengh Let's be cafetizae latte decres and you can feel real coffee boan arems and tasto of amooth ta becaletinne latte increased temto to mako best harmony wlth ok provides. Th Bweet and taste to you There are 3 types let's be r be caletime moralng and) atte and lot's be cale mcresse volume (24 Let's be cafetieme) be cadetioe lstte decreased the Than There are 3 types lats be ld be caletime meralag and la's le ald latte and let's be caletime amele tnst of oth taste, lot's te d lva valune (240anl) onpl La be calothmo la ecrease valume (140a) yg Let's be cafetiose late pa) jeylng enough latte decreased the coffee boan' I the ge nd you caa foel aroma and taste of amoe les's ecaletime latte laavesed the ll n to make boot Aden vad l's ypes lot's be auledM alag nd le's he ad e caledme ladte decren mal cole mood ed the gar and you cas armor and teste becaletime latto 17h Aslan Games INCHEON 2014 denta to make o lt provides.) decreased the Peal colfee bes mood taste,: ensod the mi harmony with There are 3 ty be caletime m latte and let' Inarense volux Let's be cafeti dine late to malu lat prwildes br's be alei marlen amara crested t ar nd you dn roma and taste becafetime latt dents to make best no it provides. There are 3 types let's e be cafetian morning and bet latte and let's befetime acrease voly Let's be c trmony wid ae pes let's be culeth l oraing nd let's be alen nd let's be cafetime amerla wolune (240 ying) i be cafe at's ba reaflee betn's och tste, let's mr ad you can Inma test of mod waletime latte Imer he milk o gar and gar and aroma an becafetime dents to make se it provide decreased the real coffee bean d fante of Mooth taste, let's beeatetimelatte inc sed the milk contents to make best harmony with coflee so it provides. docreased the agar and you can foel aroma semed 1make het harmo itpovids. Let's be ca left the gr s becafe k con y with cofeo povids. Let's be cafetbme latte decreased the sugar and you can feel real coffee bean's aromas and taste of be eataime tents to m let's a latte to maha best harmony wth cofen wk provides. Let's be coffeetime latte tents so it decre real co on Tee Stte Feel cans Td tte learned the wagar and you can feel al colfee beans Toma and taste of od taste, let's be cafetime latte inc oles bean's arom wd toto W late amooth taste, ahin read the mlk contents to mal BEBooth taste, let's becafetime Iatte inc mod harmay wh o k provdes La docreased the e's becafe d the millk contents real coffee bean's aroma and taste of Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co., Ltd. smooth taste, let's becafetime latte ine read the milk contents to make best maed te read the milk contents to make best harmony with coffee so it provides. aluminum y with coffee so it p 40ml High Caffeine Containing 90mg Coffee Solid Moon UH arod the ngea real coffee bean's aroma and taste of amooth taste, let's becafetiome latte la
