Details of a can - Tsingtao




  • China







祝福 酒 INAS WELL-KNOWN SINCE 1903 TSINGTARO 金龍獻瑞 1903 aty hops ng ber 生产许可 OMCP 品质上乘的啤酒 花和优成黄大表麦 芽用于 造,泡 未洁自细BC. RLR未 纯正。青岛啤酒, 让您感受 真正啤酒的味道! C净含量:330ml 西 88 OC D CIDE 原料:水、麦芽、大米、啤酒花。 原麦汁浓度:11P 执行标准:GB 4927 保质期: 365天 质量等级:优级 食品生产许可证编号: QS3702 1503 0186 生产日期(批号)见罐底喷码 产地:山东省青岛市 过度饮酒,有害健康 服务电话:4006800899、8008600899 最适保存温度5C-25'℃最适饮用温度8'℃-15'℃ 生产商:青岛啤酒股份有限公司 地址:青岛市市北区登州路56号 wwW.TSINGTAO.COM.CN 酒精度:>4.3%vol 检验合格 6901035"609265 SFEE FEE TRADEMA IDE CHINACS WE 青岛啤酒创始于1903年,百年来 不断创造辉煌传承经 典。“青岛”牌 商标,早 于1991年 在首届a中国驰名 商标”消 费者评选 活动中荣 获“中国驰名商 标”称 号。酿酒 专家采 用传统的 生产工 苦,精选

Blessing wine INAS WELL-KNOWN SINCE 1903 TSINGTARO Golden Dragon Xianrui 1903 aty hops ng ber Production license OMCP High-quality hops and Youcheng yellow big table malt are used for manufacturing, so that the foam is not cleaned and self-fine BC. RLR is not pure. Tsingtao Beer, let you feel the taste of real beer! C net content: 330ml West 88 OC D CIDE Raw materials: water, malt, rice, hops. Original wort concentration: 11P Executive standard: GB 4927 Shelf life: 365 days Quality level: excellent Food production license number: QS3702 1503 0186 See the code on the bottom of the tank for the production date (batch number) Place of Origin: Qingdao City, Shandong Province Excessive drinking is harmful to health Service Hotline: 4006800899, 8008600899 Optimum storage temperature 5C-25'℃ Optimum drinking temperature 8'℃-15'℃ Manufacturer: Tsingtao Brewery Co., Ltd. Address: No.56 Dengzhou Road, Shibei District, Qingdao wwW.TSINGTAO.COM.CN Alcohol:>4.3%vol Qualified 6901035"609265 SFEE FEE TRADEMA IDE CHINACS WE Tsingtao Brewery was founded in 1903, and has continuously created brilliant inheritance classics for a hundred years. "Qingdao" brand Trademark, as early as 1991, was honored in the first “China Well-known Trademark” Consumer Selection Activity Won the title of "China Famous Trademark". Winemaking experts use traditional production methods, carefully selected
