Details of a can - Suntory




  • Japan







BREWED & FILLED AT SUNTORY BREWE HISUNTORY BREWERY BREWED & FILLED AT SUNTORY BREWERY あき缶はリサイクルへ SUNTORY ВEER ITORY EER SUNTORY BEER ちきゅ MALT TS MALTS ない あき缶はすてないよう ご協力ください。 モルツ M Smoth Draft Beer ts and Choice Hops モルツ MALT'S is a Rich and Smooth Draft Beer made from Selected Malts and Choice Hops MALT'S is a Rich and Smooth Draft Ber 粒選り麦芽 100% 10% 粒選り麦芽 100% 非熱処理 三ビール 非熱処理 ビール 飲酒は20歳を 過ぎてから。 4915 2180 短選り麦芽、アロマホップ、地下清流水だけで醸造した 自然の恵みのピールです。 ●原材料麦芽、木ッ7● アルコー ル分約5% ●サントコ|株式会社 大阪市光区堂島浜I I丁目一|四O 制衣造所固有記号利表造年月句 ロ 人a号t6 示

BREWED & FILLED AT SUNTORY BREWE HISUNTORY BREWERY BREWED & FILLED AT SUNTORY BREWERY Open cans for recycling SUNTORY ВEER ITORY EER SUNTORY BEER Chikyu MALT TS MALTS No Don't let the empty cans go away Please cooperate. Malts M Smoth Draft Beer ts and Choice Hops Malts MALT'S is a Rich and Smooth Draft Beer made from Selected Malts and Choice Hops MALT'S is a Rich and Smooth Draft Ber Grain selection malt 100% Ten% Grain selection malt 100% Non-heat treated three beers Non-heated beer Drinking is 20 years old After that. 4915 2180 Brewed only with short-selected malt, aroma hops, and clear underground water It is a peel of the blessings of nature. ● Raw materials Malt, wood 7 ● Alcor content about 5% ● Santoco | Dojimahama, Ko-ku, Osaka I I 1-chome | 4 O Unique symbol of the clothing factory
