Details of a can - Angry Birds


Angry Birds


  • Austria







BOISSON RAERAICHISSANTE BEBIDA REERESCANTE BIBITA DISSETANTE SOF SOFT DRINK RED REXAM SOFT DRINK A56376C ANGRY BIRDS 250mle Kohlensãurehaltiges Erfrischungsgetränk mit Fruchtsaft und Aromen. Pasteurisiert. Zutaten: Wasser, Zucker, Kohlensäure, Apfelsaft aus Konzentrat (2%), Säuerungsmittel Zitronensäure, Karamelzuckersirup, fär- ROV O bende Fruchtkonzentrate (schwarze Johannisbeere, Karotte), Štabilisatoren (Gummi Arabicum, E445), Pfirsich- und Tropenfrucht-Aroma. Boisson rafraîchissante gazéifiée aux jus de pomme et arômes de pêche. Pas- ANGRY BIRDST O 2009-2014 teurisée. Ingrédients: Eau, sucre, acide carbonique, jus de pomme à base de concentré (2%), acídifiant acide Rovio Entertainment Ltd. citrique, sirupe de sucre de caramel, concentrées colorant (groseille noire, carotte), stabilisants (gomme ara- All rights reserved. bique, E445), arômes de pêche et des fruits tropiques. Bibita dissetante gassata al succo di mele e aroma di pesca. Pastorizzata. Ingredienti: Acqua, zucchero, acido carbonico, succo di mele a base di concentrato (2%), acidificatore acido citrico, sciroppo di zucchero caramellato, concentrato colorante (ribes nero, carota), sta- Mindestens haltbar bis siehe Boden. bilizzatori (gomma arabica, E445), aromi di pesca e di frutti tropicali. • Bebida refrescante gaseosa de zumo de manzana y aroma de melocotón. Pasteurizada. Ingredientes: Agua, azúcar, dióxido de carbono, zumo Produit en Autriche, Da cosumare Produziert in Osterreich A consom- mer de préférence avantin voir fond de manzana a base de concentrado (2%), acidulante ácido cítrico, sirope de caramelo, concentrados colorante preferibilmente entro il: ved londa (grosella negra, zanahoria), estabilizantes (goma arábiga, E445), aromas de melocotón y fruta tropical. Energiewert/valeur énérgétiquevalore energetico/energía (100ml): 176kJ (41.5kcal), Eiweiss/protéines/prote- rentemente antes de: veja ababo Ine/proteinas: Og, Kohlenhydrate/glucides/carboidrati/carbohidratos: 10.3g, Fettlipides/grassi/grasas: 0g. Prodotto in Austria. Consum prefe- Fabricado en Austria Soft drink with apple juice, peach tropical fruit Flavors. G epe Novabida GmbH 5020 Salzburg, Austria E69082kELO72

REINFORCING DRINK RESERVANT DRINK THIRSTY DRINKING SOF SOFT DRINK RED REXAM SOFT DRINK A56376C ANGRY BIRDS 250mle Kohlensãurehaltiges Erfrischungsgetränk mit Fruchtsaft und Aromen. Pasteurized. Columns: Wasser, Zucker, Kohlensäure, Apfelsaft aus Konzentrat (2%), Säuerungsmittel Zitronensäure, Karamelzuckersirup, fär- ROV O band Fruchtkonzentrate (schwarze Johannisbeere, Karotte), Štabilisatoren (Gummi Arabicum, E445), Pfirsich- and Tropenfrucht-Aroma. Sparkling soft drink with apple juice and peach aromas. Pas- ANGRY BIRDST O 2009-2014 theorized. Ingredients: Water, sugar, carbonic acid, apple juice concentrate (2%), acid acidifier Rovio Entertainment Ltd. citrus, caramel sugar syrup, coloring concentrates (black currant, carrot), stabilizers (gum ara- All rights reserved. bique, E445), peach and tropical fruit aromas. Carbonated thirst quencher with apple juice and aroma fishing. Pastorized. Ingredients: Water, sugar, carbonic acid, apple juice concentrate (2%), citric acid acidifier, caramelized sugar syrup, coloring concentrate (black currant, carrot), sta- Mindestens haltbar bis siehe Boden. balers (gum arabic, E445), peach and tropical fruit aromas. • Soft drink soda of apple and peach aroma. Pasteurized. Ingredients: Water, sugar, carbon dioxide, juice Produit in Austria, Da cosumare Produced in Osterreich Consum- sea preferably avantin see bottom apple-based concentrate (2%), citric acid acidulant, caramel syrup, coloring concentrates preferably within il: ved londa (black currant, carrot), stabilizers (gum arabic, E445), aromas of peach and tropical fruit. Energiewert / value energy energy value / energy (100ml): 176kJ (41.5kcal), Eiweiss / protein / protein- before: see below Ine / protein: Og, Kohlenhydrate / carbohydrates / carbohydrates / carbohydrates: 10.3g, Fettlipides / fats / fats: 0g. Made in Austria. Preferential consumption Made in Austria Soft drink with apple juice, peach tropical fruit Flavors. G epe Novabida GmbH 5020 Salzburg, Austria E69082kELO72
