Details of a can - Cardinal




  • Switzerland







• SPEZIALBIER HELL SPEZIALBIER HELL BIRRA SPECI DA CONSUMARSI PREFERIBILMENTE/VEDERE SOTTO MINDESTENS HALTBAR BIS/SIEHE UNTEN CONSERVATION IDEALE/VOIR DESSOUS BIRRA GORA GLONDE 1788 1788 CCARDINAL R® CARDINAL MAL SPECIAL SPECIAL BEER SPEZIALBIER BEER HELL PEZIALBIER 33 d 33 cl e 11.5 fl.0zoZ/IMP IL VETR O NELL AMBIENTE PECIALE Contient/Enthalt: 5,2 % Vol. AIkohol BIERE SPECI RRA SPEC 773H CHIARA Bière fine brassée avec des malts d'orge et des houblons de qualité supérieure. 7616 2145 Dieses feine Spezialbier ist aus bestem Gerstenmalz und edelstem Hopfen gebraut. This high quality beer is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops. SPE CHIARA Brewed in Switzerland by Cardinal Fribourg

• SPECIAL BEER HELL SPECIAL BEER HELL BIRRA SPECI DA CONSUMARSI PREFERIBILMENTE / VEDERE SOTTO AT LEAST DURABLE BIS / SIEHE BELOW IDEAL CONSERVATION / VOIR DESSOUS BIRRA GORA GLONDE 1788 1788 CCARDINAL R® CARDINAL MAL SPECIAL SPECIAL BEER SPECIAL BEER BEER HELL PEZIALBIER 33 d 33 cl e 11.5 fl.0zoZ / IMP THE VETR O NELL AMBIENT PECIAL Content: 5.2% Vol. Alcohol BEER SPECI RRA SPEC 773H CHIARA Fine beer brewed with malt males and superior quality hobbles. 7616 2145 This fine specialty beer is destined Barley malt and noblest hops brewed. This high quality beer is brewed with the finest barley malts and hops. SPE CHIARA Brewed in Switzerland by Cardinal Friborg
