Details of a can - Beck S


Beck S


  • Romania







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CAUTA CODUL SUB CHEIȚĂ CAUTĂ CODUL SUB C EITA CALITAIE BECK'S RESPECTA LEGEA GERMANA DIN 1516 A PURITATII BERII BECK S RADEMARK ВВЕСК5 BEER TIONAL WAROGO UNITED STATES CENTENMIAL 1876 ALU PHIA 1876 VGERMAN Alc. 5% Vol. 50 d 50 cl Alc.5 Alc. 5% Vol. 50 cl BECK& CO Intra in aventura vieții tale și descopera locuri la care pană acum doar te gåndeai. Trimite 4 coduri de sub oricare 4 cheite promoționale de Beck's prin SMS la 1893 sau inscrie-le pe şi poți castiga o mini tabletä pe zi sau una din cele 4 experiențe de neuitat.** Pot participa la promoție doar persoanele care au implinit 18 ani pană la data de 7 iulie 2013. Perioada promoției este 8 îulie- 29 august 2013. Numărul total de premii: 57, in valoare totalä estimativä de 45.250 euro. * Tarif standard in rețelele mobile. ** Detalii in regulamentul promoției disponibil gratuit pe sau la Infoline 021.599.1893 (număr cu tarif normal, în toate rețelele naționale de telefonie). Interval orar 09:00-18:00 (de luni până vineri). BREMEN, GERMANIA de BERGENBIER S.A. Bd. Dimitrie Pompei nr. 9-9A, Sector 2, București. Ingrediente: apă, malt din orz, hamei. A se pastra la loc uscat și rece. Beck's garantează calitatea unui produs, fabricat intotdeauna conform standardelor. BERE BIER - BEER BIERE Alc. 5% Vol. E.P. 11.2 P 50cl Bere blondă superioară pasteurizată, produsă sub licență BRAUEREI BECK GmbH & Co KG, Consumă Beck's cu moderatie. A se consuma de preferintă inainte de data inscrisa pe baza cutiei. BRAUERE 5 942070 000175 > BRAUERE R1UF12A BREM BREME BREMEN 1 TERSEATION BECK EXHIBITION

LOOK FOR THE CODE UNDER THE KEY SEARCH FOR CODE UNDER C EITA BECK'S QUALITY RESPECT GERMAN LAW FROM 1516 THE PURITY OF BEER BECK S RADEMARK ВВЕСК5 BEER TIONAL WAROGO UNITED STATES CENTENMIAL 1876 ALU PHIA 1876 VGERMAN Alc. 5% Vol. 50 d 50 cl Alc.5 Alc. 5% Vol. 50 cl BECK & CO Enter the adventure of your life and discover places that until now you were just thinking about. Send 4 codes under any 4 promotional keys of SMS's by SMS to 1893 or write them on and you can win one mini tablet a day or one of the 4 unforgettable experiences. ** Only people who have turned 18 by July 7, 2013 can participate in the promotion. The promotion period is July 8 - August 29, 2013. Total number of prizes: 57, in a total estimated value of 45,250 euros. * Standard rate in mobile networks. ** Details in the promotion regulations available free of charge on or at Infoline 021.599.1893 (number with normal tariff, in all national telephone networks). Time interval 09: 00-18: 00 (from Monday to Friday). BREMEN, GERMANY by BERGENBIER S.A. Bd. Dimitrie Pompei no. 9-9A, Sector 2, Bucharest. Ingredients: water, barley malt, hops. Store in a cool, dry place. Beck's guarantees the quality of a product, always manufactured to standards. BEER BEER - BEER BEER Alc. 5% Vol. E.P. 11.2 P 50cl Pasteurized superior blond beer, produced under license from BRAUEREI BECK GmbH & Co KG, Consume Beck's in moderation. Preferably consumed before the date inscribed on the base of the box. waist 5 942070 000175> waist R1UF12A BREM BREME BREMEN 1 TERSEATION BECK EXHIBITION
