Details of a can - Pepsi




  • China







“德罗巴 料格迪元 2225444 百事可乐 陆, 进入精彩足球嘉年华, 即刻体验全新足球互动, 更有球星限量版惊喜大奖! 萌選之德罗巴 NETO ET CONTENT:330 ml 质量安全 可乐型汽水净含量:330計 m里 FEB PEPSI 配料:水、白砂糖、果葡糖浆、食品添加剂 (二氧化碳、焦糖色、磷酸、咖啡因、食用香精) 百事公司许可天津百事可乐饮料有限公司制造|项目每100毫升参考麵 产地:天津经济技术开发区 营养成分表 厂名:天津百事可乐饮料有限公司 地址:天津经济技术开发区睦宁路60号 电话:(022) 66200188 生产日期(批号)标于罐底 保质期十八个月 产品标准号:GB/T 10792 食品生产许可证编号: QS1216 0601 0031 食品卫生许可证编号:津卫食证字(2005)第120000-开S00016号 避免阳光直晒及高温储存 能量 177千焦 2% 蛋白质 脂肪 碳水化合物11.3克 4% 12毫克1% 6 925788 301269 %0 30 %0 40 D7 の 但子重早

"Drogba Gedi Yuan 2225444 Pepsi Lu, enter the wonderful football carnival, Experience the new football interaction immediately, There is also a limited edition surprise prize for stars! Adorable Drogba NETO ET CONTENT: 330 ml Quality and Safety Coke-type soda net content: 330 meters m li FEB PEPSI Ingredients: water, white sugar, fructose syrup, food additives (Carbon dioxide, caramel color, phosphoric acid, caffeine, food flavor) PepsiCo licensed Tianjin Pepsi-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. to manufacture | Project reference surface per 100ml Place of Origin: Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Nutrition Factory Name: Tianjin Pepsi-Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. Address: No. 60, Muning Road, Tianjin Economic and Technological Development Zone Phone: (022) 66200188 The production date (batch number) is marked on the bottom of the tank. The shelf life is 18 months. Product standard number: GB/T 10792 Food production license number: QS1216 0601 0031 Food Hygiene License Number: Jinwei Food Certificate (2005) No. 120000-Open S00016 Avoid direct sunlight and high temperature storage Energy 177 kJ 2% protein Fat Carbohydrates 11.3g 4% 12 mg 1% 6 925788 301269 %0 30 %0 40 D7 の But Zi Zhongzao
